All Chapters of HEIR from the STREET: Chapter 111
- Chapter 120
138 chapters
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
"I THINK HE is going to be a problem," Maxim's gruff voice said quietly into the phone. "No, I am not making things up." He snarled, "I've seen the way he looks at me. We need to take Giovanni Orsatti out of the equation." There was some mumbling from the other end of the phone and Maxim listened attentively for almost a minute. He took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair before saying, "Okay. I've heard you, Uncle. I'll wait to see if he leaves town, if he does, I'll let him be. But if he doesn't… he'll have to die." He paused and listened, nodding and making sounds of affirmation. "And what of the lady, Nicole?" He asked. His face got red as he listened and slammed his fist into the wall. "What do you mean that you can't be involved with that? She double-crossed me. Messed with my head!" He heard the front door open and the light shuffling steps of Antonio. "I will call you back," he muttered and ended the call. He snapped the phone close and dipped it into his pocket
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
NICOLE SPED ON the I-60 highway. She was shaking with shock and disbelief at what she just heard from Maxim. Yes, she had always known that he was ruthless…but not to that level. He seemed and sounded like a completely different person like he had lost his mind in the search for power and revenge. And now he was involving her parents in his grand evil scheme. She pressed on the gas even harder. She was almost nearing the intersection that either led to the Residential side of town or out and to the area where the police headquarters were. She was deciding on whether she should head over to the Stone mansion to make a copy of the recorded tape in her glove compartment or she should head directly to the national police district headquarters. She knew that almost all the cops in New Jersey are under the Orsatti – and therefore, Maxim's – payroll. She would not know who to trust. Even the National police, she was going to go straight to the Marshall. To someone who was not looking fo
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
JON RAN HIS hands along the smooth edge of his large oak table. Lucas had left the office just the way it was. He swiveled in his chair and turned around to face the full glass window. As he stared out, a funny thought about whether the glass was bulletproof stuck in his mind and he chuckled and muttered to himself, "Of course, it's bulletproof, Jonathan." He stood up and looked around.He hadn't been here since the day of his father's assassination. Things had been moving too fast even for him to catch up. He was watching a live coverage of an accident that occurred on the I-60 highway. He shook his head, it was bound to happen sooner than later. He always said that people often oversped on that highway. He turned as the door opened and Oliver came in, "Welcome back, sir," he bowed. Jon nodded, "What have I missed here? How's this place holding up?" Oliver came and dropped a stack of papers on the table. Jon took one glance at it and groaned, "I thought wearied on doing this via em
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
ALL THE WAY to the hospital, Jon's mind kept on imagining the worst-case scenario. The V12 engine in this car suddenly did not feel fast enough as he sped along the road, overtaking cars recklessly. He screeched to a stop in the parking lot, beside a large ambulance. He ran into the emergency room, stopping a nurse, "I'm here for Nicole Bishop. I am Jonathan Stone." The nurse gave him a sympathetic look and said, "The head nurse will be with you shortly, sir." "Can't you tell me anything? Will she live?" Jon pressed. The nurse rubbed his arm and shook her head, "I can not say anything for now, sir." She said, "Just take a seat. I will bring you a cup of hot chocolate. It helps to ease the stress, and my boss will be with you shortly." She led Jon to a vinyl chair and gave him a small nod before hurrying away. Jon hung his head down and felt hot tears press against his eyes. He clamped his eyes shut, refusing to cry in public. He felt a shadow fall across him and looked up to see
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
HEADS TURNED AT the loud, guttural sound as Jon's car sped down the street. His phone rang as he swerved into a street, he tapped at a screen on his dashboard. The phone was connected to the car. Lucas's voice came through the speaker, "How's it going, Jonathan?" He asked. "I've left the hospital," Jon replied. "Is she going to be alright?" Lucas asked."Yeah, the doctors said she'll help fine," Jon said. Lucas sighed in relief, "That's good to hear. I'll speak with you when you get back home.""Wait… there's one more thing," Jon said. "Yeah?""She said something," Jon pressed his horn at some people crossing the road. "She said it wasn't an accident." "What do you mean?" Lucas asked. A second later, it dawned on him, "Someone was responsible?" Jon made a sound from his throat in agreement. "Did she say who?" Lucas asked. Jon made that same sound. "Who?""Maxim Ivanov!" Jon spat the name out. His tires screeched as he swerved into another street and accelerated. "Oh God!" Lu
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
"DAMN, MAXIM. Did you get run over by a truck?" Antonio asked. Maxim snorted and brushed past him. He looked around, the toen wallpaper and untidy corridor had been fixed. "I like what you've done with the place," Maxim muttered. "You should see the music room now," Antonio said, "I would have taken you there but it looks like you have more pressing matters at hand." His eyes went to the ice pack in Maxim's hand. Maxim chuckled. He caught the joke. "But seriously, Maxim," Antonio said, "What happened to you? A truck?" He asked again. "Yeah, more or less," Maxim muttered. He collected the drink that was offered to him and took a small drink before saying, "I was hit by the truck of Jonathan's rage." "Which Jonathan?" Antonio asked. "How many Jonathans do you know?" Maxim snapped. "I met a Jonathan in Madrid last year. Lovely fellow, you know. You would like him," Antonio counted off his fingers, "Then I met another Jonathan in Germany the year before that. Was it Jonathan or ju
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
JON WAS VERY tempted to reverse and turn back to Maxim's house and beat an answer out of the Russian. The track skipped and the voices were scratchy at some points so Jon could not hear what was being said. He took out the tape and put it in his pocket. He was going to get an answer by any means. He was going to cryptically ask Vincent if there was any way to get the content of a destroyed castle tape. If anyone knows how to do it, Vincent would surely know the person. But now at the moment, he was here to give a little ghetto town some hope of a brighter future. He stopped and parked at the edge of the community. He got out and looked around, the sun was high and harsh. Squinting against the light, he closed the door, locking it securely and then putting on dark sunshades. As he made his way into the ghetto, he noted that things were not any better than the last time he was here. And he remembered that Miguel had told him that a big man – no doubt Maxim – was willing to employ them
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
JON DROVE NONSTOP and got to the hospital in record time. He parked just outside the ER and walked up to the nurse's desk. The nurse gave him a bright smile and greeted, "Mr. Stone. How may I help you today?" Jon returned the smile and said, "I am here to see someone. Nicole Bishop." The nurse nodded and flipped through the papers in her front, "Miss Bishop is found well. She was transferred from the intensive care unit to a private room on the second floor." Jon released a breath of relief. Nicole, being transferred meant that she was over the worst. "What room is she?" The nurse gave Jon a thick card. Printed on it was the floor and room number. Jon nodded at her and walked up to the elevator. He got in with a couple of nurses and dropped off on the second floor. As he walked down the hallway, he kept muttering the room number, like that would make him find the room faster.Nicole's room was at the far end of the hallway, and Jon was thankful that none of her parents were ther
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
IT HAD BEEN two days since Jon left his mansion in New Jersey. To him, it was like New Jersey was the base of the Stone Empire and not New York as his father said. He simply had too many ties to this city. But this morning, he had woken up with an urge to check on the tower and even call in New York. He had to apologize to Vincent for delaying his retirement. After a quick breakfast and a text to Luke, he got into the already waiting limo and Luke drove him to the tower. They came to a stop in the underground garage of the tower. Jon rode the elevator directly to the top floor and came out. Oliver was waiting for him at the top. "What's going on, Oliver?" Jon asked, walking briskly down the hall and to his office. Oliver hustled beside Jon, fumbling with some papers in his hands before saying, "I got hold of a building contractor.""Hmm," Jon said without stopping or slowing down. Oliver held open the office door for him to enter before following and saying, "I set an appointment
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
JON WAS STARTING to turn and walk out when the call was answered in New York. "Hello Vincent," Lucas said cooly. Jon paused at the door as he listened to the call. "Everything is alright here. Yes yes, the accident was terrible news and it is in fact related to why I called you," He paused and listened to what Vincent said. Then he gave a hearty laugh and said, "No no, It was not Jonathan in the car… and he is not in a hospital. Matter of fact, he is here with me, but still, we might have to snag on your retirement plan for a while." Lucas kept quiet and listened. Then he looked up at Jon who still stood by the door and gave a small nod. Jon raised an eyebrow in question, Lucas held the phone from his ear and said, "He wants to speak to you." "Why did you tell him I was here?" Jon muttered as he collected the phone. "Master Stone," Vincent's voice came through the line. "Vincent," Jon replied. "It was a relief to hear that you were not involved in the accident." Jon wanted to