All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
168 chapters
Chapter Twenty
The doctor was done with the examination with Ryan. Evans, wearing a concerned expression, held the doctor on his wrist and took him aside. "Ryan," he began, "I'm eager to know when he will regain his full memory." His voice was barely a whisper. The doctor offered a glimmer of hope. "Ryan’s loss of memory doesn't appear to be too severe," he explained. "In about three months or less, he should begin to remember things from his earlier years." This was a promising revelation for Ryan who was eavesdropping.Ryan felt a sense of ease, he smiled broadly for the first time since he woke up from whatever it was that erased his memories. He had hoped that soon, things would begin to fall into place. It might not be easy but he was excited to experience it. Mr. Evans couldn't hide his joy upon hearing the doctor's assessment, promptly settling the doctor's bill.As the day went by, Ryan kept thinking about what the doctor had said earlier, smiling all through. His memories may have been l
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Chapter Twenty-One
As they stepped back into the mansion, Mr. Evans could not hide his frustration. He turned to Ryan and raised his voice, "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is out there? The streets are unforgiving, and you're playing with fire!"Ryan wanted to share his concerns about the person who had been following him. With the state Evans was, adding that might do nothing but fuel the anger. He rather kept it to himself. Ryan felt a mix of guilt and confusion. "I'm sorry, Mr. Evans. I just wanted to go for a short walk, to feel a little more...normal."Mr. Evans sighed deeply, his anger starting to subside. "I understand that Ryan, but you need to trust me when I say that it's not safe for you to be out there yet. We're working on a plan to ensure your safety, but you must be patient."Feeling chastened, Ryan nodded. "I get it, Mr. Evans. I'll stay inside. I don't want to cause you any more trouble."Mr. Evans softened his tone. "Thank you, Ryan. I know it's hard, but we're doing everything
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Ryan felt something from Evans’s words. He knew it was something deep, deeper than the Lion discussion. He had the sense that Evans was definitely trying to paint a picture out of the show. Maybe it was something related to him, who knows? But for Evans to divert like that, it sure was something relating to him. That was more like a hint, an eye-opener. Maybe, only maybe some people are seeking his fall because they stole his place and never wanted him to assume it. It was scary, but he liked that he had a hint. “A step at a time, Ryan. That is one in ten thousand of what I need to know.”He said in his head. “Mr. Evans is truly my guardian angel.” He added. Before he could think of another word, there was a doorbell ring.Ding dong!As usual, Mr Evans would always get the door in an attempt to face whoever would want to come inside himself. It was the security personnel from the agency that arrived. There were four of them, two men and two women, all dressed discreetly in pla
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Chapter Twenty-Three
As Viper and Shadow continued to strategize inside the car, they decided to wait until darkness blanketed the area. The cover of the night would offer them more protection from potential security measures. Viper grinned. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. I always carry lock-picking tools, just in case." Shadow raised an eyebrow. "You're full of surprises, Viper. Let's hope we won't need to use them, but it's good to have a backup plan." “Let’s just keep waiting for the dark.” Inside the mansion, Ryan had been contemplating whether or not to open up to Mr. Evans about the unsettling events from earlier that day. He decided it was time to share his concerns. "Mr. Evans," Ryan began, his voice hesitant. "I need to tell you something that happened today." Mr. Evans turned his attention to Ryan, concern etched across his face. "Of course, Ryan. You can talk to me about anything." Ryan took a deep breath. "When I went out today, I bumped into a lady with her child, and it was stran
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Chapter Twenty-Four
EVAN’S MANSION The morning sun bathed Mr. Evans's mansion in warm, golden light. The day had begun with promise, and both Ryan and Evans awoke with a sense of contentment. As the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, Ryan made his way to the kitchen. There, he found Mr. Evans skillfully preparing a breakfast feast, complete with scrambled eggs, fluffy pancakes, and a delicious sauce. The sight of the hearty meal filled Ryan with gratitude. "Good morning, Mr. Evans," Ryan greeted warmly. He couldn't help but smile as he offered his assistance. "Good morning, Ryan," Mr. Evans replied with a friendly smile. "I thought we'd start the day with a special breakfast." Ryan gladly jumped in to help, setting the table, pouring fresh orange juice, and eagerly anticipating the feast laid before him. While they enjoyed their meal together, Mr. Evans revealed his plan for the day. "Ryan, how would you like to go for a walk?" he asked a glint of excitement in his eyes. Ryan's
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Chapter Twenty-Five
The moment Turner called out "Ryan," it was as if a switch had been flipped. Ryan's instincts kicked in, and without a second thought, he moved swiftly, darting behind Mr. Evans. The security personnel, trained to react instantly, formed a protective shield around Ryan and the mysterious figure that sought refuge behind him.With Ryan now concealed, Turner tried to introduce himself, but the initial confusion subsided when Mr. Evans took a closer look at the man who had appeared out of the blue. Recognition dawned on him, and he gestured for Turner to join him in a quiet corner.Amid the hushed conversations, Mr. Evans disclosed the unfortunate truth to Turner. Ryan had lost his memory during his healing process, a revelation that weighed heavily on both of them. The reason for Ryan's sudden disappearance now made sense to Turner. Turner felt a pang of sadness, understanding the ordeal his old friend had been through. As Mr. Evans spoke, Turner shared what he had overheard at the c
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Chapter Twenty-Six
"Turner!” That name echoed in Ryan’s mind as he retreated to his room. It was like a distant bell ringing, it sounded familiar but still distant. The more he thought about it, the more elusive the memories became. Turner was a cipher from his past, a name that danced on the edges of his recollection.Lying on his bed, the weight of curiosity pressed upon him. He longed to unravel the enigma of Turner and uncover the secrets it held. The name acted as a key, but the door it could open remained hidden. Ryan knew that his identity was fragmented, like a jigsaw puzzle waiting to be assembled. But Turner? Deep in thought, Ryan wrestled with his desire to grasp the significance of Turner's name. Who was this person, and what was the role they played in his life? “Why does the name sound familiar? I don’t even know him.” He hissed. Each moment felt like an eternity as he tried to connect the dots.Before he knew it, sleep enveloped him, leading him into a realm of dreams. In this dre
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Chapter Twenty- Seven
Shadows remained silently observant, his allegiance swaying between the various arguments. The room was divided, and the decision to be made would have a profound impact on Ryan's fate.But it was Turner who still stood apart, his unwavering conviction in stark contrast to the other voices. "Like I said before I won't be a part of this and I won't let you harm Ryan. Unless I’m not aware of the plan at hand."Smith knew that convincing them to see Ryan as a threat, as he did, would be a tough challenge."This isn't personal," Mr. Smith argued, his voice tinged with desperation. "It's about preserving our futures. Ryan is a time bomb, and I won't let him destroy everything we've worked for. If you stand in my way, you'll all pay the price."Turner stood there, his presence a silent protest amid discord. “Pay the price?” Turner asked as though his ears were deceiving him. “You heard me right, Mr. Turner. I don’t mind clearing anyone that says on my way to get what I want.” Smith said f
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Chapter Twenty- Eight
As Thunder, Rain, and their team geared up Shadow and Ramen spoke in hushed voices. "Remember, we need to secure Ryan first," Shadows reminded Ramen, "He's our priority."The night was shrouded in darkness, the moon hidden behind thick clouds. The group assembled at the back of Mr. Evans's mansion, their faces masked.Ramen nodded in agreement. "Yes, once we have him, we can take control of the situation. Just be ready for whatever security measures they have in place."Shadow didn't say much more, and the team advanced cautiously toward the mansion's entrance. They had trained for this, prepared for the unexpected. It was the culmination of their shared commitment to Mr. Smith's cause.Inside the mansion, the evening had transformed into a serene haven for Ryan. He was in his room, poring over some old documents and photos of Mr. Evans's past. The warmth of the room and the dim light from the desk lamp created an intimate ambiance.Feeling a sense of purpose in reconnecting with hi
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Chapter Twenty- Nine
Turner who had been following up every move pulled up to the mansion, and his heart raced. The sight of the ajar gate and unconscious security personnel sent alarm bells ringing in his mind. He knew something was amiss. He hurriedly parked his car and approached the fallen security guard.He gently shook her, attempting to revive her. "Hey, wake up," he urged.As she regained consciousness, groggy and disoriented, the shocker device concealed in her pocket delivered an unexpected jolt. She gasped and inadvertently pressed the button, unleashing a jolt of electricity into Turner's hand."Whoa! What was that?" Turner exclaimed, the shock still coursing through his body.The security guard, now fully awake, realized her mistake and quickly turned off the device. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were an intruder."Turner winced as he recovered from the shock. "No worries, that thing packs a punch," he muttered, rubbing his tingling hand.The security guard, her pulse returning to normal, sc
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