
Alvano looked at the name list .There were too many of them for him to remember.None impressed him except Ashby.He was the person ! With a smirk on his face ,he tried to think about the man as much as he could.A wealthy family.Educated .Good looking .Lobelia .Allright ..that girl !

He remembered a room for optional classes.That kinda smile and deep voice must his key to the girl's hearts..! That sincere , sweet and half smile was that unique.Enough to steal any female dreams, maybe even Mrs Simmer? Mmh ..this would be a danger ..but ..well .. what is life ,if everything is just allright! Well ok's a game to play !


Time to kill for Ashby at his room with lots of old books which he loves , some hadn't been read .It's mixed with new ones that he bought from the small shops which in rows along the streets sides.Someone wrote him a letter.

He put the piece among the old book pages .Not really a letter .But sort of unloading the feeling.

" Waking up in the morning.You there.My Ashby .Mr Handyman.Mr Handsome.Mr Smile.Mr Love.Mr Past .l want to kill you,sir ..Get out of my mind! The feeling l have for you made me die .

I will write a book about the sweetness and pain when we met a few years ago.

When I broke up my nasty marriage..lm bored now .Even l never get tired of thinking about him as the one l love. .

What should I say ? Everything is gone.l wish l had wings to fly !

The french coffee or great museums in Turkey..

Or wherever.. sunny morning rays fall on the green fields.. clean flat street in the city .. broad main roads and and people in the mantles and long coats .."

He wouldn't let himself respond.As time for him to get going.

" Excuse me,do you have any luggage, sir?".

" O yes.l think more than the allowed weight. I can pay for that right? " .Then he paid for the overweight load before walking forward and giving ways to the people behind him.

He put his passport into his jacket pocket after the airport inspection was completed. The Sausia jet will take off in 10 minutes.After having

his seat ,he saw outside the windows and felt a bit nervous when he was thinking about the airplane .He glanced at    those  tall, black-eyed flight attendants who were  pacing around taking care of things. Some of their beauty were quite startling.Then some others  looked frozen.. stiff ..or cold, huh? There are people who see their jobs as only a way to earn ...not to be socialize ..huh .

This month he won't be able to rest.Some cities and villages will be days for him to visit and work on .

Africa ,farheast Asia Dhahran..

Dubai ..and some other places. Venesia  ..Nevada ..Kent .. Vienna..

" Excuse me sir ,your seatbelt, please" the attendant politely  warned him and  distracted his mind."Oh ",he said and briefly he locked his seatbelt.The noisy sound of the flight machine started to fill in the air .It's readiness to take off reminded him suddenly of some seclusion and wistfulness ..Then Saussia Airlines began to roar  a few thousand height feet .It will take long hours to reach Riyadh .He fell asleep not long after having some brown bread ,coffee and  apple.At the time he arrives in a state he should go shopping for a bit souvenirs and postcards.They waited for his news about the beauty and unique things in every countries he was in.

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