All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
168 chapters
Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty
The knock on the door shifted his attention to where the knock was coming from. He walked towards the direction and opened to see Evans. "Oh Evans, I never thought you'd stop by.” Ryan stammered, looking towards the blue light, which hadn't disappeared and slowly opening the door for Evans to enter. "Yeah, I just thought to check up.” Evans smiled entering into the now well-arranged hospital room. Ryan grasped as Evans began to move towards the blue light."Oh, it's that late. " Ryan bumped in, in an attempt to rather let Evans start leaving. He was worried and didn’t even know if Evans could see what he was seeing. "Well, I assumed that, since you were busy talking with your system’s voice. Your personal Artificial Intelligence.” Ryan’s eyes grew wide. Does Evans know about Draco?“Who is this man?” He pounded in his mind. "Hey, visitor,” Draco spoke out. Ryan looked a bit confused, uneasy, and unsettled. “How are things with you? Family? How has your wife been?" Draco asked E
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty One
"Evans sounds so hurt. My precious visitor, how do you feel?" Draco asked."I can't feel my back," Evans managed to say still groaning in pain, he struggled to stand on his feet. "I guess that's done," Ryan sighed. As he tried to stand, his bone seemed to have failed him. The sound that echoed in the room was his fall on the ground. He had lost his energy and couldn't feel his limbs anymore."Draco, what's happening to me? I feel like I have been working for five years nonstop.” Ryan’s voice put faintly, lying flat on the bare floor."Well, you used up your energy as you activated the fated seal.""What’s a fated seal?" He raised his brows in question with his eyes focusing on different objects around the reception."Fated Seal is an advanced seal that allows the user to transform his energy into flame, which helps to heal people on the brink of death.""I wasn't on the brink of death; why did he use it on me?""Fated seal also helps to seal that particular organ or part of the body
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty Two
Ryan followed the direction of Evans' outstretched finger, turning his gaze toward the indicated spot. Then, he swiftly turned back to Evans, whose mouth fell agape. Disbelief washed over Ryan as he comprehended what Evans was pointing at—his home engulfed in flames.Ryan leaped out of the car, his heart racing as he sprinted towards his blazing home. Spotting the nearby drums of water, he wasted no time, drenching himself completely before charging into the inferno. His soaked figure illuminated by the flames, he dashed forward, driven by desperation, disregarding the consequences of life or death.“Ryan, Ryan!” Evans’s urgent voice pierced through the chaos. Ryan pressed inward, away from the flames, as he took off his family frame from the wall and his untouched luggage, which hadn't caught fire. Despite the scorching heat, he fought through, his skin slick with sweat. Struggling against the intense fire, he staggered towards the exit, each step a battle against the engulfing blaze
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty Three
Ryan's eyes fluttered open, met by the glare of blinding lights in a room adorned in white and gold. Confusion clouded his mind as he took in his unfamiliar surroundings. “Where am I in?”"You're quite the master," Draco's voice sounded real as he sat on a nearby chair, addressing Ryan with a sense of acknowledgment."Who are you?" Ryan demanded, edging backward toward the walls in a defensive stance, his voice tinged with suspicion."If you're so keen on knowing, I'm Draco, your personal Artificial Intelligence. You’re familiar with the system voice.” Draco announced, rising from his seat and moving toward Ryan."The thing is, my AI voice is just a voice that occasionally communicates with me," Ryan countered, puzzled by Draco's sudden human-like appearance."So, because you were thinking about needing assistance while struggling with drowsiness and pain, your touch transformed a specific object into a mannequin. Also, you somehow granted me the ability to occasionally take on a form
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty Four
As four male staff members entered the room carrying two individuals in evident pain, Ryan promptly evaluated the scene. Anyone could easily guess it was a fatal accident. He proceeded towards the first man while delegating care for the other to additional medical personnel. Gently grasping the man's arm, Ryan conducted a pulse check and meticulously assessed the extent of his injuries.Although the physical injuries seemed limited to two areas, Ryan sensed blood flowing from various sources, hinting at potentially severe wounds. The man visibly struggled to maintain composure, undoubtedly grappling with the harrowing thoughts of potential consequences if his condition deteriorated further."Sir, please, try to stay calm. You're not going to die. I assure you," Ryan expressed with compassion, offering reassurance to at least reduce the man's fears."Sir, I don't want to die. I have a family..” his voice breaking. “A family that needs me. I'm the father of triplets. Their mother is
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty Five
Ryan turned to find Belinda accompanied by a tall man. Ryan’s eyes scanned through his body. The man held a camera mounted on his shoulder, adorned with a broadcasting box."Oh, just reflecting on things, Belinda," Ryan replied calmly. "Would you like a smoothie or a drink?" He ushered her into the small room he had set up as a consulting office."Ohhhhh, but you need to stop doing things like that. It doesn't show that you are responsible." Belinda sat on the settling onto the plush chair. The cameraman took a seat beside her, adjusting the camera’s angle."Ah, this is the man behind the lens. I hope he's skilled," Ryan remarked, extending his hand toward the cameraman's shoulder, bringing out a slight groan from the man."Hey, you shouldn't have touched him there," Belinda interjected, swiftly removing Ryan's arm from the cameraman's shoulder."Why?" Ryan inquired, tapping the cameraman's shoulder, prompting another quiet grunt."Ah, he was hit by a bike on our way here. His shoulde
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty Six
"Sir, what if, after using up all our flares, this man ends up dying?”"Don't be a pessimist; become an optimist. Think positively. Ryan screamed, closing his eyes. The other team followed him by slowly closing their eyes making the victim feel uncomfortable. By the time they opened their eyes in unison, they were all green. The light in the theater went off, with only the rays of blue light emission coming in and brightening up the room. Ryan felt his arms becoming heavy as he healed the scar on the man's brain, regenerating his lost cells with one movement of light. The rays of blue light envelope the victim really well, healing the victim and keeping all casualties from occurring.Meanwhile, Lucian and Belinda were interrogating the young lady who had come in with the victim.Meanwhile, upstairs, Lucian and Belinda were engrossed in a heated conversation with the young lady accompanying the victim.“So you refused his offer. And he decided to kill your husband because he belie
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty- Seven
"Ryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Belinda screamed, slamming the door in a rush to meet Ryan. He was lying flat on the floor with blood flowing out of his mouth like he was slobbering.Belinda desperately shook Ryan, pleading for him to wake."Ryan, wake up, wake up. What happened to you? Why are you bleeding?" Her voice trembled with fear. "Ma’am, you can stop it. He isn't going to wake up." Belinda looked up with a frightened face and tears acting as a cast to her daring eyes. The somber voice shattered her hope. Belinda’s eyes, filled with daring determination moments ago, were now cast in tears, fear etched across her face."He isn't dead. His heart isn't beating the way it does on a normal day; can't you save him?" Her eyes were filled with emotions, crowding each and every angle."He isn't dead yet, but we would need you to evacuate the theater for the betterment of his health," the doctor told her, carrying Ryan onto another bed before chasing Belinda out of the theater."Save him, please!
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty Eight
Lucian turned deaf ears to Belinda’s please. Blood could be seen finding its way to every corner of the reception. It was coming out of a figure; a male figure, he was grunting, panting, and letting out cries of pain."Why, why, why?” She sang. “Why did you have to have to do it, Lucian? Why?" Belinda's eyes were filled with tears, clouding her vision."I don't know." His voice trembling, his hands shaking as he threw the knife away. Lucian's eyes flickered with pain as he fell off Ryan's body with blood flowing out of his abdomen. A knife was present in his abdomen, cutting his body whole and out."What? Hey! What just happened?" Ryan asked, standing up to meet Lucian."Didn't you see what happened?" Belinda's eye threw Ryan away. "I closed my eyes, thinking I was going to get stabbed, so I definitely didn't see a thing.""While you were busy closing your damn eyes, he stabbed himself." She barked. “What? Doesn’t sound sane to me, if you ask me.” Ryan rolled his eyes. “Fortunate
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Chapter One- Hundred And Twenty- Nine
Ryan’s hands were on his chest beating back and forth in fright. He grasped in an attempt to stop his aching heart from escaping. The letters were written as boldly as the writing on any screen. He was filled with fear, his adrenaline rising to the top, his heart continuously beating, and moving in harmony with every tick of time. His eyes were dilating, trying to capture the words perfectly in his head."Draco, what does this message mean?" He blinked repeatedly, his eyes still glued to the screen in front of him. "It's very simple. It means you are going to be rich soon." "How does death relate to wealth?""You will be dying of wealth. That's just it, Ryan.""Does that make sense to you?” Ryan shook his head. “Doesn’t make sense, not a bit.” He swallowed hard before continuing, “But it says I will be dying soon. How does that relate?""You would be dying of wealth. I repeat. And that's all.""Okay, even though I will be dying of wealth, how did I complete the tasks?""You saved
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