All Chapters of Hidden Fortune of the Wretched Son In-law: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
109 chapters
Annul the marriage
Logan glanced at James who was bleeding from the punch and then at his phone ringing. "This is not the end James, I will see you again, probably when you are in prison" he waved his phone at him, walked to the door, got it opened and left. The call ended before he got outside but then, it started ringing again right after. Logan made sure he moved to a less noisy place before picking the call. "Hello Dad!" he called "Where are you this time around? Did you go walking the whole country again?" Charles Hilton fired in exaggeration. "I am on my way home already, I..." "I am not curious to know where you are, I have something much better to do with my time. What about the message I sent you earlier? Did you deliver it?" Charles Hilton cuts in. "Yes, it was the first thing I did after leaving the mansion. I didn't get to see the person in particular, I was told he was in a meeting so I gave it to his secretary" Logan lied smoothly. There's no way he'd be caught in his own lies. "Th
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Ava stared at Logan for a while and then looked away. "What are you saying? You can't leave this marriage without my permission Logan, it was stated in the contract that the both of us have to consent to the divorce before it is valid unless the other person is ready to pay for emotional and physical damage" Ava explained and Logan almost laughed. Of course, he knew before saying that. He also knew that Ava will not let him go for any reason. If he wants to leave, he'd have to reveal his real self and then, pay the compensation. After getting what he wanted by asking question, he nodded his head, turned around and entered into the bathroom immediately he grabbed his towel. Logan must have been stupid to have entered this contract marriage, what was he thinking? At first, he was really curious about Ava but he doesn't think about that these days. Since he has already come this far, he will stay for a while and then leave. Just a little while! He spent about half an hour in the bath
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Hung up on the past
Without thinking of getting a glass, Logan entered the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and gulped everything down his throat. He again clasp his hand together repeatedly which is a habit he develops each time he is not in his right frame of mind. He sat on the kitchen counter for about thirty minutes before going back upstairs to their room. He met Ava seated on the bed when he came in, she has been undoubtedly waiting for him. "Are you sure you are okay? What was that a while ago? Was there a reason you were having a panic attack?" she threw questions at him. "I just woke up feeling my chest tightened, so I left the bed in order not to wake you up" he lied and for the first time, Logan knew that she wouldn't buy his lie, even him didn't believe his own lie. Ava glanced at his laptop on the table and then at him but she didn't ask him any further question. She would probably let it slide since he is okay now."I didn't know you have a laptop, I am glad you are fine now anyway.
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What did you do to Alex?
Alex stood up from the floor, he touched his lips and saw blood gushing out. He chuckled and then laughed loudly only for a few seconds before his eyes darkened with anger. "Did you just punch me? You lowlife!" he screamed while boiling in anger. Logan also chuckled at his outburst. Alex referred to him as a lowlife, him, Logan Weston. "You do not have any business with my wife anymore, why are you still lingering around her?" Logan asked, holding Ava beside him. He could still feel her agitated. What might have happened between them that made her so scared of him? Ava is not one to be afraid of someone, it's not that Alex is that powerful in terms of affluence. "What? You have the audacity to call her your wife? Did you marry her or she married you? You should be ashamed of yourself because you are not suitable for her" Alex commented. Logan should have known better, these past few days that he couldn't restore his data or take care of the bugs, Alex didn't come here to bother th
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Dig their own graves
The slap was so sudden that Logan initially didn't expect it. As much as he knew that his in-laws doesn't like him, he never for once thought that they will use physical violence on him and it just happened now because of Alex? The same man that destroyed their daughter's life? "I ask you again, what did you do to Alex? Why did you punch him?" Grandpa Hilton asked again. This time, Alex managed to get up from the floor with the help of Charles Hilton. What is Logan supposed to answer? That Ava was raped by three to four men and Alex was the instigator?"It's okay Grandpa, the injuries are minor. I will forgive him for hitting me" Alex stated pretending to be kind and winning the heart of two blind people. "We never wanted you in the first place so don't try this thing you did today again, you are lucky you met someone as kind as Alex, if it were me, I will throw you in jail" Charles Hilton added and Logan scoffed. "He just scoffed at me Dad, your grandson In-law just disrespected u
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"is it true? Did they really slap you?" Daryl fumed. Seeing that Logan wouldn't say anything, it must be true. "Those people are going too far, just why the hell are you doing this? Can't you call this quits? Not even our parent has slapped you when they were here, how dare them?" Daryl got more upset with each passing seconds. His attitude only made Logan chuckle, one will think that Daryl is the elder brother here. Logan doesn't know if he is being scolded or questioned. "I have already gone this far to quit the marriage now, I will do that in the future but not now. I definitely won't forgive them, you should know that by now. I will destroy everything that bring happiness to them, they will be on their knees and kowtow to me very soon" Logan promised."What do you want us to do to them Blue? I will follow your order" Alfred chipped in. "Nothing for now, I like the surprise you sent to them yesterday. Don't forget to deliver the second parcel today, it looks like they have forgo
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What do they want?
Once the door was opened, Logan was the first to go in. "If it isn't Blue I am seeing" Luga said the moment Logan got in. He had a smile on his face, with a glass of wine in his hand. "Of course, you've successfully dragged me here. Do you think I will leave without giving you a gift? Do you not want one from me?" Logan asked, taking a seat on the chair by himself. He didn't wait for Luga to ask him to do so. "I am not sure I would want that Blue" Luga replied and dropped the glass of wine in his hand. "What gave you the audacity to hold my weapons after I have paid for them? Is it your wish to die by my hands?" Logan questioned again, making Luga chuckle nervously. "I am sorry I did that, I just wanted to see you. I know you wouldn't let me see you on a normal day, it's only right that I use this method" Luga expressed. "Why will you want to see me? Do I have a business with you? I don't like you" Logan replied plainly without having to sugar coat anything, Luga knew why too.
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New personal assistant
The next morning...Daryl barged into Logan's room without bothering to knock or give heads-up. Logan was seated on his bed while scrolling through his phone. "Do I not have my privacy in my own home?" Logan asked raising his head up to look at Daryl. "Oh, I forgot to knock" he said smiling widely at Logan who glared at him. "I knew you would say that" "Good morning Blue, I thought you'd still be sleeping" Daryl said, sitting down beside him on the bed. "You already know that I can't sleep" Logan replies back. "I know, I thought you will be able to, at least once in a while" Daryl said. "Why did you stop visiting the therapist? I got a call from him yesterday that you haven't been going for therapy for weeks now" Daryl commented. Logan had to drop his phone. "There's no reason for me to, not that it's of help to me. Nothing has changed too, I still have nightmares whenever I manage to sleep so what's the use? Don't renew my appointment with him when this one ends" Logan replie
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Divorce him
"What?" the question slipped out of Logan's tongue on hearing what his father in-law just said."Did you not hear what I said or you still want me to repeat it? You've already resumed work, and your office is right beside mine. I won't tolerate laziness or tardiness" Charles Hilton voiced. Logan's shoulders slumped in disappointment, if he is going to work under his father-in-law, he wouldn't even last here a week because he will break all his rules. "But Dad, I don't think I am experienced enough to be your personal assistant. I am not sure I will do well, I don't know what it's like to be an assistant. I can just—" Logan was cut off before he could make a complete statement which will still not convince Charles Hilton. "If you stand here doing nothing while you are arguing with me, I won't mind deducting from your salary. I have made up my mind and there's nothing you can do about it, if you don't want to work as my assistant then, you are free to leave. I don't want you here in t
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Prosecution office
A book slipped down from Logan's hand unconsciously which attracted the attention of both father and daughter. Ava opened her Dad's office door to see Logan bent down on the floor. "I am sorry, I tripped over something and everything went flying to the floor" he apologized and picked the papers he purposely scattered on the floor. Ava didn't say anything to him, she glanced at him and then turned back to her father. "You are really unbelievable Dad, you and Grandpa just want me to do whatever you say and I have been doing that all my life but I am sorry, I won't do that anymore" she screamed, glaring irritatingly at her father before stomping out of there. Mr Charles slammed the door on Logan's face, expecting him to knock but he didn't. He just opened the door and got in. The first thing his father in-law did when he got in was holding him by his collar. "If only you did not appear in our lives, my daughter could have been happy with Alex instead of you. You are not adding any va
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