All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
168 chapters
Chapter One- Hundred And Ten
Belinda and Ryan left the prison yard after Ryan had caused a scene in the prison.Still sober about the news he had heard about his mother he became weak and his mind became crowded with thoughts. He had imagined various scenes on how his mom died in the prison and only the thoughts were enough to set him into depression."You don't need to lose hope. I have a belief that she isn't dead and is fine and healthy somewhere." Belinda tried cheering him up."You also heard what the Lieutenant and sergeant said, didn’t you?" He doubted her belief. It was obvious, they wouldn’t lie. "I heard. I’m sorry this happened to you, no one deserves this kind of pain. You know, we could have some kind of hope or something that we’d be called back and informed that it was all a prank because we’ve been chased by their dogs.” She wanted to comfort it. His mother was gone for life, but she only wanted to spring forth a bit of hope. Placing a hand on his shoulder with a crystal clear head, she pats his
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Chapter One- Hundred And Eleven
Still awaiting an answer to his knock, he looked around, searching for something that might have a relationship with him. His dexterity was thrilled something caught his attention; his eyes dropped at a lady. Her eyes were brown, and she had thrilling eyelashes, which Ryan remembered to be her signature. She was putting on a long gown, sitting pretty perfectly on her body. "Ryan," The woman’s voice jotted Ryan from the look he had locked on the woman. He smiled, moving towards her. He had hoped she was the one, her mother. He had seen her in pictures, but this woman right here was pretty younger than whom he had seen in pictures. They both closed the distance between them. Tons and tons of thoughts were rushing through Ryan’s mind. Tears began to form in his eyes, he blinked repeatedly to keep the tears from dropping. She pulled him tightly to herself. That was it! Oh my!!! He felt it. That mother-son connection. He felt it. It was real. The blood spoke! Undeniably. Tears of j
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twelve
Ryan left his mother's house at dusk. The revelation that Regina was dead still hasn’t seated well with him. He saw her and he definitely was not in a trance when he did. He had to rush back to his mom because it was late, and he was not going to spend a night with an old stranger in person of his mother. “I will ask her more about Regina. It’s not making sense.” He whispered to himself while walking down the street. The street light had been a great help, as it helped him find his way around. Looking at the city, he could feel the city's natural beauty rushing through his bones. The street lights added color to the streets, and the various advertisements around them were lit up in their different colors. He smiled in amusement, trying not to lose focus. He continued walking, not minding the people watching him."Hey, that's that Ryan guy," a young guy with a red bandana tied around his neck said to a man who was putting on a partially shredded black jacket. The man was known as
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Chapter One- Hundred And Thirteen
"No one is leaving," Ryan screamed, turning to the gang called Legion that Shadow had brought with him. They all ignored him, tilting their bodies around to escape, but in the blink of an eye, he was in front of them again.He chuckled. “You guys dared again. Didn't you all hear no one is leaving?" his eyes moving on each of the gangs, his hand taking the collar of the one in front of him. Lifting the man by the collar, he looked at the rest of them who tried to escape his wrath. They tried to flee, but he threw the man who landed with a big "duhh" in front of them, halting their movements. They all looked at their member whose head had now been crushed by the ground, with his blood trickling down."If we can't leave, then we will just take you down and hand you over for our paycheck." The strongest of them motivated the others as they cheered. Ryan laughed out loud, “You all seem to have 9 more lives? Uhn? You left your nine life at home didn’t you?”They were still cheering when
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Chapter One- Hundred And Fourteen
His eyes flashed. He blinked repeatedly. "Where am I?" He rolled his eyes around the vicinity. “What’s going on? Who’s here? What kind of place is this?” Ryan's eyes trailed the environment around him. The sound of a whistle gave him an idea of where he was. “Whistle! Just so what I needed to hear.”He looked around to see engineers walking around the station with their faces held high."What happened to me?" His inner voice sounded in his mind, trying to remember what had happened and how he had gotten to the subway. After moments of searching in his mind, he finally remembered what happened before he fell unconscious. King had used his knife on him and made him unconscious. He tilted his focus around the station, trying to find any of the shadowy boys, but in the end, he couldn't find anyone. He wondered what had possessed them to leave him and ended up dropping him off at the station."Hey, young man, where are you going?" The voice that sounded behind him stopped him from his
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Chapter One- Hundred And Fifteen
***Turner and Evans looked at Ryan, their eyebrows twitching at his appearance. Something has changed about him. "I am sorry, I sincerely apologize for lying to you about your mom’s location. It was my own way of protection. She would not want you to have anything to do with Regal. I needed us to be done with Smith, so when you bounce to show up at your mom, she wouldn’t object." Evans' legs moved in harmony. His voice painted sincerity. "It's okay. All your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more.” Ryan let out a grin with his palms on top of his head."Okay, why don't you come on in and take a bath at my place before we start round two of the plans?" Turner offered, glancing at Ryan's hair."If you say so..." Ryan accepted the offer reluctantly. Moving past Evans and Turner in one swift movement, he got through them without glancing back to see their awkward reaction. Stepping foot into the bathroom and taking off his clothes. He turned on the shower and let the blissful showers o
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Chapter One- Hundred And Sixteen
Ryan reluctantly got up, praying he wouldn't end up in the hospital after going back into her room. He laughed on his way to Emily’s room. Surprisingly, he met her on the bed, crying her eyes out. He moved next to the bed to take Turner's Notepad next to her. His hands were almost touching the notebook when he felt a hand on his. His focus shifted upwards to the gazing eyes of Emily."What the f*ck? What now?” he raised his voice as she held his hand, not letting go of him."You plan to turn my dad against me, isn’t it? You don't want him to believe me, right? You want to steal my shine and take over my position in his heart, right?" she proclaimed, taking his hands closer to her chest."Hey, you got to stop this," he said, feeling his body move as she dragged him into the bed. He wanted to scream for help, but she covered his mouth. He bit her hand, but she didn't give up. He was being gentle with her being a female Emily was. He knew he was in big trouble when he saw that she w
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Chapter One- Hundred and Seventeen
Ryan nodded his head distinctly. His heart was pounding as he waited for their opinion on his decision. After a while of decision-making between Turner and Evans, finally agreed with him. Turner had volunteered to give him a 4 story building two streets away from the Regal Haven Hotel. Evans also promised to lend a hand by getting him all the equipment he needed."Now that we have promised to give you all you need, what is the specific business you are interested in?" Evans asked curiously as his mustache smothered up like a wave."You will see when I am done with it." Ryan teased and his voice was evidently filled with joy, he hugged the both of them and headed out."What business do you think will be able to rise enough to make Smith want to have a part in it?""I think it would be a stripers club 'cause that business rises big time," Turner started to imagine himself having a good time with the ladies.He laughed at his thought. “Old man!” He whispered to himself. “Not even that
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Chapter One- Hundred And Eighteen
"Get ready, 'cause I am coming over to your first thing tomorrow morning," Her words echoed in his ears. He went blank and no words could come out of his mouth. He was speechless. His phone beeped, signaling the end of the call. He wasn't pleased by her last words, calling her number once again to change the date of her appearance in his city. His cell phone kept ringing, but there was no answer on the phone. It was already 2 p.m. prompt on the clock, and he hadn't even seen the building he was supposed to use.“What will she come to check? There’s no building just yet.” He whispered to himself. He didn't want to disappoint her since she could only come to his city once to report this story. He was lost in thoughts, not minding the ticking of the clock or the passing of time. He finally got an idea. Taking out his phone, he placed a call to Turner."Uhm, greetings, Mr. Turner.""Oh, yeah, my Ryan. How is everything?"."Not good.” His voice was plain. "And why is that?" He asked,
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Chapter One- Hundred And Nighteen
"What the hell?" Ryan could not believe his eyes. The color of the walls had changed from the previous dirty brown-white to the exact color he had thought of. He had only heard and seen something similar to this in movies. It looked surreal. His jaw dropped in amusement. The room suddenly lit up with a solar-equipped blue lantern. He was amazed by these findings and rushed back to the reception. The reception was more beautiful than the wards. The golden stripes had joined together at the edges, leaving the white color of the wall in the middle.The screen suddenly appeared again, sending Ryan flying back. Ryan hadn't become used to the system, and his fright over the system popping out suddenly hadn't been eliminated yet. He moved closer to the screen to see what was written on it this time around. "The Healing Center. What name do you intend to call it, young lord?" He read it out as he began to sort out names that he could call the business."Healing Touch, yes. The name wil
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