A Comrade
A Comrade
Author: Anggin Kenari

I'm bored with myself! I want to die ! " he shouted while crying and closed the door with a slam.ln that dark stuffy room he threw himself onto a bed full of bedbugs.

There was a deep voice speaking to him. A voice only he could hear. No one could. The old bookcase in the middle of the room rattled before the sound filled his ear cavities.

"When you are bored with yourself you can fly anywhere. Be a cleric, criminal, being desperate person or do nothing."

"Should I let myself give up  and become an eternal loser? Even in  one last breath that I took unconsciously but slowly reached the death?""

Then he heard nothing.He tried to hear something from the rattling bookcase .Nomore now ...

" Alvano !" A woman ' s voice called him loudly .Ohs ! Was he dreaming ? He rubbed his eyes and shortly washed his face by the tap water .It's fresh now then he opened the door to meet her .


Dear Sir,

I am Primrose  the daughter of your old staff Basque, I hope you still remember even I know you have quite a lot of staffs, so  it's possibly  if you don't remember anyone about your previous staff.

We both now in our hometown, but I think about coming back to the capital city  if there's a job for me. I know that your field business is related to english, teaching and translations. I wonder if... I mean that do you have any vacancy that fit me? I am 20 years old, I'm interested in typing translation, l can do some computer and some secretarial works . It's fine for me if you have post as junior secretary or any relevant work at the level.

Thank you for your time and attention.

I am looking forward to  from you soon.

          .                Your truly ,




The woman started to get bored being among the businessmen group.During an hour or two she thought it was quite fun to mingle talking about the company.But a minute ago she fed up.She walked to the table with samovar on it , pouring herself a glass of tea then drank it in one gulp. Her habit had been known so well by her companions.A few men were just swapping some faint smile before moving their chairs nearer to the balcony where ones could see outside the world.  

" Well , Mrs Simmer,look at me.The clear sky makes me look handsome, aren't l ?"

Before she reacted anything,Alvano came in rush and said in a powerful tone ." Don't accept Primrose .She just want to cheat and took a higher position.She can do it ...".

Everyone was just sighed in knowing why he said that but they refrained to react.

"Misty Simmer "!

An old man called her complete name from the entrance lounge  .Then he came in with confidence, where everyone tried talked to him there .All of them was just made him confused.Which one he should respond first?.But not even a second he got a chance to think ,the last man made everyone else shut their mouth .This last speaker was the Director of Finance.

" Mrs Simmer,You know miss Primrose, private secretary of Mr Brovsky ? She is too..."

Mrs Simmer started to comprehend the situation she encountered.Before  the man finished his statement,she brusquely " I am the only female here ,who has power in this company.. right? Therefore,l start to demand something impossible here" .

She was smiling in  satisfaction with what she has just said .Cause it made all of them silent.Then she went on,

" Well,stop mocking me .No woman want to replace my post here ,even after 2025 ! 

All the males there were silent and felt guilty but none  apologized.They thought one of them will do kinda surrogacy.The woman who apologized then .It astonished them .She said ,"Sorry ,l made this talk fall in to  triviality."

Then she left the room.

The phone rang .The piles of paper works was more abundant than usual .

Alvano ' eyes fell on a paper with slanting little handwriting.He knew it's not ethical to read anything on a desk which was not his .But who cares ! His curiosity or just wanting to change the atmosphere,he just left the room full of his companions ..

He briefly read .

" When there are many things we want to say, strangely at the very moment we can not talk even about a single matter.

TC ,l try to stand on my own feet

with all the limited things left l own . Little investment in life and big ambition.

Change the topic.Now l blame myself when I repudiated your request to meet here .Why didn't l just just you to come ? 

You don't know the reason and if you do you will pity me .Or hating him .

How l wish you are here !"

No name there ..who was TC ? He put the paper again at the previous spot he took it .He was intrigued to have more paper and just a to do it when Mrs Simmer steps in .He thought she gonna burst into a rage knowing him stay there ,but nothing like that happened. Even with cold smile she merely asked , " You need to talk to me ?" 

Alvano bite his lower lip and forced a smile .

" Sorry if l m bothering you " .

He hoped she didn't see him reading the paper on the desk . 


Mrs Simmer started the awkward talk .

" I bet you wanna talk to me about Primrose."

Alvano was stammering.

Without any full intention to talk about it,she went on .

" Why do you detest   her so much ?"

Still he didn't respond.He felt like a school student who was caught up doing something so bad at the class hour and summoned to be questioned at the principal room.

He did not know either, what made him so confrontational when Primrose sending the application letter for a job there .

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