All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
168 chapters
Chapter Ten
The silence in the room was so cold that they could hear their heartbeat, making everything feel even more profound. The henchmen all focused on their leader, waiting for him to respond to Mr. Smith. The leader took a deep breath, more like engaging himself in a breathing exercise just to calm himself before speaking."Mr. Smith," he began, his voice carrying a hint of nervousness, who wouldn’t be nervous? Only those who don't know how dangerous the almighty Smith is. "We executed the plan perfectly. We had Ryan cornered, just as we had anticipated. It was supposed to be a straightforward operation."As he spoke, Mr. Smith's gaze remained locked onto him, who pressed on despite the growing unease in him. "But then,” he paused, swallowing hard the recollection of the perplexing turn of events still fresh in his mind, he continued, "out of nowhere, sir, a sharp, blinding light, bright enough to blind the eyes engulfed Ryan. It surrounded him, and, I must admit, we couldn't perceive i
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Chapter Eleven
He turned and left the room, his anger still simmering like an unquenchable fire.But then, he turned back with a stern glare, his voice commanding and unwavering, "Dismissed! I demand results, and you have 48 hours to scour every nook and cranny of this city and deliver to me the lifeless likeness of Ryan, our elusive target." The henchmen felt the heavy burden of their mistake. They knew they had a huge task ahead, and the reminder of their failure hung over them like a shadow they couldn't shake.As the echo of Mr. Smith's receding footsteps diminished down the dim corridor, the henchmen exchanged uneasy glances, acutely aware of the gravity of their situation. Their leader, a portrait of unyielding determination etched upon his face, took the helm. "We understand the path that lies ahead. It's time to regroup and put the revised plan into action. There's no room for mistakes this time."In unison, heads nodded a silent but resolute pledge to uphold the weighty responsibility that
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Chapter Twelve
“Smart move” “In some ways, I feel I should have actually done the job myself,” Roberts mused, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips. “There would be a trace,” Smith said. “I still do not trust these guys with this task. We’ve been using them doesn’t mean they are good enough for this.” He sighed, frustration creasing his brow.“Now that Ryan is aware we’re after him, what if he tries something drastic? Do you think he’ll still be staying at the same location, considering he managed to escape an attempted murder?” he added, his concern etched across his face.Smith sighed. “Whoops! I’m as confused and worried as you are.”“Roberts, we need to stand together in this. We can do it.” Smith said. In that confined and heavy room, they shared a common purpose. To triumph, they needed to solve the riddle that had shattered their already crafted plans and led them to an unknown end. Who came for Ryan?It was a risky path, but they had no alternative. They were guilty of a lot and
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Chapter Thirteen
As Ryan slowly regained consciousness, he heard a soothing voice that gently welcomed him, pulling him out of the hazy fog of unconsciousness. Everything around him felt strange, and he was overwhelmed by a deep sense of confusion. With a trembling voice, he asked, "Where am I? How did I end up here?" His words were filled with uncertainty as he struggled to understand his situation. The person who spoke to him, a reassuring figure in the dimly lit room, calmly introduced himself, saying, "I'm Evans, and you can call me your savior." "Savior?" Ryan repeated, his brow furrowing. "Yes, savior. You can call me your savior because I saved you," Evans reassured with a kind and gentle smile. Ryan's head throbbed with pain, and his thoughts were a chaotic mess. He knew he needed rest to make sense of the fragments of his memory. "Get some rest," Evans suggested. "We'll talk when you're feeling stronger." Grateful for the offer, Ryan closed his eyes, surrendering to exhaustion. As he d
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Chapter Fourteen
Ryan turned back to the demon he woke up to."Stay back! Don't come any closer. Keep your distance, don’t make me hurt you," Ryan warned as he held up a little comb he picked up from Evans’s table, an odd choice for a man's weapon.Mr. Evans couldn't help but drown in laughter. "You know, using a comb for self-defense isn’t quite a good choice, if I were to fight or harm you, I assure you, you won't be needing it."Ryan remained cautious. "I don't care. Just keep your distance until you've answered all my questions," he demanded, keeping the comb pointed at Mr. Evans.Mr. Evans, ever calm, nodded. "I'm all ears. Go ahead, ask your questions."With frustration and curiosity, Ryan unleashed a barrage of questions. "First, who are you? I mean, who are you to me? Where are my parents? Why am I here?" The questions spilled out of him in a rush, leaving Mr. Evans momentarily taken aback.Mr. Evans chuckled as he retreated toward the living room, Ryan following closely, still ranting. "You're
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Chapter Fifteen
Ryan accepted this, however with some reluctance. He was beginning to realize that he had to be patient, even though every fiber of his being yearned for clarity. Maybe Mr Evans wasn’t a demon after all but some kind of guardian angel.The meal continued in silence for a while, and both of them seemed to be lost in thought. Mr. Evans looked like he was having a whole conversation in his head. “What the hell is this man not saying out loud!” Ryan’s inner being kept screaming. The room seemed to close in on them, increasing the anticipation that hung in the air, on Ryan’s side especially.Ryan, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, finally spoke up. His eyes blinked repeatedly in curiosity. "Mr. Evans, who is the man in the picture frame? The one with the same wristwatch as mine. What's his connection to all of this?"Mr. Evans put down his food once more and considered Ryan's question. “You asked this the other time and I let you understand that it’s not time for revealing the
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Chapter Sixteen
Ramen and his men had fanned out across the dark city, with so much determination to find Ryan and put an end to him once and for all. They searched all books and cranny looking for traces of blood to at least locate him. Their loud voices buzzed as they discussed their strategies to bring him down. At that point, any clue would be greatly appreciated."Alright, guys, listen up," Ramen addressed, his voice sounding very authoritative. "We're dealing with a very tough situation at hand tonight and we can’t afford to miss the target this time. We have to find Ryan and find him fast. Mr Smith is a very dangerous man and we all know that. We wouldn’t want to be on his bad side and finding Ryan as soon as possible is the only key to that. Split into teams and cover as much ground as you can, no mistakes please, no mistakes!” He barked frustratedly. They nodded in agreement as rage filled their hearts. One of the boys, tired of all the delay, started searching through the streets viole
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Chapter Seventeen
Mr. Smith couldn't find a moment's peace in his own home, as he paced back and forth wondering what was up at the moment. “Those idiots, I gave them a little job and they blew it, they blew it all up! Animals!” He kept roaring as anxious thoughts raced through his mind relentlessly. What if Ryan had gone to the police? What if he ended up in a hospital because of those bruises? And what would he say when questioned about the situation? The weight of his decisions bore down on him, and he kept wondering who had intervened. Turner and Lewis were his suspects, they were the only pussies who didn’t support Ryan’s death.As he continued to pace, his restlessness did not go unnoticed by his concerned wife. She gently asked, "Darling, what's bothering you? You're so restless. Is anything the matter? Is it something I can help with?" She asked with deep concern etched on her face.His mind was full of the worries that clouded him, Mr. Smith simply replied, "It's work stuff," and left the
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Chapter Eighteen
Viper slipped away quietly, moving towards his car while staying alert. He was parked a stone's throw from the warehouse. He was careful and hated being caught so he always applied caution.The car door opened, and Viper entered into the driver's seat. The engine roared to life, and he navigated the streets. It was close to midnight, and the streets were now very dark but thank goodness for the street light that shone across the roads. The street was now deserted with close to no one on the streets, a quiet stage set for Viper's operation. His eyes darted all over the place, scanning the streets for any hint, any trace of the face on the picture provided to him that had been etched into his memory, and he couldn't afford to miss any potential lead. Viper's phone rang just as he was cruising through the deserted streets. He scanned through his phone to see who was calling, with a wicked smile, he answered the call, bringing the device to his ear. It was his friend, also an undercov
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Chapter Nineteen
They continued to talk while he ate, but Turner deftly avoided explaining the full reason for his late-night absence. After breakfast, as he prepared to leave, he gave his wife a gentle kiss goodbye and said, "I'll make it up to you and Emily tonight. Don't worry." With that, he headed out for the office, leaving some of his concerns unspoken and hoping that night wouldn't be as hectic as the other. Turner knew he had intended to work on some files with Emily, he, however, trusted his daughter to handle the task all by herself. Thoughts of how to face Mr. Smith and Mr. Robert, who seemed to be scheming against Ryan and had already concluded he was the negative person on the team briefly crossed his mind. Swiftly, he shook off those concerns with a quick shake of his head and convinced himself that everything would be alright. He entered his car, gave a deep sigh, and drove to the Regals. Upon arriving at the office, Turner made his way toward his personal office. As he app
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