All Chapters of The Heir : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
151 chapters
Chapter 111
Chase's fist stopped mid-air and his breath hitched when the door opened to reveal Evelyn.He had thought of what to say and even rehearsed it in the car on his way but now that he was there, all the words disappeared into this air.Evelyn stared at him for a couple of seconds and her face hardened when she realized that she wasn't dreaming and he was really there."Hi," he started, not knowing what else to say.Her first instinct was to shut the door on his face, which was what she did but he was quick enough to hold the door."Eve, please hear me out," he pleaded.She was about to say something when her brother's voice interrupted her."Evelyn, who's at the door?" He asked as he closed the distance to the door.She looked over her shoulder and turned back to Chase but before her brother could reach the door, she reacted."Don't worry about it, Malcolm. It's no one," she yelled and after a muffled 'okay', he retreated back into the house and she closed the door behind her, fully step
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Chapter 112
"Eve," Chase called and rested his head on the cool wood of the door but he was only met with silence.He stayed that way for a long time and when it was clear that she wasn't coming out again, he walked back to his car with slumped shoulders.He drove himself after making sure to tell the guards not to follow him because he didn't want to overwhelm her.As soon as he reached the car and sat down, a single tear rolled down from his eyes."Fuck!" He growled and hit his head on the steering wheel.After he woke up in Theo's body, he had promised himself never to cry for a woman, which was exactly what he was doing.Only this time, it was different.He was crying because he had hurt the one person that truly cared about him. Not his status, not his wealth. Just him, Theo, without the big surname.The hurt that she felt had been evident in her empty eyes, which made him feel even more guilty."I fucked up. Big time, and I've lost her," he said in a resigned voice.He stared into space for
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Chapter 113
His footsteps echoed loudly but somehow, the sound of loud chattering surpassed it as he drew nearer to the office.Patrick's secretary saw him and her eyes bulged out of their sockets but it was already too late to alert her boss.Without saying a word to her, Chase closed the remaining distance between him and the door, pushing it open when he was close enough."Kaitlyn, I told you not to let anyone in," Patrick groaned without looking up from where he sat on the couch.Patrick and Paul were both seated on the couch, exchanging stories and laughing at the top of their lungs, ignoring all the work that needed to be done."Is this what you're paid to do?" Chase's gentle but cold voice filled the small space of the room and the two men snapped their heads to the right to see the new entrée.Patrick squinted his eyes to see properly and they widened the next second when he realized who it was and he shot up from his seat, Paul following after him."Theo…it's really true," Patrick stutte
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Chapter 114
He stood tall and shoved his hands into his pockets as the two men who were highly respected by all in the company bowed their heads in shame and kissed his shoes.He closed his eyes at the feeling of superiority and at that moment, he finally felt vindicated.They stayed that way for a few seconds before kneeling upright again with their heads bowed."Very well. I'll reconsider my decision," Chase said but he couldn't let them off the hook that easily."Thank you, sir, " they thanked him profusely."You'll get your jobs back, but no longer as managers," he said."What?" The men stared up at him as they tried to understand what he was driving at. "You'll both resume as security guards," he announced and the murmuring around the room grew even more but the men couldn't hear anything past the ringing in their ears."What…you can't do that…" Paul stuttered."Oh, I can," Chase said with arched eyebrows."Look, sir, you can't just demote us to lowly security guards…""It's either that or
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Chapter 115
Chase got to the house, taking the stairs two at a time till he reached his room.He quickly went into his closet and looked around for a while till his eyes settled on what he was looking for.His fingers skimmed through the low quality fabric of the shirt and a smile played on his lips.Taking off his million dollar tux, he changed into the 20 dollar blue shirt that Evelyn had gotten for him at a chain store and he paired it with black slacks.He ruffled his hair, taking out the style in it and leaving it in its natural curls. When he was satisfied with his look, he headed downstairs."Young master," Agatha called from the living room, making him halt his footsteps. "Yes?" He asked hurriedly, not wanting to waste more time than was necessary."I'm sorry but I think you're forgetting something," she told him, making him furrrow his eyebrows.What could he possibly be forgetting?"What is that?" He voiced his thoughts. "Didn't I already tell you to clear my schedule today?" He asked
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Chapter 116
"Stop!" Her shrill voice broke the two men apart. "What is wrong with the both of you?" She scolded as she moved Theo off her brother."Do you know this asshole?" Malcolm asked with a broken lip."Yes, Malcolm and why did you get in a fight with him? You could get in serious trouble for this!" She yelled, her hand still on Theo's chest."Why are you taking his side when he started it?" Malcolm yelled back, wiping his bloodied lips with the back of his hand."I'm not taking anyone's side, Malcolm, but you should know better," she said and turned to Theo. "What are you doing here?" She asked, the fury never leaving her eyes."I just came to ask you to go on a date with me and…" Theo started but she interrupted him."And you planned on doing that by getting into a fight with my brother?" She asked, placing her hands on her hip as she scolded them like kids."He lunged at me first!" Theo defended."He was being a jerk and wouldn't leave when I asked him to," Malcolm reiterated."Stop it,
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Chapter 117
"Young master, our flight back to the states leaves by 8pm tonight," Agatha called from the passenger's seat of the car.Chase made a non-committal sound at the back of his throat and looked out the window.It had been three days since he last spoke to Evelyn. He hadn't even seen her because each time he went back there, Malcolm would tell him she wasn't around and he wasn't in the mood to create any scene again. She was purposely avoiding him and it infuriated him to no end.The empress had sent for him to come back that day but he had one last meeting with a restaurant that was planning to collaborate with one of their pet businesses which was also a five star restaurant and his presence was required before the signing would be complete.He picked up his phone to see if Evelyn had responded to the last message he had sent her but it was still on delivered.Sighing softly, he tossed the phone to the side and thus caught Agatha's attention."Is everything okay, young master?" She aske
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Chapter 118
"Young master, is everything okay?" Agatha asked softly beside him but he couldn't hear anything past the loud ringing in his ears as the two people that changed his whole life walked into the office.Martha and Mark walked hand in hand into the office with bright smiles on their faces.It wasn't until his eyes became hot that he realized that he had been staring at them without blinking.Never in a million years did he think he would see them again. When he woke up in that cramped apartment, he promised to close that chapter of his life forever but he knew it was a faraway wish as Martha's hot red lips curled up in her signature smile as she stared at everyone in the room. The same smile he had fallen head over heels for years ago."Mr and Mrs Andersons, this is young master Theo Alcantra, the vice president of our sponsoring company," Dante introduced and Martha flashed him her pearly white smile, while Mark stood there with indifference. He just wanted to get the hell out of there.
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Chapter 119
"Do you mind grabbing dinner together to celebrate?" She asked, flashing him a very wide smile.Chase tilted his head to the side with raised eyebrows. He could see through her and he knew she had an ulterior motive, he only needed time to figure out what it was.As he stared at her, he wondered how he hadn't been able to see through her façade then. "What do you say?" She pressed when he didn't say anything.Agatha, who stood beside him saw the need to remind him of their trip back to the states that evening but he cut her off but speaking first."Is your…. husband okay with that?" He asked, spitting the word 'husband' like it was poison but she was too preoccupied with admiring Theo to notice."He doesn't mind. He'll join us, right?" She asked Mark, who had been absent minded the whole time."Um, yeah, sure," he said, not even knowing what they were talking about and not caring to ask.Chase narrowed his eyes in slits as he stared at his brother. Mark was currently a shadow of his
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Chapter 120
The ride back to the house was smooth and in no time, Chase was in the confinement of his room, working on a project he had received from the states.His phone rang.He was too busy as he had to complete what he was doing on time, he ignored the call.A couple of rings later, the call got disconnected, only to start ringing again in the next second.Groaning, Chase picked the phone and pressed the green button."Why aren't you picking my calls?" The empress asked as soon as he placed the phone on his ear."I'm busy with the Riverdale project, grandma," he said in a bored tone, eyes fixated on his screen.The empress nodded in satisfaction but soon remembered the reason she was calling."I heard you're not coming back today," she said.Of course, Agatha must have relayed the message to her already. He thought to himself."Yes, grandma," he replied."Do you even care about me?" She asked a second later.Chase finally stopped typing on his laptop and leaned back on the couch."Grandma…"
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