All Chapters of Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce: Chapter 71
- Chapter 80
188 chapters
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
The news drops like a bomb on his mother, he can see the confusion in her eyes as she tries to digest what he has said to her. Joanna steps in immediately. "Um, I am going to get the stuff, you guys can go ahead." Angus nods with a thankful smile, he is grateful that she is giving him and his mother the privacy. She leaves him alone with his mother, he sighs as he touches her arm. "Is… is that she has not been picking up my calls?" She mutters. "Is that why you have never brought her for dinner? I should have known." "I'm sorry, Mum, I should have told you earlier." He admits. "When did this happen?" "Six months ago." He answers. "Angus!" She gasps with hurt. "Six months and you never said a word to me?""Mum, I'm sorry." He takes her hand immediately. "I know that Ashley has been hurtful to you, but you've always seen her as your daughter. You have to understand that I just wanted to protect you from hurt." She shakes her head and bites down her lower lips. Angus doesn't nee
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
When they get to the restaurant, Ashley starts to act like she is having the time of her life. She sits at the table with the menu, but she keeps looking over it to catch a glimpse of Angus. Angus keeps tapping his feet on the ground and also looking at his wristwatch. She finally drops the menu on the table and pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear. "So what are you going to order, Angus?" "I don't know, a glass of water is just fine by me." He gives a small shrug, he really doesn't care for this "dinner." "Nonsense." She frowns. "I'm paying, it's my treat, and I don't want you to forget it in a rush." She picks up her menu again and starts to go through the food. "Oh, I see." She mumbles. "Did you see dish two? It's steaks, I know you like steaks." "Whatever, Ashley, let's just get this over with." Even though he has so much lack of enthusiasm, she barely cares. She raises her hand and asks for the waiter to bring them two dishes of the same food. As they wait for t
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
She gets back to her feet as soon as the call starts to connect. Greg is going to be back in a matter of minutes and if she doesn't hurry up, she is going to have to abort her plans. It rings longer than usual and he is not coming, she is almost cursing herself out. Then he picks up, her heart starts beating again. "Hello? Angus?" "Matilda, is this you? Oh my God, what happened? You just went silent in me." She holds her forehead, in a bid to calm herself down. "I'm sorry, Angus, it's a very long story." "Are you okay, boss? He asks. You sound odd." She is sweating profusely and it's not just because she is in a tight basement without air, but because she knows that Greg can drive in at any time now. "Angus, I need your help, I am in a bit of a situation." She says. "I need you to listen really carefully, okay?" "I'm all ears, boss." She doesn't waste any time immediately. "Angus, the way I left the restaurant, I witnessed something I shouldn't have, j saw Greg kill a man
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
It feels like everything that has been holding Greg shatters to the ground, even the gun almost slips out of his grip. Angus sees the confusion on his face and he lets out a hearty laugh, even giving his knee a smart. "It looks like you don't like this plan of mine, Greg." Angus mocks. "What do you say?" "How about I shoot you, wouldn't that be better?" Greg scoffs. "But you will be fucked, can't you see?" Angus taunts. "Maybe I would be dead, maybe I would be left with an injury, but you will be going to jail and the whole world will know what you did." It's the truth, Greg can't even pretend that Angus is lying right now. He is boiling with so much rage, that he just wants to beat the hell out of Angus. He wants to leave him with a broken jaw so that his mouth will have to be wired shut. Even though those thoughts are just sweet fantasies in his head, he can't help but keep calm. Angus won't hesitate to go on with his threat. So, against his will, he is forced to listen to A
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
Joanna crosses her legs in the cab as the driver drives past cars on the road. She takes out her lipstick and applies another layer to her always-heavy lips because that's what a whore would do. She is trying to be the whoriest whore today, she probably wants the guy to fuck her too, but she hopes that she gets something good out of this. As she leans forward to get a clearer glimpse of herself in the mirror as she works on her lips, she notices that the cab driver keeps looking at her through the mirror. She notices that his eyes weren't really on hers, they were slightly angled down, looking down at her breasts. "Um, can I help you?" She asks. He clears his throat and keeps his eyes on the road. "The bar is pretty popular, huh? Are you going there to meet someone?" "I don't know why we are supposed to talk about that." She snorts. "But what do you do, miss? Where do you work?" "Erm, mind your business limited, what's the damn problem?" She snaps at him. Since she has shown
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
Christian calls a taxi for them and within a few minutes, a yellow car pulls up. He gets the door for her and both of them get into the taxi. She is pretty heavy-headed because of that one drink that she had, she doesn't have to pretend that she is drunk. Christian is very gentle and protective, he places his hand on her knee as the driver drives away. She keeps her eyes on the lights that are shining from the street light, her head is resting against his shoulder. "King George Street," Christian tells the driver. "That's going to cost you eighty." The driver looks back at them through the mirror. "Yeah, hurry," Christian says. She feels that he looks at her face, she can tell even though her eyes are shut. After driving for a few minutes, the cab comes to a stop. He touches the side of her face with her hand as calmly as he can. "Joanna? We are here." She raises her head and tries to open her eyes. He pays the driver and helps her out of the car, they are standing right
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
Ashley's head is pulsating, she feels dizzy and she feels that if she dares to lift her leg off the ground, she is going to fall. But she also knows that Quinton is going to be back any moment now, she has to continue with her plan. She winces as she attempts to open her eyes, they feel heavy, like bags of cement. She stands up to her feet, and with the aid of the walls, she slowly starts to make her way down the stairs. It's a miracle that she doesn't fall down, or lose consciousness. She sits down on the last step of the stairs, her phone in her hand. She hears Quinton's car pull him, she is relieved that he is here already. The door opens and he comes into the house. She hears him stop in his tracks in confusion, he has seen her blood-covered face. "Jesus Christ, Ashley, are you okay?" He asks. She opens her eyes and sees her worried he looks, but she is not fooled. He tries to come closer to her, but she stops him. "Stay where you are, Quinton." She stops him. "What h
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
The next few days send Ashley straight into the newspapers' front page and she is also on the television. "Narcissist wealthy man abuses his middle-class wife. How long can the rich oppress the poor?" Of course, everyone gets angry, they want justice for poor Ashley who got her beautiful face smashed into the mirror. Thankfully, the doctors and modern-day medicine were able to save her face. It's all over the place, every talk show is talking about it, and feminists are fighting for her too. Ashley turns into a celebrity overnight. Top lawyers are working for her for free and also, and one of the best dermatologists has taken care of her face. The result is a beautiful skin that looks like that of a newborn baby. Quinton has been found and arrested. His family lawyers and hers have come to a settlement at the end of their marriage. He is going to pay her some more money, but prison is inevitable for him. Ashley has been discharged from the hospital and her face has healed pre
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
Angus is done with his day's work. He met with Lorenzo because his grandfather had insisted on carrying him along, visiting his mother, running some office errands for his boss, and all other things. Now, he is exhausted, he has closed all the doors and wants to just go to sleep. After a cool bath and a warm dinner, he has gotten himself into bed. He has hardly shut his eyes when he hears the clearing ringing of the doorbell. He assumes a sitting position and immediately turns on the lamp beside him. It's almost midnight, why would anyone be at his door by this time of the night?Maybe it's just his tired mind playing tricks on him. Perhaps it was just the wind imitating the doorbell. He turns off the light and lays back down. He doesn't have time for this, he has a long day tomorrow. He has just shut his eyes and gotten comfortable in the bed when he hears the hell ring again. "Oh, for fuck sake." He rubs his eyes. If it's one of the neighbors bringing cake to the "real" own
Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce/Esther Writes
Matilda feels anger turning everything in her into liquid, she has never felt rage flowing like this in her. Everything she has ever saved her work in, everything she has ever worked for, they now lay destroyed in the tub. She tries to save them, but that is when she notices that Greg has taken his time to crush them before dunking them into the water. She lets out a scream of frustration. She has a meeting in a few minutes and all she has prepared for, it's all gone. She wants to cry, but tears aren't coming, she doesn't even know how to describe the emotions that she is feeling right now. She feels her hands still shaking when she grabs the only device that wasn't destroyed, her phone. She checks all the documents and he has to wipe them clean. Her emails are blank, Greg has destroyed her life completely. She feels numb and clueless. She could walk right into the road and a car would crush her to death, but she won't even notice. I'm her confusion, the best thing she can do