All Chapters of The Heir : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
151 chapters
Chapter 51
Chase yawned like a cat and stretched wildly when he woke up the next morning. He quickly rushed to get ready for the day and since it was his last day at work, he wanted to leave an impression, whatever that may be.He got ready on time and soon, he was standing outside Gab and Gabe's. With a deep breath, he walked in and headed straight to the elevator.He has gone very early so the elevator was mostly free till he got to the floor his section was.Immediately as he opened the door, his eyes met Evelyn's. She was in a conversation with Alice."Hi, ladies," he greeted as he walked in."You're here early today," Alice commented."Don't I come early every other day?" Chase asked, feigning hurt.In response, the two ladies looked at him pointedly."You're going to be just fine," Alice said to Evelyn and squeezed her hand before leaving the office to get started with her day.Evelyn sighed deeply and sunk deeper into the couch. Chase noticed this and walked up to her."That suits you," h
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Chapter 52
"Is there any issues, young master?" Secretary Kim's voice boomed. "Just a little something. I want you to call Paul's superior to make him report to work," Chase said in a flat tone."Yes sir, anything else?" Secretary Kim asked."Yes," Chase said and told secretary Kim what he wanted him to do next."I'll get right on it. Is that it?" Secretary Kim asked again to make sure the young master didn't want him to do anything else."That's all for now," Chase said and pulled the phone out of his ear, ending the call.He had a good feeling that Paul wouldn't report to work after Huncho gave him feedback of how their little journey went, but he wanted to make him feel every pain he cause Kenny, and that included reporting to work after being abused.Secretary Kim made the call and the general manager, who was surprised to hear his voice and even more surprised at his out-of-the-blue request quickly got to work. It wasn't everyday you got to speak to one of the personal assistants of the em
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Chapter 53
Chase's phone rang in his pocket and he pulled it out but furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't recognize the caller.Deciding to pick the call, his tensed muscles immediately relaxed as he heard the voice of the caller."Dude, are you a psychic or something?" Kenny's excited voice boomed through the speaker."Kenny?" Chase asked to be sure."I have good news for you, man. Let's meet up this evening," Kenny continued."What is it?" Chase asked, trying to sound as curious as he could when he already had a good idea what it was."I'll tell you everything when we see," Kenny said and ended the call and Chase couldn't help the smile that played on his lips."What?" Evelyn asked, startling him. He had not heard her come in."Oh, um, just a friend," he shrugged and put his phone in his pocket, playing it off."Hmm," she hummed and stood beside him. "There's something different about you," she started as she scrutinized his features."Really?" He chuckled awkwardly as he rocked on the ball of
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Chapter 54
The day went by quickly and soon, it was time for lunch. Every other person went out for lunch except Paul, who was buried in work with an aching body."The broccoli isn't going to turn to a monster and bite you," Evelyn chuckled at Chase's indignant stare at the broccoli on his plate while the took their seat in their favorite spot."Yeah, thanks," he said and immediately picked it out and dropped it on the tray."What's your brother's name?" He asked out of the blue and Evelyn stopped her food mid-air. Chase had been trying to ask her all week but he didn't know how to bring up the conversation and decided the best way to do it was to just put it out there.Evelyn quickly regained her composure and put the food in her mouth. The question was so random that it sent her into a shock wave for a minute."My brother is Malcom. Malcolm Smith," she told him, not knowing why he needed the information but guessing he just wanted to talk about her family with her."Hmm," Chase nodded and made
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Chapter 55
"I haven't done anything. Please let me go," Sarah's loud screams and cries filled the lobby.The two guards by her side continued to drag her like a sack of potatoes while she wailed."Let me go," she continued to beg.Chase and Evelyn stood off on the side as well as other staff that were around, and watched the scene. Chase watched with an indifferent expression while Evelyn watched with horror. She couldn't believe what she was seeing."What's going on here?" Patrick's deep voice came as he stepped out of the elevator and noticed the commotion.The guards ignored him and continued moving till he stopped in front of them. They were way bigger than him and could have easily shoved him to the side, but they decided to stop."Move," one of the guards said through gritted teeth with a weeping Sarah in his hands."I'm the manager of this branch, hence, I demand to know what is going on and why my staff is being dragged away," he asked with a straight voice, puffing his chest out and lif
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Chapter 56
"I love…""Here's your order," the waitress' voice sliced through the tension between them and Evelyn felt her resolve roll away."Thanks," Chase smiled at her as she displayed their food in front of them.She nodded once and turned to leave.Chase turned back to Evelyn who was now looking at the food in front of her like it was the most beautiful thing in the world.Eager to hear what she was going to say, he asked, "you love…?" He left the sentence incomplete for her to finish."Winter," she sputtered out. "I love winter," she said more firmly and raised her eyes to meet Chase's.Disappointment flashed through Chase's eyes for a brief second but was quickly replaced with a small smile."What was I thinking? Did I really think she was going to say she loves me? Stupid." Chase mentally scolded himself."Let's eat quickly," he nodded towards their food."Why did you order so much?" Evelyn giggled with a hand over her mouth."I read somewhere that food makes a woman's anger dissipate,"
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Chapter 57
"You, get me a cup of coffee," Paul ordered Chase immediately as they stepped into the lobby.Paul had been working all morning and only came down to get a drink and as soon as he saw Chase, he knew he had found the perfect errand boy."That is no longer in my job description. You made it clear the other day," Chase said confidently, referring to the day he was removed as the tea boy.Some people in the lobby gasped at Chase's audacity for questioning Paul and refusing straight away to get the work done.Evelyn pulled his hand, silently begging him to just get the coffee for the man so they can go ahead with their day but Chase wasn't having it. He squared his shoulders and stared a furious-looking Paul down."Do you want to lose your job, you beggar?" Paul seethed. He was usually calm and collected but with the work load he had, coupled with the pain he felt all over his body, the last thing he expected was a common cleaner to question him."The last time I checked, you're the one at
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Chapter 58
"How did you know?" She asked him."Know what?" Chase asked. He thought they had closed the conversation."How did you know Paul is at the verge of losing his job?" She had been genuinely curious about it since the words left his lips. She knew Chase wasn't connected to the top managers and if at all something like that was going to happen, the information would only be among the top staff members and not cleaners like Chase and herself."Oh, wild guess. I'm probably even wrong," he shrugged his shoulders again, playing it off."Hmm," she hummed, even though she knew deep down that from the way Paul reacted, it was no wild guess or coincidence. "But why then…." She started to say but the door to their office was thrown open, making the words die in her throat."Guys!" Alice came barreling into the office. She came to a stop in the middle of the office, in front of where Chase and Evelyn sat. She hunched over, both hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath from running so fast.Ch
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Chapter 59
At this point, Chase didn't know whether to laugh or not. He hadn't expected the staff members to be smart enough to connect the dots. He didn't feel an ounce of regret for his actions, in fact, he was willing to do it over again if it would teach Sarah a lesson never to look down on or bully anyone.Unlike Chase who didn't know whether to laugh or not, Evelyn clutched her stomach and burst out laughing. She laughed so hard that her sides began to hurt and she was struggling to breathe."What's so funny?" Alice, who felt offended by being laughed at asked.When Evelyn could finally control her fit, she spoke up."Do you even listen to yourself? What do you mean it has to do with what she did to Theo and I?" She asked but quickly added. "You know what, don't answer that. I don't even know why I bother with you," she said amidst giggles."But I'm not….." Alice started to say but Theo casted her a glance, shutting her up."That's enough gossip for today," he cautioned and this time, they
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Chapter 60
"What do I know about what?" Chase asked him with a small smirk playing on his lips."Do not play tricks with me, young man," Paul yelled, slamming his heavy hands down on his desk but Chase didn't bat an eyelash."Didn't that hurt your arm?" Chase asked, feigning concern."Wh….what…." Paul stuttered. How did Chase know his arms had been hurt?Getting bored of the game already, Chase decided to go straight to the point."If this is why you called me, making me leave my post, then I must say you lack work ethics. I'll have to excuse myself," Chase said confidently and stood up and Paul's face turned red in anger."Walk out on me and that will be the end of your services here. I'm your employer. Don't forget your place," he yelled.Chase chuckled a dark, humorless chuckle. He leaned forward and rested his palms on the desk so his face was inches away from Paul's.The blood dried from Paul's face at Chase's intimidating position and his eyes flickered to the telephone on his desk, trying
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