All Chapters of HEIR from the STREET: Chapter 11
- Chapter 20
138 chapters
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
JON STOOD IN THE road, waiting and looking out for any signs of the limo. He constantly rubbed his palms together and blew into them from his mouth to keep them warm. The sun was just beginning to set and from his watch, he could see that he was been waiting for almost an hour. He was just about to turn and return to the party when a voice called at him. "Oi, Jon!" He groaned even before he looked at the person. "Kim!" He nodded at her in acknowledgement, "I was just going back to the party." "Did you think about what I said earlier on before those moron friends of yours came in the way and interrupted us?" She asked. "I didn't think of anything you said, Kim." Jon snapped. "We are done and done for good… and you can go to the police about any whimsy story that you can come up with.""Oh, is that so, huh?" Kim asked. "Yeah…" The silky sound of an expensive car engine drifted to them as a limousine approached. They both turned to look at it. Jon saw the bulky figure of Peterson
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
"I KNOW YOU," Jon muttered under his breath. He could not believe it. He had seen that face multiple times, he recognised the figure too. "Yes, you do," Stefan said, he smiled. "You were with us till about 6 years old." Jon shook his head and took a step back. "So those were not my imaginations… they are real." "Sure, Jonathan." Stefan said, "They are." "My mother? Where is she?" Jon asked. Stefan sighed and said, "Sit down, Jonathan." He gestured to a lush sofa by the corner. "Where is she?" Jon repeated, not moving from where he stood. "She died, son." Stefan sighed. Jon stiffened. Stefan held him by the arm and led him to the couch. Jon sat limply on the couch. Stefan poured more whiskey into Jon's glass. "Drink up." He sat heavily beside his son and handed Jon a little paper. Jon collected it and saw that it was a little picture of a pretty woman. "I got her cheekbones." Stefan snorted. "Like hell. You got her whole face. The only I gave you is your stature." "Can I k
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
"Yo, bro. This is banging!" Jeff said as he twisted and turned in front of the mirror. "Yeah right!" Paxton said. "We are going to be the talk of the party! Hey, Jon… where did you get the money to buy all these for us?" Jon smiled but did not answer. He did not yet want to tell the rest of his friends the truth about his family. "Dress quickly. The limo would be here soon." Jon said. "Did he just say limo?" Paxton yelled. "I think he did." A gentle horn sounded outside. "Yep," Jon said. "Come on boys. Our limo is here." They cheered and walked out and into their amazing ride. THE PARTY WAS already in full swing when they got there, so there were surely a lot of eyes on them when the limo pulled over and the young men stepped out, looking elegant and expensively dressed. The crowd seemed to part to let the men walk by and into the main hall. "Oh damn," Paxton muttered. "This party is wild.""Come on. Let's play it chill." Jon said, "Let's head to the bar and check the place
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
"OH SHIT!" JON ducked into the crowd of dancing people and tried to make his way to the bar where his friends were. The words that Vincent had said that first night suddenly rang in Jon's head and it all made sense now.Vincent had said, “The family has lots of money, power, riches... and also enemies,”"Was it like the Mafia?" Jon asked himself. "Oops!" He dodged a flailing hand as he tried to lose himself in the constantly moving crowd and flashing bulbs. He looked up and saw that the leader of the SUV men had gotten to the bar and was starting to engage Paxton in a conversation. "Shit!" "Come here!" A hand clamped on Jon's wrist and twisted him. He turned and reflexively punched hard at whatever he could find – which turned out to be the man's throat. The man released Jon and clutched at his throat. "Sorry…" Jon said, mixing up and disappearing into the crowd again. He glanced up again and saw that Paxton, Rick and Jeff were laughing and nodding at whatever it was the man wa
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
"IS HE DEAD?!" Rick asked. "Is he dead?" "Shut up, Rick." Jeff snapped. "Why didn't he say anything?" Jon asked no one in particular. He tried to sit Paxton up. "He probably didn't feel it. The adrenaline." Stefan said from the limo. "We need to try and stop the bleeding," Jeff said. "Bring him in, we'll call for a doctor," Stefan said. Jon looked at him warily, "I thought you wanted him out of your car, now there's a possibility of blood stains on your plush seats." "Don't be a hard ass, Jonathan," Stefan replied. "Your friend's life is at stake." He's right. Jon nodded stiffly. "Let's carry him in." With the joint effort of Rick and Jeff, they carried Paxton into a seat at the back. Paxton groaned as they dropped him. "He's awake, don't let him fall asleep. Keep him talking." Stefan said, whipping out his phone and dialling a number. "Paxton. Paxton." Jon slapped his friend's face hard. "Hey, wake up. Wake up." "Stay with me, man," Rick yelled. Jon and Jeff turned and l
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
JON COULD NOT believe his eyes as he stared at the woman he thought he would never see again. Then slowly, she looked up and directly at Jon. He gave a small smile and was about to wave, a man came to stand by her side, he put his hand on her waist and she stiffened at his touch. "You know her?" Stefen prodded his son. "Um, No… I mean, Yes. Who are you talking about?" Jon feigned like he did not know who his father was talking about. "You know who I'm talking about." Stefan said, "You were staring pretty hard." Jon sighed. "Okay, I met her once. The night I met Vincent for the first time. I helped her at, um, a bad time." "And since then?" "She left in a hurry but she left me with her contact card. But I've not thought of giving her a call." "Why not?" Stefan asked. Jon shrugged. "I don't know. She seems out of my league." "What?!" "You know, I was almost arrested for being seen with her," Jon confessed. Stefan chuckled. "Are you being serious?" "Yeah." Jon muttered, "She
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
"GOOD JOB, SON," Stefan said, patting Jon discreetly on his back. "I did well?" Jon asked. He could not believe it. "You did very good." Stefan said, "This little show would keep them buzzing for a long while… and you've made yourself a personal enemy." He gestured with his head to where Maxim Ivanov sat stiffly, staring daggers at where they sat. "Damn." Jon said, staring back at him, "That look is pure hatred." "Yeah. Now, we have to leave." Stefan said, "Our financial staff will handle the payment. Let's move." He stood up, brushing away an imaginative speck from his suit's arm. Jon followed his father's movement, buttoning up his jacket as he stood, they walked outside to where their limousine and media were waiting. "Wait for your prize. I'll be in the car." Stefan said, walking out. Jon could hear the sound of shutters snapping as the journalists took as many pictures as they could. Jon stood near the door, waiting for 'the dejected lad' to be brought to him. Then he saw
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
"MAN, THAT SHIT is ugly." Paxton groaned from his bed. "That's art, Paxton Sullivan," Jeff said. "Well, art is ugly," Paxton said. Making all of them laugh. Jon had come to the penthouse a few hours ago, finalizing the plan he had against Maxim in his head. He was so deep in thought that he had forgotten about his friends whom he had left here earlier that night. As soon as he remembered them, he pulled the sculpture to the west wing where his friends were with Paxton. Paxton was awake so they all had their say on the sculpture. Jeff has said, "It depicts a lot. The sculptor is talented."Rick had said, "It looks weird. Weird and creepy." And Paxton had said, "Man, that shit is ugly." The 'dejected lad' sculpture sat in the middle of the room, reflecting light on its shiny black surface. "How much did you say you got it again?" Rick asked Jon, who stood at the doorway with a hand in his pocket. "250 million dollars." He answered nonchalantly. The amount sent Paxton into a cou
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
THE FLIGHT TO New Jersey was uneventful. Maybe a little boring perhaps. They got to the family mansion in New Jersey and they were blown away by the size of the mansion. It was also a lot busier than the penthouse. As soon as they arrived, their luggage was taken and carried into the house. "You all will take the 3rd floor." Stefan said, "Use the elevator." "There's an elevator?" Rick asked. Stefan nodded as they walked in. "We'll eat breakfast in an hour." They nodded in reply and walked in the direction of the elevator. "Can you believe this?" Rick whispered in excitement. "I actually can't," Jon replied, looking around in awe. "It is… it is… wonderful. Justin wonderful." "Come on. We don't want to be late for breakfast." Jeff hurried them into the elevator and pressed the button for the 3rd floor. Their floor was expensively furnished. "My God!" Rick breathed, he ran his hands over the furniture and glassware. "Damn!" "Clean up." Jeff said, "You don't want to keep them w
HEIR from the STREET/Darken Ross
JON WAS STUNNED for a moment after what Poppy said before he dashed to the kitchen to get a cup of water. When he got to the dining, Poppy had gone limp on the floor, her head was cradled on Jeff's thighs. "I think she's dying!" Jeff panicked. "Oh, God! Oh, God!" Rick yelled. "Put the water in her mouth." Jon looked at his father, who looked on like nothing was happening. Vincent sat calmly too, quietly sipping on his coffee. Maureen, who was being accused of poisoning, folded her arms at the door.Jon knelt beside Jeff and opened Poppy's mouth, tilting the cup a bit so water flowed out. Just as the water touched her lips, she gasped and leapt from Jeff's thighs. "Ah!" Rick bolted from the room. She giggled. "That was good, wasn't it?" Maureen made the sign of the cross – touching her forehead, then right and left shoulder – herself before she left the room with a slight frown on her face. Jeff and Jon, who were still kneeling on the floor, lost at what just happened as Popp