31. Opposite Attracts
"Why did not you tell me earlier that nothing comes for free? At least you could ask me whether I would become comfortable with this deal or not ? Didn't you think to ask my opinion on this?", Sebastian questioned , rolling his eyes."Sometimes you have to become selfish for the sake of your family. If I become one ,I don't think there is any problem with it.",The Butler replied, with a seriousness in his voice."How do you think that my daughter would marry some random stranger whom you chose out of nowhere ,Dad ?",Emma asked, controlling her anger."Grandpa, I am out of words now. I can't believe you took the biggest decision of my life in just a few seconds without asking my opinion on this."Amelia complained , tears continuously flowing through her eyes making them swollen red."I am really sorry to say but I am not ready to accept your decision, Sir.",Sebastian said, bluntly ."I agree with him, for the first time, Grandpa. I don't accept your decision too.",Amelia said sternly,
Last Updated : 2023-08-31 Read more