All Chapters of A Comrade: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
125 chapters
A Comedy
Don't leave the arena if you want to win ,that arena is hope and pray "Rayland heard a voice message.Then some unclear words , like a poem or criticism to the system.After that he knew it's a starting for a youth discussion program . Ones need to unload anything burden inside .To be heard as well as to express things as freedom of speech and part of solidarity.Poems , theatre, short story or any other type of expressing ideas have been kept as the youth media program by Ashby who got his enthusiastic helpers as Rayland .He tucked an unlighted cigarette and paid attention to a young man in casual shirt ." l take distance from heart of hell named greed,arroganceAlone in stony idea of hard headedness to accept the truth and newness..While ..Let everything goes the way it is , I will stop complaining about these Angry FearCynical minds .."'Let the lovers be cheatersLet your business go up and down then even down down downSee everything , watch them as the proud ones w
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The Volunteers
" My name is Alidia. I was raised in an area which is Mountainous, a small village in south Kalkenna.I left home when I was 18 to study general nursing in London, which I completed well in the year , and then completed my paediatric nursing after that.I travelled to Yordan to work and when I was there I moved to Egypt , then l spent a few years in some parts of Latin America.A few years later moved back to my state in and since then I have been working in the paediatric ward in University Hospital Walterferdy."I heard you have recently been awarded your master’s degree in nursing from Walterferdy Institute of Technology. Are you married ? "" Yes ,l have three children."Then she told the team about a beautiful story from Argentina, school children who chanted every morning," l will be che Guevara" . A martyr who fight for the right and died at young age in the hand of an army who chased him and killed him brutally just to impress the world that he was killed in a battle which
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The Jeep
Lupine began to open the grand opening of the new social workers members formation.Tigtened her rubber shoes ,she got up ,"Hi everyone ..good morning..A quick thought to share here. It's very important to choose your words carefully when everyone ' s eyes on you but gain your confidence first !Some people are liked as being free to speak bombastically but it doesn't guarantee your listeners to keep your message as a good theme to recall or follow , while the solid collocation and and the strong cohesion of your speech are the real deals to help improve the chance to communicate with people.Happy listening!A woman walked forward,a little note tucked in her fingers." Hi fellows ,just wanted to introduce myself, l am Hivana , Im 20 and was having an existential crisis until I realised it was the perfect time to start my lifelong dream of being a social worker.A bit of background of me had a childhood passion for know ledge , Extremely crazy on anything ,any subjects at school
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Popeye The Sailor Man
How warm the morning sun on a young day ."You pushed into this country to write about who? president Avango? " Ashby asked while sucking on his cigar deeply.l approached and answered lightly, " I spent time to visit 33 countries, to search for this ', l took one cigar out of his box .True,l never saw this handsome man without any expression on his face.but he was dumbfounded and blank for a second.Now he looks curious even remained and stay calm, which is his main characteristic, calm.I let him be curious. He doesn't know. I'm not interested in practical politics but my interest is in business that I can connect between countries. Or anything about money slits opportunity and connections" Actually you are a writer, looking for film making ideas, entrepreneur or broker ,anyway? Is your father a capitalist? " I shook my head and swing some paper to cool down as it was hot.Sure it's not all true and l wonder if he was smart enough to know that some part of the answers were lie
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A Burnt Bridge
Have a little fun, young are a young journalist huh?" To him , the woman in the boots, talked while continuing things of her routine work without stopping her job previously, check and recheck the long list of names of prison inmates who keep going back and forth.The young man who was called journalist by the woman did not answer, his hands gripped the bars and his eyes kept watching the woman who was ,without turning around asking," How old are you, young man ? "" 27. Why do you keep on calling me young man ? I don't think you are younger than l " *Ashby still held the manuscript while talking on phone ,"I'm on the way ...ya. What did you say ? Wait ..l heard about the prison condition..well , l will see myself after finish some matters here "" Truth speaks without a tongue, while falsehood goes around with a hundred drums. Therefore, those who listen with their souls can hear the truth. Those who look with their heart can see. " I am sure you agree with that""Rayla
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No...Not Again !
My father? No , my fiance.He ' s a Franko Italiano and a bit Jews he said ,so smart , speak 4 languages, business, various fields ''. He almost fell off the glass he was holding." Who are you actually?" Suspiciously,showing it apparently on purpose I guessed ,but still in a relax and friendly way .I was avoiding his look ,the eyes which the shape and lights enable me me to forget what l must and am doing ." Why do you often avoid my questions ? " That made me smile .I don't want to confront you , l whispered at heart . I avoid your eyes more than your question.. sure l did not tell him that .He surely didn't know either. Special person would not realize their own suavity all the time . They were few blokes who kept their sense of affinity and deep understanding in humanity meaning and universal affection.All of sudden the strong wind blew came till the door opened .l was shocked, thinking there was someone came without notice .But Ashby looked just calm as usual.
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Ladies Of Hell
Labyrine smiled.Sincerely she was staring at Costeau who looked exhausted,and he returned the look from his transparent glasses like an affectionate father to his daughter." Shall we go now ..l will introduce you to my wife" ,paid all the stuff of Labyrine choices even she refused it but he insisted on." Ok , Co, this time is fine ,but not other time '' he laughed and suddenly murmured a name " Reve" " Who ? " He closed the baggage," forget it " Soft wind stroke her face .A forgotten memory flashed for a second in her mind.A faint classical music was flowing from somewhere, making her almost yawning and falling asleep.Ah ! Was she a lazy person ? Hope for an apple to fall itself from the shaking tree branches. She remembered a face , a smile , and shady eyes . Gosh , let the canary perch there and showed its cheerful round eyes ...Why Costeau looked so tired ? " Ya..Reve told me that you are here , Laby " " What he told you? ""He ' s here for a week.. he said that you hate
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A Room Without Window
Avalon smiled yelled and applauded, Alvano smirked when Nefariz and Hampton carry out their performance.A mini saga " Better Telling The Truth ''In a city, lived a Catholic preacher.Everyone knew his kindness and generosity to the poor people.On one Friday, coincidentally there were two starving workers passed by.Both of them also had heard about the preacher kindness." We won't get it here ' said one of the two." If the Kindhearted preacher knows that we aren't catholic,so l will say that l am a Catholic ' " Say whatever you wish .But l will tell the truth ' said the other.Not long after that,they arrived at the preacher house and knocked the door.The preacher opened the door and as usual he inquiries some questions.One of the worker said he was a Catholic and the other one said he was not .The preacher told him to wait. Then he came back with two plates in his hands .In one of the plate there was grilled chicken while in the other one a small place of rice.To the one who sai
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A Ruthless Family
Greene was a young man with dignity .He was not easy to receive any financial help even he was so limited in the field. '' joined the youth club not for alm and fund ..l just love to share my ideas and observation about condition of our surrounding "He was going to tell them what he had ever experienced...One dry day when he met a stranger.. He pointed out " the man " as third party, which eventually himself ." Sorry,l am shocking you.But .. could l greet and shake your hand ? "The man was unmoved for a while,huskily asked " Who are you? "" Oh ..l am an ex nurse volunteer and now l am unemployed as l am one of the victim of human trafficking " " l am also a servant of a ruthless wealthy familywhat have they done to you?"" l am ashamed to tell you.. maybe some.other time"" Well , we can forget the bitter past for a while .You have freedom to be yourself anyway now , right?"'' Yes , unemployment also almost as bad as living without it "'' I got a doorless hut made of dry bam
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Black Sky
Around the big wooden table , Max ,Greene , Nefariz,Lobelia ,were having breakfast while discuss things relevant to the youth club."Raining for a while but then the sun came out after .I still think about the word marriage.Reading a good book and l wondered whether l just can marry a book " " Lots of people nowadays marry with strange stuff ..thinking and ideas free "" What made you think that way ? " " Having relationship make us having quarrels a lot ...tiring and risky "" Hahaha ... you're funny but l bet many people will agree "In the kitchen my hand was sliced with a knife earlier. The seasoning container fell broken and the food in the frying pan was burnt. Suddenly I remembered superstitions about premonitions...I'm afraid I believe that any time what the old people say is true ,they told me something bad will happen starting with a sign of bad luck like what had happened just now."" Bad luck is part of everyone lifespan "" Sometimes the elders tell us thing
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