All Chapters of Light and Darkness: Nytri's Odyssey : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
113 chapters
Friends from Nowhere.
Nytri reaches the borders of her territory and her enemies’, she lands on the ground. Nytri cracks her knuckles, “ELEMENTAL MANIPULATION.” EP burst from Nytri covering the land and sky before her, “Compress elemental energy, turn them into golems.”[NOTICE: NEW SKILL: ELEMENTAL CREATION: Allows the creation of elemental beings (Fire, water, earth, space, light, time, all elements).]Nytri raises her hand, “I want to kill all of them so none comes back seeking revenge or whatever.” The elemental beings start to form, first their only 10 meters. Nytri’s mind starts to Simulate possibilities as her new skill levels up, with the elementals increasing in size and power. The elementals now number around 400,000 of various laws.Nytri looks at her skill, “Abyssal Contract, last I tried it nothing came out. I have a lot of EP so I’m certain something will come out now. ABYSSAL CONTRACT SUMMONING.” Nytri is surprised as EP leaves her towards the sky, 64 rune spheres appear and breaks. 64 being
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Standing on a cliff, looking down on a land of ice and snow. Freezing rain over the land without trees, snow structures are spotted around the land. A monster 30 centimeters in size crawls out of the snow, it’s a white possum with ice teeth. The white possum rubs its nose then looks around, it looks behind it then *BOOOOOM* the possum runs as explosions fill the area.*BOOOOM BOOOOOM*Abyssal witch is on a broom raining fire across the land, to her south is a gold strange golem with multiple arms dicing monsters as if a game. A werewolf is running on the sides of a cliff ripping the monsters apart with its sharp claws. A boy on a throne raises a hand, a lot of monsters float in the air. Monsters even reaching 300 meters are hovering before him, he swipes his hand and the monsters turn to mush dripping on the ground.A female humanoid ice monster with very long legs and hair stands watching the scene of carnage before it. They see their enemies approaching, they know where they are com
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Nytri wakes up in the bunker, her hair a mess with slash marks on the metal bed. She yawns and stretches as she gets up from the bed. Nytri walks to the bathroom cleaning herself, she walks to her closet and open it staring at the mirror. “What?”Nytri stares at her eyes in the mirror, “When did my eyes become like this?! I have lights in my eyes!” she opens her eyes wide, “I guess since we managed to make a mirror recently, it must have changed a long time ago.” She swipes her hand as the clothes move until the one she wants appears before her.She picks a shirt and shorts, “Another day to laze around.” *BANG* Nytri’s door opens as she still stares in the mirror, “Seriously?” she turns to see Kael smiling at her with a construct of some sort.Kael smiles at Nytri and drops an engine like thingy before her, “We want to make an engine for flying panzers, but we keep hitting a wall. Since your Information magic is the highest, we thought it’d be only right for you to take a look at it.”
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Birth of the Xenos
Nytri walks deep into the forest until she comes across an open place, she opens a screen before her.[INFORMATION MAGIC DISPLAY LEVELName: Nytri AlcoreRace: Mist AzurianTitle: Azurian ProgenitorRank: Infant King CalamityLevel: 758Base Stats:- Health Points (HP): 17,750,100,000- Energy Points (EP): 32,000,200,000- Stamina Points (SP): 21,000,500,000- Soul Points (SoP): 49,112,000,000Physical Stats:- Strength: 10,010,000,000- Endurance: 16,060,000,000- Agility: 18,100,400,000- Intelligence: 24,230,000,000- Wisdom: 29,447,980,000Skills:- SYMBIOSIS: Create companions to follow your heart’s desire but not your will.NOTICE: This skill allows Nytri to create a companion which share a symbiotic relationship. Nytri does not possess enough SoP to make one whole companion hence multiple companions will be created.NOTICE: SYMBIOSIS is a onetime use skill. Should the companions die, they will return to Nytri to be reborn but new companions CANNOT be created.END]Nytri shrugs,
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Adventure to Pranks
Nytri and Ryu set out to explore, first was the giant tortoise which is no different from a walking country and it’s still growing. Nytri is flying holding Ryu’s hand carrying him across the land, they see the giant tortoise with a forest on its back. Nytri swoops down and Ryu let’s go as they both land.Nytri admires the tortoise, “That’s one heck of a sight.”Ryu looks at the tortoise and back at Nytri, “I still don’t get why you enjoy these things, aren’t they common from where you come from?”Nytri chuckles, “Tortoise yes, that size, no.” Nytri doesn’t use appraisal since almost everyone can sense it and it’s considered rude.Ryu taps Nytri’s shoulder, “Ever seen the red lake?” Nytri shakes her head and Ryu makes a sign to follow, “This way!” Ryu runs like a ray of light.Nytri tilts her head, “I guess he got faster since he became smaller.” Nytri also runs like a ray of light following Ryu.Ryu leads Nytri to a mountain range and stops before it, Ryu turns to Nytri. “Let’s get bi
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First Xeno to the world or realm
Nytri and Ryu returns with Nytri carrying Ryu by the arm, they arrive before the bunker to see Mama Zilla cosplaying as a warrior. Nytri opens her mouth to show a few missing teeth as she walks into the bunker, she uses her tongue to touch a lose teeth. Nytri holds it as it’s easily removed, she’s covered in dirt with a few bruises and a black eye. Ryu is unconscious in a similar state except he has fewer teeth. What the two have in common is the whip marks on their butts. Mama Zilla glances at them….then she goes back to cosplaying.Nytri enters the bunker with Ryu, she didn’t have any intention of saying anything since they caused it themselves. Nytri teleports with Ryu to her room and drops him on his bed, Ryu’s butt lands on the bed as he wakes up whimpering. The marks on his butt are still red and hot, he turns over and scoots so Nytri lies next to him. Nytri use her will/telekinesis to move ice packs as they slowly nurse themselves.After a while or on earth, 28 days. Nytri is
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The Departure
Nytri looks at Dialdelios floating above her hand, “I’d like to see what you’re capable of. Maybe a test run will do. Mum was having trouble with the monsters south coming to hunt in her territory, I’ll let Dialdelios go against them and see how she does.”Nytri’s vision changes as she teleports South of Mama Zilla’s territory, she sees a group of monsters with the appearance of wilder beasts but with sharp teeth and muscles. The monsters number around 5,000 with their sizes being 200 meters and lower. The land is a forest with trees being 100 meters with blue leaves. These monsters seem to be feeding and Nytri is about 5 kilometers away from them.Nytri raises her hand carrying Dialdelios, “Alright Dia, time to show me what you’ve got!” She throws Dia high above the land over the monsters. Dialdelios flies high at 2 kilometers altitude, Dialdelios starts to increase in size as her shadow covers parts of the land.Nytri is able to hear Dialdelios working, she’s not worried because Ryu
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The Rift home and shenanigans
Nytri is standing before her mum and Ryu, Dialdelios is a bit of a distance away. Mama Zilla looks worried like her mother sending her child to school on her first day, and Ryu is being manly…..if you ignore the stream of tears on his face.“If sis goes,” Ryu speaks, “Who am I going to brag- take care of.”Nytri smiles, “Come on bro, it’s not the end of the world. Besides, I’ll be back before you know it.”Ryu nods wiping her tears, Mama Zilla is about to go off again. Moti speaks, “Come on Zi, you have to let her go.” She mumbles beneath her breath, “Before the rest find out she’s leaving.”Mama Zilla nods, “I know I know, it’s just…..”Nytri smiles and jumps into a hug, she hugs Ryu and Mama Zilla together. “I’m glad I met you, you’re the best family I could ever ask for.” She tightens her hug and they hug her back. They break the bug and Nytri fist bumps Ryu’s chest, “Make sure you save the best pranks for me.”Ryu grins, “You’ve got it!”Somewhere in the distance, over mountains t
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A Festive Night in the Dungeon
One fine morning, the birds are chirping, songs fill the air before the Abyssal Sanctum. Moving deep in the dungeon past the adventurers fighting monsters, monsters hunting, down to 128th floor. A village of sorts is here, there’re huts scattered around the place and farms flourishing. An Azurite, normal human height with brown skin and blue eyes walks out of his hut. He stretches to get the sleep off him the heads to the farm, which is right below the hanging platforms of the 128th floor. The big hole at the bottom of the 128th floor has been made into a farm with terracing and many farming strategies.A crack spreads through the space right before the throne of Paxius, the final boss now looking human. Everyone gathers around the crack as only 1 Azurian is seen towering over all the Azurites. Lyra, the Azurian looks at the crack with joy. “Could it be!”The crack spreads and the space falls off, lights can be seen coming from the darkness in the holes then suddenly 2 Azurians jump o
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Zareth's Scheme and Nalassa's Misunderstanding
Zareth sat in his temple, feasting on a platter of roasted meat and sipping on a goblet of wine as he listened to Belzorath's report. The god of war has been waiting for news of Azurites and Nytri's return, and now that he has gotten it, he is eager to take action."So, she's back in the dungeon?" Zareth asked, his eyes lighting up with anticipation."Yes, my lord," Belzorath replied, his tone grave. "Chants of her name was heard from the lower floors of the Abyssal Sanctum just a few days ago.”Zareth asked, “What are Azurites” he pauses his feast watching Belzorath.Belzorath replied, “They are dungeon dwellers, my lord.”Zareth stroked his chin thoughtfully, considering his options. "Excellent. We must capture her before she has a chance to slip away again.""But my lord," Belzorath interrupted, "she is not alone. The Azurites will surely protect her, and we do not know what other powers she may have at her disposal."Zareth waved a dismissive hand. "She’s just a little girl, no ma
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