All Chapters of The Heir : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
151 chapters
Chapter 41
Chase woke up the next day in his room. It looked like any other normal day before the memories of the previous night came crashing down on him."It wasn't a dream," he muttered to himself.He was about to stand up when his phone pinged. Picking it up, his eyes literally turned to saucers.True to her word, Dame Gabrielle had her secretary wire Chase the promised amount. She vowed to make up for the rough life he had lived. Her first instinct when she got back to her villa in the states was to announce the lost heir but she decided to hold her peace. One week was going to run by in a blink of an eye and she could finally be with her grandson.Seeing the wire alert of $20 million, Chase thought he would faint. "It really wasn't a dream," he repeated. As he was still reeling from the amount, his phone rang and an unknown number popped up on the screen. Looking at it skeptically, he pressed the green button."Good morning, master. I'm secretary Kim and the empress assigned me to you," a
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Chapter 42
In less than 2 minutes, a man of average height came barreling into the store. His dark hair was disheveled like had just woken up from sleep and he wore his tee shirt inside out. Wide eyes scanned the place and it landed on his manager."Mi….mister Blake," the manager jolted upward from where she was seated and rushed up to her boss. The man had always been elegantly dressed, no hair out of place. Seeing him in this state had her a little worried.What she didn't know was that Secretary Kim's call had woken him up and he ran down to the store because apparently, a threat was posed to his business."Where's the young master," he looked ahead, shoving the manager to the side with so much force that she lost her footing and nearly fell face first but quickly regained her stand."There's no young master here, sir," she said again, following behind him. What was he talking about?The man's wide eyes searched around the lobby till it landed on Chase. The man was quite tall but Chase hovere
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Chapter 43
"I was just going to call you," Evelyn said immediately he entered the office. He had gotten to work a little late due to the saga at the store. "Did something happen?" She asked. Her mind still wasn't settled on how the incidence with the Alcantras ended the previous night and she knew what they were capable of. Everyone did."I slept in," he said with a smile."You had me worried there," she breathed a sigh of relief. "You look happy?" She said but it came out as a question as she looked at the small smile that played on his lips. Since she had been working with him, she knew he didn't appreciate the job but there was not much he could do about it, hence, he always came in grumpy but that day was a different case. "Did you win the lottery?" She quirked her eyebrows at him.He looked to be in thoughts for a while before he nodded like a child. "I guess I did," he smiled."You did?" She opened her eyes widely."Yeah. I have you as a friend. That's a lottery," he sent her a heart-warmi
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Chapter 44
"It's from…." The woman started to say."Why not accept it and see what it is?" Chase finally spoke up and the woman heaved a sigh of relief for pulling her out of the awkward position.Evelyn looked at him from the side and sighed. It was reasonable that she opened it because for all she knew, it could have been a rusted piece of jewelry for her mockery because she was still skeptical about the woman. "Fine," she huffed and collected the bag from the woman."Thank you," the woman said, directing it to the both of them.Chase cocked his head to the side, giving her the permission to leave and she bowed her head one last time and sauntered out of the lobby with all elegance and drove off in her sleek black Porsche.The sight left everyone in awe. Her dressing wasn't a coincidence. She was obviously rich.She peered inside and pulled out the black box that sat royally in the bag."Here, let me help," Chase said and collected the bag from her so she could hold the box properly.Taking in
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Chapter 45
The days leading up to the one week Theo's grandmother gave him passed in a blur, totally uneventful. He would have thought he had woken up from the dream and his life had gone back to normal if he didn't keep getting the stipend he was promised daily, which led him to where he was standing at the moment."Can I see the doctor?" He asked the nurse that stood behind the counter."Do you have an appointment?" The young brunette asked him warily."Um, no but…." He started to say but she immediately cut him off."Then I can't help you," she snapped. She was already having a long day and she could have just taken him to the doctor but she knew he was just there to waste her time.Chase sighed in exasperation. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, especially as he wasn't a family member, but he didn't know it would be that difficult. He had somehow managed to get Evelyn to tell him her mother's name and the name of the hospital she was admitted to but that was all he could get without drawing
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Chapter 46
"Young master?" Everyone including the nurses and guards looked around to see who the doctor was talking about.The guards noticed that the man's eyes were zeroed in on Chase and they quickly shook their heads."There's a mix up, doctor. He's just a vagabond that….." the second guard started to say but he couldn't finish his sentence as the doctor slapped him across the cheek, his head falling to the side."How dare you? Apologize to the young master this moment," he growled with fury. The reputation of the hospital he had built with his sweat was at stake and they dared to still open their mouths.The nurses opened their mouths in pure shock. They had never heard the chief doctor speak more than two words at a time, talk more of showing such anger.Who was this young master he was talking about? The question filled their minds.The guards quickly got to their knees in front of Chase. They didn't understand who he was or why they were apologizing to him, all they knew was that their j
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Chapter 47
The doctor nodded and thanked him profusely and Chase left the building.When he was gone, the doctor sent for the two guards and fired them immediately, all their pleadings falling on deaf ears.The name 'Kevin Alcantra' echoed throughout the hospital like a wide fire that day and the staff all pulled out their phones to search for the name but there was no result found. Was he in any way related to the great Alcanta family? Nobody knew the answer to the question.Chase had a smile on his face as he exited the building. He was very happy because he had been able to resolve the issue that had been bothering his friend for the longest time but the smile on his face faltered a bit as he saw a figure he recognized a few feet away.He walked closer and saw it was Kenny. Kenny sat on a bench with slumped shoulders, looking very dejected."I thought that was you," Chase immediately said when he got closer and saw his face."Hi, Theo," Kenny replied with a smile but the smile didn't reach hi
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Chapter 48
"Wh…what? Why would you say that?" Kenny choked out and scoffed a bit, which was totally unbelievable, even to a five-year old child."Don't lie, Kenny, " Chase said, his eyes growing even darker. He totally hated when people were bullied and he had been a victim since his awakening but then, there was absolutely nothing he could do. But now, he had the power and wasn't going to let it slide."Why would you think I'm lying?" Kenny kept the denial up as he scratched the back of his head, thinking of how to get out of the situation. This was something he had never discussed with anyone and nobody had been concerned enough to find out, even when he came to work with a black eye. He wanted to tell Chase off but he didn't have the heart to. No other person had cared enough to ask him."I saw what he did to you in the elevator the other day," Chase said bitterly as the memory of how ashamed Kenny had looked came back to him."Wha….." Kenny tilted his head to the side as he tried to think of
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Chapter 49
"Theo," Huncho called out from the other side of the street and jogged down to reach him on time, two of his minions following in tow.The smile on Chase's face disappeared. They were just the right people he needed to shake Paul up a bit but how would he do that? It wasn't like they were his friends and he could just say "hey buddy, beat someone up for me real quick." If anything, they were there to beat him up."Looks like you forgot about us," one of the men smiled while rubbing his moustache."Fuck off," Chase said through gritted teeth and swatted the man's hand away as he tried to touch his face."You've gotten quite ballsy," Huncho said and his smile grew wider."What do you want?" Chase scowled."I'm gonna keep it brief. Give us some money," Huncho pulled out his hand to receive."I don't have any money to give you," Chase replied and turned to leave but just before he could do that, Huncho dragged him by the collar and was about to land a blow to his face when the headlights
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Chapter 50
"Young master, we'll be back in the next two days. You'll be leaving for the states with us, just as the empress said," secretary Kim informed Chase.He nodded once in response and walked the remaining distance to his house while the men reversed their cars and screeching of tires could be heard.Chase wasn't ready to leave yet but he knew he couldn't back down. The empress had fulfilled her end of the bargain and he had to do same.After a quick shower, he got into bed, prepared for his last day as a hotel cleaner.At Paul's house, he was having a mini party with his some of his friends. He didn't have to report early to work since he had Kenny who would get everything settled before his arrival."Hey, man, is there more booze?" One of his friends who was already drunk asked."There's enough for everyone one in the fridge," he yelled over the loud music and the party of 7 people all cheered.He was the most respected among his friends, mainly because he worked at a prestigious compan
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