All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
168 chapters
Chapter One- Hundred And Thirty
Ryan’s eyes could not leave the gift box spitting out notes of dollars. Turning back to Draco, a smile tugged at the corner of Ryan’s mouth, a silent acknowledgment passing between them after their recent exchange of blows, blood still trickling from Draco’s mouth."What- what- how is this?" his voice was impervious, pointing at the box displaying bundles of dollars. "It's just one of those gifts you get after completing the missions in games and all that. You understand what I mean.""It’s surreal. I mean, it’s unbelievable.” He coveted his mouth with his hands. “No one even me would believe this amount of money was going to be in that box. I knew my task reward, I don’t know what I was expecting, maybe not in this manner.” His voice sounded really surprised. "How would you know?” He chuckled. “…when all you do is run away from the one itself, thinking it was one smooth criminal machine in horror movies?""You can't blame that on me, Draco. You attacked me and tried to force me to
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Chapter One- Hundred And Thirty One
It had been two weeks since Ryan and his crew had gone to the bank. The news of one Man-R had circulated the city and beyond. He had gained fame and wealth beyond his thinking. He became the talk of the town. Belinda and Lucian had done a great job broadcasting the healing center to the whole city and beyond too. The center wards became filled with patients, and the reception was also filled with visitors and relatives of the victims. Is this me? What was all this about? He had always thought to himself whenever he wasn't working.With all of the money, fame, and living his utmost life, there was still a void in his life he tried to puzzle together. Smith on the other hand had spent an offer to Man- R who is the talk of town and had chanced him on the list of top richest persons in the world. Ryan had carefully thought of the offer, and he did not want to accept it. He knew if he accepted the offer, Smith would have a chance to see him, and the identity behind the Man-R mask wo
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Chapter One- Hundred And Thirty Two
The young man sat on his arm chair so lost in his thoughts that if anyone made an attempt to steal from him, he was not going to know. Even if someone barged into the office, he still wasn't going to know. His turned his back against the door to his office while he let the heavy thoughts sweep through his head.He was still in his office right there in his hotel, but the excitement and pride he held over the past years as director was no longer intact. And it was all thanks to the new challenge he faced. At such late hour, he was supposed to be heading home. But, he couldn't. Not when he wasn't in his right mind. "I was right when I said you would meet him in his office so lost in his thoughts." Lewis said as he walked in, with Roberts right behind him. "Oh yeah. You were never wrong. Such a pity." Roberts said and they took their seat in front of him. Despite their loud voice which was enough for Smith to snap out of his thoughts, he still sat unmoved and unfazed. "Is whatever th
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Chapter One- Hundred And Thirty Three
In the operating room, a tense silence enveloped Ryan and Draco as they sought answers in each other’s eyes. The atmosphere, though awkward, held an unusual calm, given the gravity of their task—a surgery to fight cancer."The blood flare technique was the only technique I had learned from my father. It was a technique with a variety of dangers but the only method to cure cancer from my knowledge." Ryan scoffed, he continued, disdain evident in his voice, explaining the blood flare technique inherited from his father. The lady could be heard wailing outside the theater. Ryan couldn't keep it in; he felt quite bad for this lady in question. Unable to ignore the external turmoil, Ryan’s sympathy surfaced. His gaze shifted to the woman on the table, her hands extended, stained with the ominous black blood. It wasn't going to be easy to cure the woman's cancer after all; it was a Stage IV cancer Leukaemia. "Are you going to stand there and watch me while this old woman dies, or would
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Chapter One- Hundred And Chapter Thirty Four
"How was your meeting with him?" Lewis asked the moment he walked into the house without an invitation. Turner stared at him in confusion. He had not ushered him into his house. So, what guts? He thought. It wasn't up to a few minutes ago when he got back from where he had gone to. And just as he was about to lock up his gate, he saw Lewis drive in immediately. Now, he was already inside his house. He began to wonder if Lewis had began to keep tabs on him. "How did you know I was back home? You could have called. Or, have you suddenly started keeping tabs on me?" Turner asked as he walked towards him. Lewis had already gotten himself a perfect spot to sit in the living room, not minding the questions. "Are you really going to ask that?" He scoffed. "Come on man. I possibly can't keep tabs on you. I just happen to know your movements." Turner moved to sit across from him. His eyes held suspicion. He didn't like the idea that Lewis had visited him alone in his house. And that was
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Chapter One- Hundred And Thirty Five
Ryan was seated on his bed as he reminsced over his meeting with Rebecca. As he thought about their meeting, the only thing that could replay in his head was her smile which he deemed beautiful and captivating. He could still remember how happy and grateful she had been when he was able to save her mother, despite the bad news they got after the first operation. Fear had literally gripped him when he heard she was no longer stable. "Rise and shine Man - R." Draco's loud voice boomed in his head. "Ahh." He shook and sat up immediately. "Woah. What is it? Why are you so jumpy?" Draco asked amidst his laughter. "Didn't you realize that you were so loud? Why did you have to be so loud by the way? Remember you're in my head most times, so you don't get to give me a heart attack." Ryan said and got down from his bed. Draco let out a loud laughter after he heard what Ryan had said. "Yeah, laugh all you want." Ryan said and made his way to the window. He quickly opened his curtains, an
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Chapter One- Hundred And Thirty Six
"I really don't want to ask what has gotten you so lost in your thoughts. But then, I'll be forced to since your mum is better now." Laura said, thinking her friend had heard her. She had just walked into their living room only to see Rebecca, her friend and visitor, so lost in thoughts. However, when no response came from Rebecca, she sighed and moved closer to drop the tray of drinks she had in her hands, and also tap her shoulders. Immediately, Rebecca shook. Just what she had been avoiding had happened. She didn't want to get lost thinking of the same thing over and over again."Uhm… what were you saying? I'm sorry, something just flashed into my head." Rebecca said as she adjusted herself on the couch. "What was it? Tell me. I would like to know." Laura leaned forward the moment she sat closer to her. Rebecca let out a light chuckle at Laura's attitude. She began to scold herself inwardly for saying it out loud to her hearing. Laura was one of the new friends she just recent
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Chapter One Hundred And Thirty Seven
The cool breeze of the night kissed his skin as he stood still, waiting. He should have just stayed put in his car and waited. But, he chose not to.The night was cool and unexpectedly quiet especially at such a late hour which was usually the time for bustling activities. On the other hand, he thought it was so because of the fact that the lake side was not close to the road. It was a bit far from the main street leading to other buildings. The lake side consisted of a small river around it and a warehouse that was too small to contain an extended family. "What's keeping them?" He thought, as he kept checking what the time said on his wristwatch. He had been standing there for almost half an hour, yet there was no sight of anyone coming. Truth be told, dear Turner was beginning to get frustrated. "Were they not coming anymore?" He thought to himself. Or, probably he had been played. Turner knew that his decision to quit was something he should have done a long time ago. But,
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty Eight
"Yeah, I'll do just that." Evans said as he walked into his living room. "Oh no, that is no trouble. I'll check up on it and get back to you. All you have to do is make sure the word doesn't get to them. Since you want it to be a surprise for her, then it's better not to spill, even to anyone close to the both of you." He said. He bent his neck leftward, using it to hold down the phone to his ears so he could pull off his wristwatch. Asides that, he was tired, looking so exhausted that he also began to unbutton his shirt. Soon, the person over the phone, ended the call, and he immediately put his phone down."Ahh," he let out a sigh in relief. "What a night." He commented. Evans had just returned from Ryan's home, together with Turner and Monroe. Ryan who had been burning with rage, asked that they keep Monroe in his home. He had a warehouse where he could keep him hidden until he could think of the perfect punishment. Now that he was home, he had the time and chance to think of e
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Chapter One- Hundred And Thirty Nine
Ryan walked into his charity home, with his face beaming with contentment and pride. He still couldn't believe what he had been able to achieve so much in a short while. Despite the storms and challenges he went through, he was still able to pull through. That was something one should be proud of. Even if he knew he still had other important things to do before be would quit searching for more, he still felt the need to be proud of himself. Whenever he flashed back through the times he was a poor man, and the torment he received, he kept repeating his vow - the vow he made to deal immensely with anyone who tormented and tortured the poor as long as he was still alive, and could also get wind of the news.He had come to realize that people, especially the rich, saw the poor masses as beggars with an incurable disease, one that could get them infected if they mingled. However, he was glad to have become a proof that nothing lasts for long. "Good morning sir." His staff greeted as the
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