All Chapters of The Heir : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
151 chapters
Chapter 101
With the weight of the new bit of information he had about his family, Chase couldn't sleep that night. He tossed and turned in his bed till the first break of dawn.Deciding it was useless to try and continue sleeping, he decided to get up and ready for his trip.He went to his large closet and packed some clothes inside a suitcase and went to get ready."Are you going somewhere, young master?" Denise asked as soon as she saw him wheeling his suitcase."Just a little trip. I'll be back by the weekend," he said."Oh, okay," Denise nodded and Chase continued walking but didn't walk for long before coming to a halt."What you told me last night should remain between us," he said firmly."Definitely," she agreed. She didn't need to be told twice as she knew she would be in serious trouble if the other family members found out she had been the one that told Theo.But she had nothing to worry because Theo was going to do his findings on his own, rather than asking questions."Take care of
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Chapter 102
"Where's Theo?" Imelda asked when they were all gathered in the dining room and had even started eating and he was yet to arrive.The empress finished chewing the food in her mouth before responding while the rest of the family members waited for her response. They had all noticed his absence but didn't care enough to ask."He's on a trip," the empress said simply.They waited for her to clarify but when she didn't say anything else and continued her food, they knew that was all they were getting.Chase left the plane and a few feet down, two exotic cars were already waiting for them and he was ushered in."Young master, our first stop is….." Agatha, who was still very energetic started again and this time, Chase was actually more awake and he listened intently to her plans."Wait…a dinner date?" He stopped her right there."Yes, the empress said you should meet with the daughter of Sir Peterson," she said, even though Chase had zero idea who Peterson or his daughter was.Feeling tire
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Chapter 103
"It's worse," Chase said and the men's hearts dropped to their stomachs."Si…sir…I…" the manager stuttered but Chase raised his hand to silence him and he immediately swallowed the rest of his words."This means you made me fly all the way from the states to waste my time," Chase continued, saying each word with malicious attempt."Not at all sir. Just give us time and we'll come up with something better," the owner of the company, who was now on his feet, pleaded."Time is what I don't have, Mr…." He drifted off for the man to fill in his name."Roberts, Sir," the man rushed out."Aha! Roberts," Chase repeated.The other men in the boardroom were utterly shocked because Ace-cee was one of the biggest construction companies in the city and there was no business person that didn't know his name but the vice president of Gab and Gabe's just waved him off like any other ordinary person."If that's all, I'll take my leave now," he stood up and Agatha followed swiftly after him, packing th
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Chapter 104
"No, no, it can't be," Martins repeated in his mind and Roberts stared at him with an impatient look.Chase's face held an amused expression but within that amusement was malice. He remembered it clear as day and that was hands down the most embarrassing moment of his who existence after when Patrick made him kiss his shoe in the lobby in the presence of everyone."That….that was….that was you?" Martins stuttered and pointed at him with shaky hands."In flesh and blood," Chase said and opened his arm to gesture in an exaggerated manner.Martins' weight couldn't hold him anymore and he dropped to his knees."Sir, please…." He whispered, not knowing what to exactly to beg for.He still couldn't believe that the poor, dirty cleaner he had insulted months ago was now the person that he was staring at. Someone that just a word from him can end his whole career that he had spent 20 years to build."Martins, what's going on?" Roberts asked softly but Martins couldn't hear anything past the l
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Chapter 105
Chase's face sported a satisfied smirk as he watched from his car in the parking lot as Martins was dragged out of the building."Piliste is definitely going to be more fun than I expected," he said to himself "Where are we headed next?" He asked Agatha.She listed their next activity from her head before opening her iPad to cross-check and they drove to the next location.The next two meetings that followed after the one at Ace-cee went smoothly and Chase was able to close the deals."That's all for today," Agatha said when they entered the car after exiting the last company.Chase made a non-committal sound at the back of his throat while he was doing victory dances inside, happy that the day had finally come to a wrap and he could get some rest."Your date is scheduled by 7:30pm," Agatha said, bursting his happy bubbles and he groaned, throwing his head back on the headrest. Agatha found this funny and the sides of her lips tugged upward.Chase thought for a while and almost as if
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Chapter 106
The woman's blonde hair rested over her shoulders in bouncy waves. She sat upright with her upturned nose high in the air as she waited for the date her father had arranged for her."Hi, Veronica, I'm sorry I'm late," he apologized for keeping the young lady waiting as soon as he got there.Veronica turned to her right where the voice was coming from and her breath hitched in her throat. Her father told her that the person she was going to see was the son of his long time friend and business partner. She had mapped out different images of the person in her head but none of them came close to describe how handsome the man that stared at her was."Are you okay?" Chase asked wkty concern when she stared at him for longer than was normal and she was snapped out of her daydream.""Yeah, um, hi. I'm Veronica," she said nervously and stood up to offer him a handshake."I already know that," he replied with his million dollar smile and took her hand in his and handed her the flowers.Veronica
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Chapter 107
With shaky hands, Laura returned to the table with Veronica's order.Veronica frowned at the food and was about to say something when she realized that Laura had gotten her order wrong but Chase beat her to it."What is this?" He asked and Laura's eyes snapped up to meet his. "Are you deaf or just plain stupid that you couldn't get a simple order correctly?" He asked with annoyance."The…..sir…" she immediately corrected her slip up."Shut up and get this rubbish out of here and come back with my correct order if you don't want to lose your job," Veronica did the rest of the talking.It irked her how the girl seemed to know Theo, who she now liked and even though Theo had made it clear that they didn't know each other, she could tell he was lying and she planned to do everything to belittle the girl.Chase on the other hand, really enjoyed how scared and confused Laura looked at their outburst. She had been so scared and anxious that she got the order wrong and they made sure to ridic
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Chapter 108
"Miss, kindly come with me," he told Laura quietly and before she could process his words, he was already pulling her elbow away.She couldn't even say anything. Her only reaction was the tears streaming down her face as she turned around to look at Chase who had a hard expression on his face.She didn't want to cause a scene because she knew that that would make matters worse for her, so she just followed the manager out of the building in silence."Please sir, it was a mistake," she finally begged when the weight of what was going on dawned on her but by then, they were already in the lobby."I don't give second chances and even if I wanted to, you heard the man," the manager said with no emotions. "Make sure she doesn't show her face here again," he instructed the guards and they pushed out the rest of the way.Crying heavily now, she moved to the side of the road and her knees gave in and wobbled under her, causing her to fall on the ground in the parking lot.She could already te
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Chapter 109
"I don't mean to pry but from what that lady said, it seems like you both had a relationship," she started as she turned to the side to gauge his reaction.Chase had expected her question, hence he wasn't too surprised that she asked."Yes," he said simply. His tone came out flat to discourage her from asking any more questions but Veronica wasn't having it."Why would you date someone like that?" She asked and scrunched up her nose."I don't see how that's any of your business," he snapped. He had finally had enough of her meddling in his business all night.She jumped a bit from his outburst and her lips quivered."Sorry. Sorry for snapping at you, I'm just tired," he apologized."That's okay," she muttered.The rest of the ride was in silence and soon, her house came into view."Let me walk you to the front," he said and she nodded happily.They slid out of the car that was already held open for them and walked to the front of the house."We should do this again and soon. I had so
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Chapter 110
"Stop staring at the door like a moron, Evelyn, he isn't coming back," Alice said after they had watched the press release that morning. "Boy, that guy sure was sneaky. Vice president? I can't believe he came down and mingled with us. I knew there was something off about him," Alice rattled on as she pushed her cart out of the door.Evelyn was finally left alone to her thoughts.She pulled out her phone and her thumb hovered over the number that she had dialed and texted a million times over the past couple of weeks.She couldn't believe that he would hide something that huge from her."I'm such a fool," she said and swiped her fingers till she deleted his number and the first year slipped down from her eyes.The rest of the day passed with her being in a daze and she couldn't wait for it to be over.Closing time soon reached and she was the first person to leave the hotel and head home.She got to the house and something seemed off."I'm sure I locked it this morning," she mumbled to
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