All Chapters of Hidden Fortune of the Wretched Son In-law: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
109 chapters
An employee and a son in-law
"Search and Seizure? What are they talking about Dad?" Ava asked coming into view while looking around to see the prosecutors. "I don't know, please take your colleagues and leave my company. There has been no case of murder in this company since the beginning of it" Charles Hilton spoke trying to sound defensive. "We will find that out when we carry out our investigation. I will bring the court order for you when next I come, thank you Sir" the man said and left without giving Charles Hilton the avenue to say anything further. Logan on the other hand stood at his office door with a menacing smile on his face. Seeing the distress look on his father in-law brought him so much joy that his heart can't contain. If only they are treating him well, this wouldn't be happening. Without saying anything, he went to his office and dialed Alfred's number of which he picked up after a few rings. "Good afternoon Blue" "Yes Alfred, I am seeing the work you did. You've done a great job, I thou
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Joke of the year
After series of failed attempts to convince anyone including the shareholders, Charles Hilton almost passed out from exhaustion and fear. Logan ignored his ranting and the way he was taking out his frustration on the workers and went to Ava's office. She was seated on her chair while tapping on the desk, continuously without a stop. Logan had to stop her from doing that, she didn't know when he got in till he did that. "Your hand might break if you continue doing that, why are you getting worked up when you are not feeling well?" he asked as he takes a seat opposite her. "I need to think please, don't interrupt me and leave" she said sternly but Logan sighed. If she is healthy, he wouldn't be worried about her. "I am sure the issue will be resolved, don't you trust your Dad to handle this kind of situations?" Logan posed, trying to prove a point that his wife ended up laughing unheartily. "Handle the situation? At the end of the day, he will leave everything for me to sort out
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A show
"You didn't just laugh did you?" Grandpa Hilton asked and Logan had to halt abruptly. That sounded too funny that he couldn't control his laughter. What does this family think of him? They've been feeding him? Logan can count how many times he has eaten since he got here. He hardly even eat so what is this man saying to him? "I am sorry Grandpa" Logan retorted while acting apologetic when he is clearly not. "My family gave you the wings to fly by getting married to my granddaughter and now, you have the fortitude to mock us?" Grandpa Hilton piqued. Logan stopped eating and stood up. Thanks to his grandfather in-law, his appetite just disappeared before he could start as much as he want. If truly getting married to Ava has given him wings to fly, what has he achieve since they got married? Logan thought his in-laws are only mean but that's not it, they do not think too. "I wasn't making mockery of you, I was just—" before he could finish his statement, he was cut off. "Just what?
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Spice things up
"Hiring that kind of lawyer will cost a lot of fortune, with the state of the company now, I don't think we can afford him" Ava spoke up with concern. The Wellington guy's point is reasonable, if they deny all the allegations in court and they are able to get a good lawyer to defend them in any way possible even if it's with fake evidences as long as it pass, they will win the case. Logan on the other hand had to roll his eyes, he has been doing that a lot without him being aware of it. His wife is no different from her family. The news of her father killing an employee is flying everywhere and she wants to cover it up too? She doesn't actually also care to find out what the truth is. As long as it saves the company. But what will they do? Logan already planned to take it away from them. "I will do the hiring with my money, you do not have to worry about that" he replied menacingly. No one knows what is going on in his mind. "What do you want in return?" Ava questioned with the ph
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X is unknown
Logan walked into his office and sat down, he just came in earlier with Ava like she suggested earlier, although rudely. He is sure everyone in the company now dislike him because of the fact that he is living with his in-laws instead of his own home. He doesn't really care about whatever it is they all think of him. The only thing he want to think about now is how to get out of this marriage soon and become his real self again instead of having to split his personality. He sat down on the swivel and rolled on it for a while, thinking about nothing in particular until the door to his office got opened and his father in-law walked in. "Dad...I mean Sir, what can I do for you?" Logan asked, he just came in, can't he give him a little break first? "What kind of question is that? Do you not know that you are supposed to be working right now? And you just came in and sat down like it's your father's company?" Charles Hilton said angrily. Logan hates it the most when his parents are bei
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The Experience
Logan hissed loudly and ran out of the company without informing his wife and father in-law. Thankfully, he saw a taxi and entered since he didn't come with his own. Going to ask Ava for her car key will be a hassle for him.The cab driver was asking of his address but he was too focused on his phone to hear that. Logan was trying Daryl's number, it was ringing but he wasn't picking up. He dialed again like three times to no avail and called Alfred's number instead. If truly X is holding his brother captive, Logan wouldn't spare even a strand of his hair. He meant it when he said he will break every bone in his body and throw him in the sea. If Logan had known, he wouldn't have accepted the ring challenge. He could have asked them to meet in a different place, if he had not forgiven X in the first place, this would have never happened. Logan hit the car seat, startling the driver as Alfred also didn't pick his first call. That was when he finally remembered to give the man his addr
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"What do you want to do with X?" Alfred asked Logan who was seated down for the past ten minutes without saying anything like someone who is lost in deep thought. "Play with him since he failed to learn the proper way of playing with me" he replied with no atom of smile on his face. There are just some people that shouldn't be forgiven if they ever wrong you, those type of people are dangerous to keep because they'd try to kill you after keeping them alive."Do you still need me to get the laptop ready for you?" Alfred posed the question again. "No, you don't have to. I had wanted the laptop before because of Daryl but since he is fine, there's no need for me to find his location now" Logan remarked meekly. "But how do you intend to play with him? I want to play with him even more" Daryl inquired "Let's give him time to enjoy himself, I will take care of it don't worry" Logan responded. He knows more than anyone what it feels like to have a powerful person on your tail but then, t
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His reality
Logan silently chuckled, do these people think of him as a pushover? Why is everyone being brass with him today? A janitor? First, he was told to clean the mansion and now it's the company? "I am sorry Sir but I will have to decline, I'd rather find something else to do" Logan grimaced. Being a janitor is not a bad thing but then, for someone like Logan, that job does not befit his status. He is trying to cope with being an assistant that he has never had the experience and his so called father in-law is now telling him to do something lower than that position? What sort of crap is that? Charles Hilton burst into a laughter, surprised that his son in-law could give him such an answer. When did he start refusing to follow their orders? "Do you think you have a say? Forget that you are my son in-law, I don't care what other people in the company will think or say. They can't share our information outside anyway and if by any chance we both are to appear in public, I will pretend to
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Logan cleaned the sweat on his forehead and sighed. He can't deny it, he could still hear the thud in his chest. He felt a slight headache and he opened the drawer beside the bed and took out aspirin then stood up from the bed, making his way downstairs to get water. It was just to 11 which means he only slept for at most thirty minutes and he had a terrible dream during that time. With the way he have repeated nightmares every time, how is he to sleep? He can't even compromise a little for himself since the scar from years ago still haunt him like everything happened yesterday. Once he got a cup of water, he swallowed the medication and downed it with water before going back to his room to take a long yet cold shower that will make his mind feel less worried. He just stripped out of his cloth and didn't bother to take a towel from the closet since there are some in the bathroom. Logan prepared a bath for himself with bubbles and then threw himself into the bath tub which is mostly
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Different types of cameras flashed on Charles Hilton's eyes as he tried covering his face and run from the courtroom but failed terribly because he was already surrounded by reporters from all walks of life, throwing him questions he couldn't answer.Grandpa Hilton felt ashamed, he couldn't stand there and watch his son being humiliated but he didn't bother to do anything about it and just left, leaving both Ava and her mother to take care of the mess. How could his lawyer make that kind of mistake? If he had wanted to save his client, he wouldn't have had that kind of video in his system but then again, the lawyer can't be completely blamed. Most lawyers will love to know the truth about the defendant on either the person committed the crime they are accused of or not. That way, they'd be able to defend them very well. His mistake was leaving the evidence in his laptop. Ava and her Mum tried to make way for her Dad, she felt embarrassed, ashamed and felt like the ground should open
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