All Chapters of Rise of The Son in Law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 chapters
William's mind was a whirlwind of emotions, and for a moment, it seemed like he wanted to storm off because he was overwhelmed by the shame and anger of the situation.He envisioned himself standing up, pushing the table aside, and leaving the restaurant in a fit of frustration.He clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white, and his body trembled with the turmoil inside him.But then reality crashed down upon him. Escaping this predicament was not so simple, and he realized that storming off would only further damage his reputation.As William finally looked up from the documents, he met Jason's unwavering gaze. Jason leaned in closer, his voice low and controlled. He decided to give William an ultimatum, each word deliberate and weighted."William," he said, "You can either accept your new position within the company, working under my authority, or you can choose to contest this sale. But if you do, you should be prepared to face the potential legal consequences of
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Alison sat at the elegantly set dinner table, her fingers drumming nervously against her wine glass.Her eyes were fixed on Jason, who was confidently engaging in a conversation with other guests at the dinner.A storm of emotions raged within her, and the more she watched Jason, the worse it got.She couldn't deny that Jason looked the part of a successful CEO.His tailored suit, his composed demeanor, and the air of authority he carried made it clear that he was no longer the struggling mechanic she had once known.Alison felt a growing sense of unease as she saw him savor in his newfound glory.Her thoughts drifted to the past, to all those times when she and her family had treated Jason with disdain, as if he were nothing more than a nuisance. She remembered the laughter, the mockery, and the humiliation she had subjected him to. And now, here he was, having turned the tables on them.As the evening wore on, Alison found herself making frequent trips to the restroom.Each visit
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Jason finally decided he had had enough. His irritation surged, and he clenched his fists in frustration.He turned to a nearby server, a young man in a crisp black suit, and hissed, "Call security, now!"The server nodded and hurried away, disappearing into the crowd of bewildered guests.Jason couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for inviting Alison and William to the dinner.He had hoped to just reveal his newly found wealth to them and for a smooth transition into his new role as the owner of Montgomery Enterprise, not to drag innocent Lisa into it.Moments later, two imposing security personnel arrived on the scene. They were dressed in sleek, black suits, with earpieces and stern expressions that meant business. The guests fell silent as the security team approached Alison and Lisa, who were still engaged in a heated argument.One of the security personnel, a tall, broad-shouldered man, stepped forward and addressed Alison and William, who had walked over to defend Alison w
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Jason and Lisa were still standing beside’s Jason’s luxurious car, with the streetlamp casting a soft glow on the polished pavement of her apartment complex.They both walked over to Lisa’s door and He took a deep breath before facing her to say goodbye."Lisa," Jason began, with his voice a touch hesitant, "I wanted to apologize for what happened at the event. I never expected things to get so out of hand, and I'm truly sorry for any discomfort it may have caused you."Lisa nodded and offered a polite smile. "Thank you for your apology, Mr Jason. It’s also partly my fault and I understand that these things can happen unexpectedly."After a brief conversation, Jason eventually took his leave. As he walked away from Lisa's house, his mind was filled with thoughts about the night's events.He replayed the confrontation with William and Alison, their anger and envy, and his growing understanding of the complexities of his newfound role as the CEO of Montgomery Enterprise.The quiet stree
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William’s eyes locked onto Jason's figure, seated behind a grand desk that commanded authority.The room felt cold, not just in temperature, but in the evident tension that crackled between the two men.Jason, the new CEO, maintained an air of calm authority. He observed William's entrance with a measured expression, understanding the anger that fueled his visit.William's voice was laced with bitterness as he declared, "I will not work under you, Jason. I’ll prefer to leave all I have for you than be subjected to this insult."His clenched fists emphasized his resolve, and the room seemed to grow smaller with the weight of the tension.Jason leaned back in his chair with his gaze unwavering. He knew that this moment had the potential to tip the scales of power."Very well," he replied evenly. "If that is your decision, I will respect it."The agreement hung heavy in the air.Jason had acknowledged William's pride, and now the power shifted. Jason was in control, not just of the comp
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Jason's day-to-day life had settled into a routine as the CEO of Montgomery Enterprise.His office, once a symbol of prestige and power, was now his second home.It was there, amid the neatly organized files and sleek, modern furniture, that he carried out his duties with an air of professionalism and confidence.Each morning, he arrived promptly, his suit impeccable, ready to tackle the challenges of running a successful company.Jason was keenly aware that every decision he made had a ripple effect throughout the organization. It was a responsibility he took seriously.He spent his mornings reviewing reports, attending conference calls, and ensuring that the various departments of the company were operating smoothly.Despite the initial challenges of adapting to this new role, Jason had quickly grown into the position. His dedication and resilience had propelled him to the wheel of the company.As the day wore on, he prepared for a business meeting with potential clients.It was a
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In the month following his appointment as the CEO of Montgomery Enterprise, Jason had worked tirelessly to introduce innovative policies that revolutionized the company.The impact was undeniable. Sales had skyrocketed, and the business was thriving like never before. He was amassing wealth by the minute, and the recognition he gathered in Ravenswood was extraordinary.His strategies had paid off, transforming the once-struggling company into a powerful force in the market.The employees respected his leadership, and the company was now known for its growth, not its past misfortunes. Jason couldn't have been happier about the progress he had made.The employees admired his vision, and they were quick to embrace the changes he brought to the table. Jason had fostered a work environment where creativity and innovation thrived.His commitment to building a better future for the company was bearing fruit, and it showed in the numbers.Jason himself was often surprised by the speed at w
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Jason woke up to his head pounding with the relentless beat of a wild night.He blinked, trying to remember the events that had led him to wake up beside a woman he didn't recognize.His first instinct was to panic, but as the woman turnedz beside him, he took a deep breath and decided to face the situation with grace."Good morning," he said withhis voice slightly hoarse as he offered a polite smile.The woman turned to look at him, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Morning," she replied with a hint of a mischievous grin. "I'm Emily, by the way."Jason couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. "I'm Jason, and I... I'm sorry about last night. I don't usually—"Emily interrupted him with a soft laugh. "Don't worry about it," she said, waving away his concerns. "Last night was fun. Sometimes you just need to let loose."As Emily got out of bed and started dressing, Jason watched her with a newfound respect for her confidence.He admired her ability to handle a situation like this withou
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"Jason," John, the private investigator’s voice crackled through the line, filled with a sense of urgency. "I've got something. Something big."Jason's determination flared, and his voice was resolute. "Tell me, John. I've waited long enough."“No, I can’t tell you on the phone. How about we meet up somewhere?’’ John asked over the phone.“Alright, let’s meet at the café downtown,” Jason suggested.“Okay then,” John replied“I hope this news is major John?” Jason asked so he wouldn’t get his hopes up for nothing.“Yes sir, it is,” John replied with a sense of urgency."I can't believe this," Jason muttered to himself, his voice tinged with a mix of rage and sorrow. "After everything they've put me through, this is my chance. My chance to bring them down."He ended the call and excused himself from Andres.As he hurried out of his office, his thoughts were consumed by the information John had just shared. Revenge was a dish best served cold, and he was determined to make it ice-cold fo
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John offered a faint, appreciative smile, his faith in Jason unwavering. "I know you would do the right thing. Together, we can change the course of history in Ravenswood."As John and Jason continued to converse in hushed tones, delving into the depths of the Hastings' dark secrets, a faint buzz interrupted their clandestine meeting.Jason's phone lit up with a message from Otis. His brow furrowed with concern as he read the urgent notification."Jason," John said, sensing the shift in his demeanor. "What's wrong?"Jason hesitated for a moment, torn between the pressing matters at the company and his quest for justice.The conflict weighed heavily on him, his duty to Montgomery Enterprise at odds with his burning desire to expose the Hastings.With a heavy sigh, Jason finally looked at John. "I have an important company meeting. I promised I'd be back before it started, but I can't leave this unfinished."John nodded in understanding. "Jason, I know this is a lot to take in. But we'v
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