All Chapters of Light and Darkness: Nytri's Odyssey : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
113 chapters
Finding a New Home
Nytri is on the 129th floor with Dialdelios(Maid) and golem set(Mostly King). Nytri placed a thought in the Nexusphere for everyone to vote on, “Should we find a new place to live or remain in the dungeon?” that’s the question.At the center of the 129th floor where the shrine used to be, King has built a throne there. King directs Nytri to sit down, “Here, my Liege.”“Okay.” Nytri says, she sits on the throne looking at a screen before her showing the live results of the vote.“My liege,” King speaks, “That is not how you should sit.”“Huh?” Nytri looks at herself, “I’m just sitting normally.”King shakes his head, “No my liege, you must sit with dignity not as anyone else. Let your presence be felt in the room.” Dialdelios is nodding by the side. King takes Nytri’s leg and puts it on the other and moves her hand for her head to rest on it and her elbow on the arm of the throne. “Perfect, now gaze upon your subjects with the feeling of pride!”Nytri raises a brow, then she looks at t
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The Arrogant Invasion
Zareth, accompanied by seven powerful demon kings, made their way to the Abyssal Sanctum with the intention of capturing Nytri. The demon kings with Zareth are named Valtorus, Malvagor, Nethrax, Gorgomor, Azurath, Ebonvar, and Belzorath, and they are all notorious for their strength and cruelty.They reach the entrance of the Abyssal Sanctum, Zareth orders. “Set up the divine artefact and activate the barrier. 24 hours is more than enough for me to catch her, no one can leave this barrier as long as its active.”Belzorath place a medallion before the dungeon, a barrier is created surrounding the dungeon from the first floor to the last floor. No one should be able to exit this barrier………Azurians kept teleporting in and out without knowing such a barrier has been placed, the Azurites use the Azurian skills so none knew.Zareth takes a deep breath looking at the barrier, “Now, now of her tricks can save her. Let’s go.” He walks ahead with his demon kings following him. If Nytri had agre
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Revenge is overrated
Nytri taps her chin walking towards Zareth, “I wonder what he did to me next. Well, tossing me around…..So.” Nytri grins, she moves like a flash and kicks Zareth’s belly splitting him into two along with the pillar. But he falls right before her, he looks at her with pleading eyes.“Awww.” Nytri makes a pleading face, “You want mercy?” Zareth nods and Nytri speaks, “Awww, such a shame you didn’t show mercy on a little kid……how many years has it been? Meh, who cares. HEAL.”“What?” Zareth is fully recovered as if he was never beaten, he smiles thinking it’s over. He looks up then *BOOOOOOM* Nytri kicks him in the face sending him flying over 100s of meters. Nytri teleports ahead of him and drop kicks him to the ground *BOOOOM* Zareth hits the ground and bounces up due to the force, blood is all over him and he spits some out.Zareth opens his eyes and sees Nytri descending on him with a kick *BOOOOM* He lost all sense of pain then Nytri speaks, “HEAL.” Zareth recovers only for the pai
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The Primordial gods' Wrath
The celebration was finally over, everyone was resting from a good job done. Zareth was on a white floor with lots of holes in him and a gun rack by the side. Belzorath is hanging on a drying line, he looks wet. Ebonvar looks rounder than before. Gorgomor is hanging upside down with a few sticks on the ground. Malvagor is…… he’s still hanging on for dear life, apparently a black hole is below him if he falls, bet tickets and rocks around him. Azurath is doing handstand with whip marks around him. Nethrax is jumping through fiery hoops. Valtorus is juggling balls, he has to throw the explosive one away or *BOOOOM* that.After 24 hours of a hearty reunion, the sealing artefacts Zareth and crew brought finally wore off. A bright light covers them, the Azurians watch expectantly waiting for a show.Kael smiles, “Maybe they have a secret skill.”Astrarigel is on a pole, “And they’re now activating it? Better late than never. I think it’s going to a 9th tier runic circle at best.”Lucian ru
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Preemptive Strike
……………..A FEW MOMENTS AGONytri turns to King, “Only Azurians.” King makes a disappointed face, Nytri looks at Dialdelios. “Will the Xenos join?”Dialdelios shakes her head, “No, there’s no need. Running around crushing bugs won’t be fun.”Nytri shrugs, “Suit yourself.” Nytri walks to the 128th floor, she swipes her hand making a rift for herself. The Azurians can also make rifts wherever they are, so they join with coordinates from Nytri to 5 kilometers around Zareth.Nytri enters the rift to the familiar space of streams of raw destructive energy, she raises her head looking around. She sees a shining beacon from above her, she activates FLIGHT MODE and flies towards the lift.Nytri looks around her, “Huh? The earth is not directly under the divine realm? Interesting, I’ll have to take time to see what the universe is really like.” She focuses on the beacon flying at full speed, she feels the presence of her kin following her through the streams.Nytri grins, “I wonder how things wi
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Other’s side
………………………………NOTICE: PERSPECTIVE SWITCH TO KAELA FEW MOMENTS AGOBefore Nytri and the Azurians went to the divine realm, Kael is outside the dungeon in the Mirthendom Kingdom. This is the kingdom Nytri was born in and the same kingdom with the Abyssal Sanctum. Kael is at the adventurers’ guild with 2 other Azurians Eryndor and Lilia, they’re registering to be adventurers.Kael in at the counter before a receptionist, “Is it necessary for us to take a test to become adventurers?” Eryndor and Lilia are looking around the building and their sizes are attracting attention.The receptionist(male) speaks, “Yeah, even if you look strong it’s so we reduce the death count. You may be big but I bet it’s all just for show, a Gold rank adventurer will test to see if you’re strong enough to be an adventurer.”Kael rubs his chin, “I didn’t know tests were needed just to gather herbs. Does that mean you also test the children?”“The children only go on gathering guests,” The receptionist speaks, “E
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Other side – Part B
……………………….On another side of the divine realm, in a corridor made of precious stones and candle lights. An Azurian is walking, this Azurian, Seren is know to be the kindest…….She’s holding a head……….Maybe Akamu is the kindest, she did go around talking about peace a lot.NOTICE: PERSPECTIVE SWITCH TO SERENSeren is filled with rage as she walks down the corridor holding a head, she grits her teeth as her thoughts. “Unforgiveable, UNFORGIVEABLE!” a bloody aura leaves her, it’s a good thing the gods can’t sense it. “To think the gods feasted on human flesh and blood, they start wars so they can satisfy their sick desires! The ground is soiled by the blood of innocents.”A door to the side opens and an ancient god steps out, his head is sliced vertically before he even notices anything. He falls down dead with his blood flowing on the floor. Seren’s thoughts, “Then I’ll soil the ground with their blood!”“AAGGGHHH” a demi-goddess in a maid outfit sees the dead god, she sees Seren right
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The Divine Cleansing
NOTICE: PERSPECTIVE SWITCH TO NYTRIBack at the teleport terminal, a group of gods arrive to see the place covered in purple mist. The teleport terminal which seems to be like a covered market with counters inside and stalls around are empty. Deep into the room cannot be seen because the mist is too thick, the gods observe the mist.The gods are right before the building filled mist. One takes a bold step to enter. When he entered the mist but didn’t go far, he moves his hand through it trying to see what it is. “Hmmm, this is not different from air.” The god(Looks pretty old in robes) speaks, “There’s no poison either. What could this really be?” he takes a step and freezes. He looks at his hands turning it over to see his white hair on his hand turning black, he’s in shock.“WHAT?!” The god is horrified, he turns around to leave, “No!” In a few seconds, the god tries to leave the mist. The god slowly loses his divinity and becomes human, just an old human. With his arm stretched for
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Finally….Freedom…..not by death.
When Nytri split the floating island in 2, the pantheon’s main building was also split revealing the dungeon. Nytri looks at the tens of prisoners chained. They look at her with confusion plastered on their faces. An elf god shakes her head, “I better not go easy on the drinks next time….Never go on a drinking challenge with a dwarf again.”Nytri is about 2 kilometers from the prison and Clone 1 is looking at them. Clone 1 teleports right before the demolished building. The elf freaks out, “IT’S NOT THE DRINKS! AAHHH HELP! I’M TOO YOUNG TO BE EATEN!” the other prisoners also freak out except 1.An old man in chains, he looks so weak and frail. A weeping goblin is trying to rip her hand from the chain to help the old man. Clone 1 recognizes that goblin, she opens her hand before the prisoners makes a clone from the open hand. This clone is 70% of Clone 1 not the original.The subclone jumps before the prisoners speaking, “Hey! I recognize that goblin!” everyone looks at her wondering h
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Nytri is in Mist Mode at the terminal, she looks at a space hole in her hands leading to a barren land. Nytri pumps EP into that place but nothing happens, she then sends EP into the space and changes occur. A sapling sprouts from the ground, it grows to a height of 300, a giant tree with countless branches but not fruits. There are thousands of flower buds on the tree.Under the tree, a river bursts from between it’s roots making 13 rivers spreading from the tree. The river path is lowered for the water to flow through. The entire space is about 5 kilometers, at the edge is whiteness. Going through it will bring you to the other side, this is a place of no escape unless the creator allows it.Nytri turns to the gods entangled in her whips, “Your new home is ready. I hope you like it.” Before the gods could beg, they’re beheaded with their heads floating before Nytri yet alive. “You won’t need your bodies ever again.” A white flame engulfs their bodies followed by a black flame. Runes
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