
She can't take her eyes of the man .Ah ! Each time it happens ,she forget the fact  that ugly things are everywhere in the world.There are violence, crimes, injustice,hunger , betrayal..and so so .

His eyes are sea_ blue ,manly ,shady ,strong mouth curve and chin ! Gosh..look impresses a lot ! She drops her eyes to stop the temptation.But she can't stand it. It's perhaps instinctive ..well ..

This time she feels she gonna fainted when that man also looks at her through the edge of the napkin that the waiter set for him. The way he  look at her is sharp and intense.Then a faint smile curves in his mouth .

She pretends to be normal.Just smiles back and nods politely.Then brusquely moves to the corner where an old lady needs help  to get 

her falling spectacles.When the waiter passes her , she murmurs,

" Do you know the person with the white stripe grey shirt ,wearing a metal necklace revealing one third of his manly hairy chest ?"

The waiter search with his eyes .

" Him ?".

" Yes " .

The waiter laughs in a low voice .

" Why.. Gee ..He is Rick Mellow..a songster .He comes here quite a lot.Having brunch or something.".

" He drives me crazy..but don't tell him .." .he smiles.

After  a while she says," Can you make him able to talk a bit with me ?" .

" Hhh...make him comes to you, Miss?" .

" Yes " 

" I will try ...please wait and don't show too  enthusiastic ".

''Ok ..go for me please... before he leaves" .

Fifteen minutes passed.The waiter was nowhere to see.And Mr Handsome?She has nomore time to stay.So with a sigh of dismay she  stood up and grabbed her handbag after putting some bills on the tray .She was just ready to go when someone approached her.His sleeve almost attached to her arms.

She turned her head ..There he was ! Well built man with pale brown hair.

" Hello" ,he said .

" Hello" .

" I am Rick Mellow".

" I am Primrose.Glad to meet you ".

A clumsy moments beetween them , before she smiled and said ,

"Excuse me,l should go now .I will thank the waiter enabling us to talk a bit .It's a great pleasure to meet an admirable songster like you " .

" You go now ? Such in a hurry?"

" Yeah ..l have been waiting for you quite a time " .

" I am sorry .." 

" It's ok ..bye now and thanks " .

" Wait ,can we meet some other time?''

Yes ! That's what she waited for! A man like him must be chased by many admirers and that will make him fed up.Meeting a person who just want to say hello and leave must be a challenge for him .

Primrose showed her doubt if she could meet him again or not ,buying time a bit by clutching her hand to the edge of the table as if she got headache or something,Rick asked ,

" Are you ok ? " .

" Ya I'm fine ..well..some other time , see you".

" Can you come here again tonight after 9?" 

"Let's see.. After 6 maybe l can .After 9 is too late for me   ".

" Owh ok .. let's find other fixed time ."

Worried if  he changed his mind , Primrose finally said , she took her name card but hesitantly she handed it to him .

Rick took it and read the name briefly before he put it into his pocket.

" May l have yours?" Primrose asked him sweetly .

" Oh..ya ..sure .." 

" May l ask you something,Rick ?"

" Yeah,what ?"

" Mm.. how does it feel to be a famous songster and successful like you?".

He smiled and thought a bit before answering .Then he said ," First ,it's great but awful . Secondly ,the same answer".

Primrose laughed softly in hearing the respond .

" Your voice is delicate and pleasant ". She said , without adding that she liked it.Only the flash glittering in her eyes told him that she liked it quite much.

Then they separated at the  cafe entrance ,waving hands before heading out.

At the other corner of the resto ,Alvano was watching her.He clenched his fist.

The 15 minutes spent by the waiter to make Rick talked to Primrose was the time he reported something to him .

How can the company trust a person like her ? 

He wouldn't care if she was flirting with Rick or not but it's strange act to treat a famous person like that ! 

Making him come to her and having an appointment under his request.. lt's unbelievable for most of people but for him ,it's unacceptable!  

He ordered another cup of coffee then giving some money to the waiter who bent deeply and thanked him many times.

" I can give you more if you can inform me what they talk about..if they meet again here can pretend to serve them while hearing they talk ..right ? ".

The waiter just nodded .Even he was doubt if he can do it or not .But Alvano was one of the costumer since a year ago.He did not want to disappoint him .

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