All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
168 chapters
Chapter One- Hundred And Forty
Smith walked into his office with annoyance. The moment he got in, he banged the door so hard that the hinges would have gotten off and the door would have fallen off too."Who do they think they are to put an invisible man on top list? Do they even know who he is? Have they met him? Do they know how he amassed such a great wealth?" He barked in anger and at the same time tried loosening his tie. He was ultimately frustrated at the turn out of the day's event.If anyone walked into the office at that moment, it was possible that they would literally feel his fury throughout the office. "I worked hard for years! I have done incredulous, and even the terrible ones just so I could maintain my position. But now, it is all about to go down the drain all because of one stupid son of a bitch from the pit of hell. Never! I won't ever allow it." He fumed in anger. After his first meeting with his business partners about Man-R which they seemingly didn't take too serious like he did, Smith de
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Chapter One- Hundred And Forty One
"Do you really have to dress so whack?" Draco's voice boomed in his head. "Can't you see how you look so ordinary in the mirror?" He questioned again. And Ryan could guess the irritation in his voice. "Oh, I am nothing but an ordinary man just like every other man." Ryan answered as he went on brushing his hair. He wasn't ready to back down on what he had already put on."No, you're not." Draco rejected immediately. "Don't you know who you are? You've now become the first and only billionaire topping the charts. You even beat down your enemies. So, why do you have to portray yourself before them as a commoner?" Ryan, who had moved from his mirror to sit on his bed, began to put on his shoe. He burst into laughter at what Draco had said. "I haven't beat them yet. We still have a few steps to take." Ryan said. "That doesn't matter. You're still at the top." Draco argued. "Oh, Draco please." He said amidst laughter. "I am not going to meet anyone of them for a business meeting. And
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Chapter One- Hundred And Forty Two
She walked into the house, her house help hot on her heels as she brought in the bags of groceries.“You have to marinate the chicken with the new sauce we got today because I want to know whether it’s worth all the hype and the money spent." She told her from the sitting room as she slumped heavily into one of the cushion chairs and discarded her purse beside her. For someone who had only walked up and down different aisles pointing out what she wanted, she was bone tired.“Do not use the cloves in the chicken soup. Let’s try cinnamon instead this time around” She told her, remembering that she wanted to try it out since the chef on the food channel swore that cinnamon was amazing in chicken soup. She didn’t see how, but she was going to try it before discarding it. Even though she was on her way to the kitchen and her voice was lowered, she knew that she could hear her. That was confirmed by her answer.“Okay, Madam Jennifer”She slung her arms over her eyes, hoping to rest them for
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Chapter One Hundred And Forty Three
As she walked down the path to the restaurant where she was supposed to be meeting Roberts, she saw people steal glances at her before looking away in disgust.However, she did not blame them because she knew that if it were in the past, she would have done the same. Especially when it had to do with watching a tattered-looking lady walk down the road. A lady who only a few months back she used to live the good life.Still on her feet, finding her way to the local restaurant, Jessica looked down at herself. Her shirt had holes in places it had no business having holes in. The black material was so faded and thin that it looked like a strong wind could tear it off her body. Her trousers were muddied at the knees and the ankles with way too many rips to be termed fashionable. And her converses? They were a sight to see.With the way the soles squeaked as she took steps, it was obvious that it had seen better days and it was ready to fall apart at any time.Her hair, her luscious hair w
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Chapter Ond Hundred And Forty Four
“Scalpel”Ryan stretched his hand out to the nurse assisting him. She dropped the scalpel in his hand and he made to make an incision on his patient’s thigh. He saw the nurse exchange glances with the other nurse. He knew they were wondering why he was doing that because it was not something they had gone over in the briefing before the surgery. But, he knew what he was doing. Draco was with him, and he had gone over the advantages of performing the operation this way. He had outlined an increased 25% chance in survival with this method than the regular method they expected him to use.“Stitch that up for me, please” he said to the nurse who was still looking at him skeptically. He was beginning to get irritated and possibly uncomfortable at their unpleasing stares. Their jobs was to watch and assist him, not stare.“Run a line for me” he said again to the other nurse who was looking at him wide-eyed. Soon enough, they were done. And as he expected, following Draco’s instructions h
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Chapter One Hundred And Forty Five
*145*As Ryan and Rebecca walked down the aisle looking every bit like the perfect couple seen on TV, no one would have believed that they were only getting to know each other. While Ryan rolled the cart like a perfect gentleman, Rebecca picked up items off the shelf that she needed to restock her house with.“Aren’t you going to get anything for yourself?”Rebecca asked Ryan as she smiled shyly.“Nah, I’m good. I’m just here to keep you company” he said with a smile which made her blush like a schoolgirl on lunch break with her crush.“I’m just going to go down that aisle and get some things” Rebecca said to which Ryan frowned before asking.“You don’t want me to come with you?”“No, that’s not it. I just don’t want you to get uncomfortable” She tried to explain.It took Ryan a minute to understand what she was referring to and when he did, he chuckled.“You do know that I am a doctor and I see quite a lot of personal things on a daily basis, right?” He said, not able to stop himself
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Chapter One Hundred And Forty Six
“Ryan, you said he came to the hospital with his worker. Did anything worth of notice happen? Did he make a scene or something?” Evans asked.They were seated at the dining table in Ryan’s place, papers spread out in front of them as they tried to collate all the evidence they had against Smith to see how much chance they had against him because they knew that he had a solid legal team who could refute almost anything unless it was backed with strong, unshakable evidence. That was the only way they could get at Smith with the law.“No, nothing like that happened. He was very courteous, listening to the doctors and nurses. He even helped some of the nurses out with carrying some files.” Ryan replied to his question.“We know that Smith would not help anybody, more less his worker whom he sees as below him unless he was getting something out of it.” Turner, said from his position at the other side of the table to which Evans agreed and poked further.“Yes, that’s right. You said he help
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Chapter One- Hundred And Forty Seven
“Hey, come in” Laura said to Rebecca as she opened the door wider for her to step in through after they shared a quick hug. Rebecca walked in and dropped her bag on the couch before she sat down heavily and sighed loudly.“So, I was about to watch a movie. I just put some popcorn in the microwave. You game?” Laura asked from the kitchen which she had quickly walked back into after Rebecca entered since she was trying to prepare snacks for the movie marathon she planned on embarking on.“Rebecca?” Laura called out when there was no response from her friend. She frowned and walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel wondering why Rebecca was ignoring her.She peered into the living room where she saw Rebecca staring into space.“Rebecca?” She called again but there was no reply. Her friend’s weird silence made Laura worried because it had been ages since she saw her friend in such a mood. She looked way too sad and that was not something she was not used to seeing in he
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Chapter One- Hundred And Forty Eight
“Let’s go sit on the patio and have a drink before we retire for the night while your room gets prepared.” Evans said to Ryan as he picked up a bottle of white wine and two glasses. Ryan stood up from the couch he was sitting on after the party and followed Evans out.“It’s a cool night!” Ryan mentioned as they settled in chairs opposite each other while Evans made to open the bottle of wine before he started pouring into the glasses.He poured a generous amount in each of them, far more than was poured in societal settings before raising his glass to clink it against Ryan’s as they cheered before sipping at it.“Ooh, this is the good stuff,” Ryan remarked as he picked up the bottle to check the name of the wine so he could get one for himself the next time he was out.“Don’t worry; I will make sure a few bottles are packed for you before you leave tomorrow. I got them on my last trip to France.” Evans said, chuckling before lifting his glass to his lips and swallowing about a mouthfu
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Chapter One Hundred And Forty Nine
“What about your husband?” Ryan asked the woman sitting opposite him.“He’s late now, he died a long time ago and I’ve been taking care of my son on my own all these years without any help. But I don’t see how I can deal with this alone.” The woman said to him tearfully. She had come into his office at the charity home where he was working for the day, crying about her son who was in the hospital for a debilitating illness that required immediate surgery. She needed a sizeable amount of money for the surgery and as a single mother, she did not have anywhere else to go because her husband was dead and her family was practically nonexistent.As he looked at her, Ryan knew that he was going to give her the money whether or not she passed their preliminary checks because his heart was greatly moved by her predicament and made him remember the days when he was poor and didn’t have anyone to rely on for basic things.He asked her some follow up questions and so far, she was answering ever
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