All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
168 chapters
Chapter One- Hundrend
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!"A scream was heard, and this caught Ryan's attention as he moved to find cover in case a shooting spree or a gun war was happening around the corner.He looked further to the sight of the incident; the out-roaring bar had suddenly become as silent as a graveyard. He became scared, trying not to release his fear as he sprinted towards the side of the bar closest to the bar window. He looked inside, taking a little peep, as he saw a female figure holding a gun, pointing it towards Rashy, and a low, grunted conversation was heard."What do you want with me?""What else do I want except for your vast knowledge and unpaid beauty?""You know what you can take. I will give you whatever you want; just don't kill me. My father will pay a huge sum if you let me be."."I will save you, princess.""Don't be a nitwit and just lay your ass down.""Nobody gives me the great warrior of the east a lash back. I will make sure you pay for this. Eat dust" A loud so
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Chapter One- Hundrend And One
"Why?"The white and well-furnished furniture in the bar had suddenly turned red. The men all looked towards Rashy, who was holding the pistol and breathing heavily, and opposite her were two bodies lying flat on the ground. One was still breathing, while the other was plain dead, with the head on the wall staining it with bl@@d.The one who was plain but still breathing was Ryan. The incident had turned around. Sasha had shot the lady in her head, which led to her falling and hitting her head on the wallpapered wall and staining it with her blood. Ryan was happy and wanted to thank her when she suddenly shot him in the shoulder."Nothing really important. I am sure my father would be happy if you died right here and now. But Mr. Smith won't be.""So you are walking for Mr. Smith, huh?" Ryan grinned, holding his shoulder, trying to slow down the escaping blood, which continually dripped."I feel like you really care. Hey Jessica, should we finish him up?" Rashy said as Jessica walk
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Chapter One- Hundred And Two
"And where do you think you are going?" They turned to behold the sight of Jessica and Rashy with a bunch of hooligans."Let's make a run for it," Ryan mumbled to Turner as they took to their heels."Come back here. You can't escape from us! Gayssss! follow them.""Good luck with that," Ryan shouted as they turned into a corner. Ryan's arm injury was a problem as it dripped out blood, giving out their cover."Where did they go? Search every corner. I want both of them alive.""Ma’am, we found blood tracks just around the corner. I think it's from that shadily dressed man.""That's nice.” She waved a call to other guys working for her. “We have spotted the culprits.""I know this sounds kinda awkward, Ryan, but I need you to stay here while I distract them," Turner said as he was helping Ryan into a small stable. He walked out of the stable and closed the door behind them. Ryan's conscience wasn't at rest, and he just had to satisfy it. He moved towards the stable door, opening it sl
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Chapter One- Hundred And Three
"Are you there? Speak to me." A female voice was heard as Ryan started to regain consciousness."Where am I?" Ryan asked, shaking as he was trying to raise his body."You are in the hospital,” she replied, helping him position his back for comfort."What happened to me?" he asked again, looking at the lady standing beside her. "I am not exactly sure about what happened to you because I found you lying on a tree half dead. I had to bring you over.""So you carried me all the way here?”"Yes, but with the help of an ambulance, that is. No further questions on how you got here," she said, holding his hand."How long have I been asleep?""Well, you have been in a coma for approximately 2 weeks, which is faster than normal."“2 what? Wasn’t it like yesterday?” He wondered if time flies that fast. "Why did you save me?""I just felt like... There were a bunch of bodies on the floor, but my mind seemed to pick you for some reason." A smiled tugged on her face. "Now I still have to pay the
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Chapter One- Hundred And Four
"Ryan, is that you?" A familiar voice. Evans walked into the building."Yes, it’s me," Ryan said, his face still filled with anger."What’s the look on your face for? That face definitely is not the face I’m used to." Evans commented looking at the stern reaction on Ryan's face."I don’t buy all these talks,” Ryan whispered in his mind. Ryan moved closer to Turner, taking him by the collar and choking him. “I’m really, and honestly would kill you today with my hand.”Surprise flashed through Evans. "What- what is going on here? What did he do?" Evans asked, trying to settle the dispute."Can you believe that this man here tried to sell me out to Smith?" Ryan barked as his fist traveled along Turner's face, sending Turner some feet back."What?” Evans's mouth was left open. “Turner, did you do that?”"It's not like that; I can explain," Turner replied as blood dripped from his nostrils. "What do you want to explain to me? That your daughter was in some sort of danger, Ryan said in
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Chapter One- Hundred And Five
Ryan walked out of the changing room and back to the reception. The receptionist was dazed by his appearance and couldn't take her eyes off of him."You look good in it, sir."."You don't look bad yourself," Ryan teased.He was surprised with the use of the sir. “Sir? Things might be getting better for me.” He smiled to himself. "What about a little rumor in bed after the day's work?" The receptionist teased, handing him a card that contained her number."I'll call you," Ryan’s voice was flirty as he walked towards Turner's office. He went straight to Turner's office, turning the knob to gain entrance. Turner was prepared for him throwing a set of keys at him immediately he entered. He smiled, looking at the room number, before leaving. He ran through the stairs, ignoring the visitors, as he moved to the VIP lounge of the building, which was on the 20th floor. He couldn't take the elevator because of the staff who controlled it. They were asked to be on guard in case he ever cam
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Chapter One- Hundred And Six
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Jessica scrambled on the bed, trying to cover herself from Ryan's gazing eyes."What do you mean what I’m doing in the bed? I thought we were having fun." Ryan chuckled, waving his phone at her. “Weren’t we Jessica?” He teased her. "You pervert, what are you going to do with those pictures?" Jessica asked, still wrapping herself in the covers."Oh, nothing really; you know that people get threatened with pictures like this. You know, if someone ends up getting killed by another, it wouldn't be satisfying to the other.""What are you trying to say, Ryan?" She shook her head. "Hahahahaha.” Ryan let out a loud and mockery laughter. “Nothing really special. I just want us to make a little deal, you know." Ryan chuckled coupled with a mischievous wink. "I am not making a deal with the likes of you.""What a shame. Then I had no choice but to post these pictures of you on social media. I am sure you won't be getting money from your other boyfri
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Chapter One- Hundred And Seven
Ryan grinned as he walked on the roads of New York City, which had been his very homeland ever since the demise of his father. He didn't really remember how he lost his mom; to him, she just disappeared. What else could he think of a lady whose husband got shot and whose son didn't remember her? It was the worst tragedy that could ever happen to a young woman still in the bonding stage of her home. He couldn't imagine how she would have been fairing. He understood and tried to relate with her, It wasn't something easy. Taking the subway was the only safe route he could take to get to Washington Heights, where his mother was located, as stated in the paper. He was going to do whatever he had to get to see her to let her know that he was also doing pretty well, even if it meant he was boarding the intersection of 168th Street and Broadway in Washington Heights, Manhattan, and was served by the 1 and A trains at all times and the C train at all times. He was going to take his search
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One- Hundred And Eight
Ryan moved towards his goal. His goal is to meet his mom. He was going to find his mom if she was really staying in Washington Heights, no matter what. He walked around Washington Heights with Belinda since they were going to the exact address."So what makes you sure that your mom is alive and in Washington Heights?" Belinda asked."Well, once I thought my mother was dead until I met my father, who told me she was well and was in Washington Heights as well, but this time she was in prison according to his description.”"Then why don't we go check it out first?""Yeah, he didn't give me the address of the prison, though.” He told Belinda, who was eager to help him."You don't need to worry about it. I know the prison where people are usually referred to in this area." She stole a glance at his eyes, making him flinch."Why are you helping me?""Well, your story might be my breakthrough. No one knows what might happen from there. You know I might be able to write about the happenings
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Chapter One- Hundred And Nine
"Don't come near me. I hate dogs", Belinda screamed, banging the door endlessly."Continue hitting the door. I will buy us time," he said in a light tone moving toward the dog and throwing a stone at it. The dog barked on the hit of the stone. It became furious, barking around and chasing after Ryan. Ryan ran as fast as his legs could carry him not giving up and increasing his pace each step. Each of his steps matched his heart race. The dog wasn't giving up either. It continued the chase. Belinda was in tears, she couldn't help it. The dog was her nightmare. She has only followed Ryan to his mother’s and now she’s been chased by her worst nightmare. The barking of the dog was putting her in a more state of horror and if she wasn't taken care of in a minute she might as well end up losing consciousness. Tears rolled down her cheeks, continuously banging at the locked door. She looked back to see Ryan running for his life and the dog having fun chasing him around the large yard.
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