
Rayland opened the paper till it covered half of his body then browsing all over the news on it .Is it true that people prefer bad and nasty news rather than the opposite? Lobelia was still at the time of meditation ,he should wait a bit more  before he got much time to kill in  chatting with her .His eyes looked from one column to another.War news , technology development and so so . He wondered,What is left for the powerless and poor people ..If the power and the rich got a machine to swallow the  land and anything inside ..? 

Welfare and  fund   are such nice words ..But look at the kids in wars ..When they say 

it to anyone who try to give a help...even a little help only !

Can we embrace the tiny ones from bombing which cracked their home and school ?

Can we wipe their tears and touch their endless sadness of loss and  deep wound they feel ?Great Peace be upon  you..


Yes , you're right see the morning sun? Get away from the stressful news which ambush everyone room by the medias..but can we ? 

Each time has its own challenge.At that era,helicopters were a wonder product..now talk of spaceship to moon or journey to Mars...that days going overseas was taking time  and months..now hours or minutes by air flight..then  phone was an amazing  communication techno.. after that  phone with cameras and vc was amazing...now your phones are your secretaries..well and but.Anyway ,don't make techno as pagan my friends..

Lobelia straights up her shoulders and back,crossing legged then listening to the meditation music ,she closes her eyes ,putting her both hand on her lap..inhaling deep breath ,keeping it inside then exhaling it slowly through her sweet mouth.." Dear Lord...flow positive energy inside me..this positive energy will work endlessly to cleanse my heart from negativity..heal...my pain and heart trouble as anger,revenge ,hatred ,

jealousy , envy , and  any other negativity physically and  phycologically. .let all positiveness flow in me...love.. powerful energy..strength..sense of giving

..enduring..Dear God ,now l'm healed,happy inside outside,wealthy ,physically and  phycologically ..

Thank You ...my Lord.."

Then she sat  quiet still for long moments ,feeling peace.  ..

Maybe peace is there..even in the worst life carrier,the worst chooser of life virtues..maybe there are  values better than other ,that is in good people always.The Divine bless the universe.. And blessing to elements ethers of all..universe connect. .to the billions of human nerves...thinking telepathy...

She  opens her eyes...feeling missing of the beloved ones..dead or alive is sweet torture..her mom..her late dad .Opening her eyes and gaining her full awareness, she remembered Rayland who was patiently waiting for her to discuss something.

She went to the small kitchen,

boiling water for coffee and  eating some bread while  spreading some margarine on it .ahh..time still available before bathing and ready to work..

Now they got the time to chat .. "Hey there ..how are things? Are you alright? Ah..its nice ...if ..."

She forget all "ifs" then trying to fiend some more words freshener. 

" I am ok ..hey ..You will never be happy and accept things if still too much ifs...better go on, move on and  let things out in surrendering..."

She excused herself for a while and took her cellphone again whilst opening the window and seeing how people on the road moving with the vehicles or they who walk along the way on foot.. .

They move for something .

'Wide and winding road',she hums.. the carol of Paul McCartney..Mind blowing and flowing .

"Exactly, technology is made from elements already found in nature, by human mind which is a miracle of The Divine, so  don't see technology as bigger than Him". suddenly she said the things that often disturbed her mind.

"Absolutely dear ,but what ashamed,fact is ,that's what have been going on...human produce things , they worship it till they bow to people with cars and diamonds then for countries managers and board directors ..they fear of killing machine producers,kneel on their knees , see them as gods..its all about neo paganism..agree ?"

"Yes dear, He is , people don't believe this fully and endanger their faith by chasing money money and power by the way ,l heard that Ashby is now in Africa ..or something like that ..he said something about Sierra Leone ".

"Oh sorry ,l like the name"Sierra Leone "is it a name of mountain  or what ? same state ?''

Thank you Benz, Good Morning ..Yep,that is the most ancient .."

"Who is Benz "?

" A pal ..he just gave me a cigar.then 

Go on ..where are we ?  " .

"Some fools  want to ignore anything  inside human as the worthy brain . and soul ..wanna be number one till come a desire

to kill anybody as rival..like Khobil to Habil."

"Wow...as nice as its name, but the story is such a tragedy..Maybe..but aren't we thinking too much about something more than the essential matter ..?"

"Nothing is injurious to physical and mental health, right?Wow yes sir,it is...All  has limitless qualities that soooo interesting ..see the creations,learn about them, as you can not think of other, just see the  creation.. admire all again  ... that's what we said "

"Exactly, it's important ...l remember all the things my dad told me ..till every parent should do the messages to their children about it" " About...ya ..ya ..sure , stories are always important for kids ..by the way ,how are your little brothers doing ? I like Vlady ...ya ..l shall find a gift for him .."

"Yess of course..but don't bother yourself .. it's  true..kids need stories for their souls ".

"All l can  tell is His Supreme Qualities ..it  is within  all the matter around  to be researched ..not only parents then school teachers also have to convey the message.. they  should not only giving scores..."

"True again,but pityfully,for a stupid suppressing gigantic system that bind everything, all in the process of young generation in their pathway to their adulthood .. hopefully the better one will be  in the round next  power ..haha .. Right?".

" Ya true ..by the way are you free after 5 today ? "

" I will be free at 4 .Wanna go hanging out with me?".

" You bet.We can meet at the public park near the stadium..is it ok for you?"

" Yeah ..no problem..".

" See you around, Lobelia ".

" See you soon Rayland."

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