All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
168 chapters
Chapter One Hundred And Fifty
“Is this better now?” Rebecca asked her mum after fluffing her pillows and rearranging the cover cloth which was draped on her feet for her. Her mum nodded and she walked out to go get a glass of water as she requested.“Here’s your water, mum.” She handed her the glass of water and her mum invited her to sit on the bed with her. The moment she sat, her phone rang immediately. Rebecca checked who the caller ID was. However, she doesn't pick the call. Rather, she ignored it.Her mother observed what happened, but she chose not to say anything at the moment.“You know that you don’t have to wait on me hand and foot, right? I am in remission now and I am okay.” Her mother said as she touched her face. Rebecca nodded and breathe in the scent of her mother.“I know that but I’m just so glad that you are okay. When you were sick, I was so worried and scared that I was going to lose you because I felt like I had not spent enough time with you and now that I know you’re still here with me, I
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Chapter One Hundred And Fifty One
Jessica walked down the sidewalk, pulling her new jacket around her thin frame tighter because the evening wind was way colder than she expected.She was meeting up with Roberts in a parking lot because he did not want to risk them being seen now that they had kicked off the plan of ensnaring Ryan.As she got into the parking lot, she looked around for the black truck he had given her the license plate of and at first, she didn’t see it until she did a second lap around and saw that it was tucked in a dark area. She approached it, knocked on the glass and let herself in since the door was not locked.“Took you long enough to get here.” Roberts said as she got settled in the passenger seat.Jessica didn’t reply to that as she knew he had a short fuse.“Have you been able to make any progress so far?” He asked, and she shook her head in negation.“What have you been doing all these time?” He asked, his voice rising.“I met him at the grocery store a few days ago but he was with someone
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Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Two
“Keep the change,” Turner said to the lady at the drive-through as he collected his food.“Thank you, have a nice day.”He added as he put his truck in drive and sped away. He was on the way home with the windows rolled down while some country music played on the radio. He was bobbing his head to the beat when he saw a weird movement in his rearview mirror. He could see the same the black van that was behind him before he drove to the drive-through behind him, not allowing any other cars to come between them.He slowed down at the traffic light and waved the van away when he saw that it was no longer behind him.“Must be dead tired if I’m concocting theories in my head.” He said to himself as he let out a chuckle and ran a hand over his face.When the light turned green, he floored it, eager to get home and have his dinner after a strenuous day at work. He noticed then that the van had materialized out of nowhere again but he chalked it down to the van going in the same way as him.
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Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Three
“Any luck?” Evans asked as he passed a cup of coffee to Ryan who was still pacing about, his phone to his ear, pointing at the phone.“No, no luck.” Ryan replied, accepting the cup of coffee before dropping it on the table, not even glancing at it before letting out a mighty sigh.“You said there was a gunshot before he didn’t say a word again, right?”“Yes and now, we’re sure that his gatekeeper was the one hit by that shot and we can’t even get any information out of him because he’s in a medically induced coma. We don’t even know if Turner was shot.” Ryan answered, sitting down on the chair that he kept vacating to pace around.“What I don’t understand is why his phone is untraceable. It makes no sense because his phone wasn’t even at his house. This is very weird!” Evans said his eyebrows furrowed as they wondered what could have happened to Turner in the blink of an eye.They were grateful that Ryan had even been on the call at the time Turner disappeared because then it would ha
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Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Four
As Ryan sat slumped on the chair in his bedroom, the food his chef had sent up still untouched in front of him after hours, his mind wandered to the events of the previous day. The call he received from Smith played in his head like it was happening again and he pinched his eyebrows in frustration. He had harboured hope that Smith had kidnapped Turner as that was the only enemy he could think of that would go to those lengths but after the call of the previous day, he was back to square one with no headway in sight as to Turner's whereabouts.The call with Smith had gone something like this:“I know you have Turner with you, Smith. You don’t have to play this dirty. Let him go and we can talk.” Ryan growled into the phone, annoyed that Smith even had the audacity to call him after holding Turner hostage.“What are you talking about, Ryan?” Smith asked, sounding innocent over the phone.“Cut the pretence already. Okay, tell me, what do you want? Why did you kidnap Turner.”“Kidnap? M
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Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Five
"Are you sure you placed the recording chip on him?" Roberts asked Smith, clearly agitated with the discussion they were having. He was not sure Smith was doing as he was supposed to and it annoyed him because he was keeping to his part of the bargain. "I'm not a child. I am sure that the recording chip was in his pocket because I kept it there myself. I didn't tell anyone to do it and report to me." Smith replied, annoyed that Roberts kept questioning him like a little child confused about what he had done.He was tempted to do something rash as it irritated him that he was being questioned by Roberts who was below him but he reined his anger in because he needed him for certain jobs that he couldn't do himself. "It isn't just a recording chip. It's a tracker that's meant to monitor his movements,""And it's not doing that?""No its not" Smith gritted out, his face the poster child of annoyance. The questions Roberts kept asking chafed at him. "It was also supposed to monitor any
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Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Six
Ryan walked down the sidewalk and got into a black car which was parked at the curb waiting for him. Evans had been in the area to pick up his wife’s cravings for Chinese as he was trying his hand at being more romantic and spending more time with her after her near death encounter with leukaemia. He had decided to catch up with Ryan for a minute in his car when he saw that he was also in the same place ordering dinner.“Have you heard any news about Turner? Any ransom calls?” Evans asked, sipping some sweet tea he got for himself. Ryan paused from bringing out the rolls he got and replied, his voice low.“Yeah, he was brought into the hospital last night.”Evans dropped his cup in the cup holder and turned to Ryan.“Why didn’t you call me? Last night was a long time ago.”“I came out of the operating room a few hours ago, dead on my feet. I was in no state to talk to anyone. I should have told someone to inform you.”“It’s no problem. How is he? Did he tell you anything about who kid
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Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Seven
“Why don’t you come over then?” Rebecca said into the phone as she twirled a strand of her, a smile fixed on her face.She laughed at his sputter and got off the phone. She opened her messaging app and quickly typed in her address before sending it to him. She rushed around the house straightening things up in her already perfect, pristine apartment. Ryan on the other hand rushed to his room and got dressed. After making sure he looked good, he got into his car and typed Rebecca’s address into his GPS system. He was shocked that she invited him over but he would be damned if he didn’t take her up on her offer. She was extending an olive branch to him and like a starved man; he was going to take it without a second thought.While he was speeding down the highway in his convertible, the wind playing with his hair, his mind wandered over to Turner who was still not responding to treatment. He was in the same state as before and there were no signs of improvement. He had one hand on t
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Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Eight
Immediately he put the car in park, Ryan jumped down from the car, eager to get into his house. In his hurry, he didn’t even remember to lock his car but there was no one who would steal it as it was a gated neighborhood with strict state of the art security and patrol officers.He opened the door, grateful that his housekeeper was in and he didn’t need to waste any time getting the door open.“Draco!” He called out as he walked past the foyer and up the stairs to his room. He didn’t know where his housekeeper was in the house exactly but the last thing he wanted was the elderly woman looking at him crazy because it would look like he was having a conversation with himself. “Master.” Draco replied, a voice in his head this time.“Why did the screen come up when I was with Rebecca?” Ryan asked, irritated. He was annoyed that he had to cut his time with Rebecca short and hightail it out of her house because of the screen that had come up.He knew that there was a lot of sucking up he w
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One Hundred And Fifty Nine
“What exactly are you saying to me? I don’t understand all the medical terms you just mentioned.” Jessica said as she looked at the doctor from her seat at her mother’s side. The doctor blinked at her slowly.“Let’s have this conversation outside, please.” His voice was almost a whisper as he directed her outside the room her mother was lying in and then began to explain what he had said earlier in clearer terms.“What I am telling you is that your mother has no chance of living anymore. From her prognosis, she has at best, a few days to live. I’m sorry!”Jessica was shocked and she gaped at him for a while before she got her words back.“No, no, no!”“I’m sorry.” The doctor apologized as he shook his head.“No, doctor, there has to be something that you can do. My mother can’t just die like that. You can’t just abandon my mother like that.”“I’m sorry but there’s absolutely nothing more we can do for you. Her cancer has spread and eaten into so many of her organs. It is a miracle tha
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