All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
168 chapters
Chapter Forty
The night had descended into an eerie stillness, only disrupted by the muted hum of distant traffic. Inside Mr. Evans' house, the atmosphere was charged with an unspoken tension that had settled between Ryan and their host. Evans had provided a safe refuge for Ryan, but the questions that lingered in the air hung heavily in the room.Ryan couldn't shake the unease that had been gnawing at him since the ordeal at the abandoned warehouse. He had seen and experienced things he couldn't comprehend. Frustration and fear had him on edge, and he couldn't keep his emotions contained any longer.In the dimly lit living room, Ryan sat on the couch, his gaze locked on the floor. He couldn't find words to express the rage within him. Evans sat nearby, his thoughts seemingly consumed by the night's events.Finally, Ryan's restlessness got the better of him. He leaned forward, his voice laced with desperation. "Mr. Evans, you've got to tell me what's going on. I can't take this anymore. I need an
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Chapter Forty- One
At the hospital"Mom," Emily began, her voice gentle and soothing, "we've made a decision regarding your treatment, and we want to discuss it with you."They had come to break the news to her, but less scarily and they hoped it would go well.Sarah turned her eyes toward them, a mix of curiosity and concern in her gaze. She had been through so much, and now it was time for her to hear the verdict. Turner held her hand, his grip reassuring, and he exchanged a glance with Emily, who stood by their side, her eyes reflecting her deep concern for her mother.Sarah nodded her expression a mixture of anticipation and hope. "Please, tell me."Turner took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving Sarah's. "You have cerebral cancer, the doctor gave us options and We've chosen to go ahead with surgery instead of letting you die in three months. We trust that everything will be successful and we believe it offers the best chance for your recovery."Sarah's eyes welled up with tears. It was the momen
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Chapter Forty- Two
"Mr. Turner, Miss Emily," the doctor began, "the surgery was challenging, we tried our best, however, Mr. Turner, I’m glad to inform you that we were able to remove most of the tumor. Your wife is in recovery now, and we'll know more about her condition as she wakes up."A wave of relief washed over Turner and Emily. They had taken a leap of faith, and the first step of their journey seemed to have led them to a glimmer of hope.Emily hugged her dad tightly. “We did it, Dad, she did it, it worked!” She was super excited and didn't mind the fact that she was shouting out loud.***Evans lay restlessly in his bed, the previous night's events haunting his thoughts. Sleep eluded him as he contemplated the predicament they found themselves in. He hadn't intended to send Ryan away; the young man was crucial to his plans for his father's property.Staring at a photo of Ryan's late father on the wall, Mr. Evans whispered with determination, "We will overcome this, just as we always have."A
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Chapter Forty- Three
Mr. Evans's homeEvans sat in his study, his fingers rapidly typing a text message to Turner. The news he had just received from the police officer left a bitter taste in his mouth. It was a stark reminder of the reality of the world they lived in, where influence and power could sway the course of justice. He knew he needed to reach out to Turner and share this disturbing information.As he hit the send button, he couldn't help but wonder about the kind of society they were living in. It was a world where cases weren't always judged on their merits but were often influenced by external factors like wealth, connections, and societal standing. The injustice of it all weighed heavily on him.The soft chime of an incoming message snapped him out of his thoughts. It was a reply from Turner. “Hello my friend, this is a piece of very bad news, however, I will not be available as I’m in the middle of my family situation. As you know, family first. I send my heart and support.” His hear
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Chapter Forty- Four
Turner had spent the past few days worrying and hoping for Sarah's recovery. Her condition had been a source of great distress for him. But today, he was filled with relief and happiness. The bouquet of roses in his hand was not just a gift; it was a symbol of their love and hope for a better future.He entered her hospital room with a gentle smile, the roses held close to his chest. The sweet scent of the flowers filled the room as he approached her bedside."Hey, Sarah," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "I've brought you these beautiful roses. I wanted to celebrate your recovery, to celebrate you being well again."Sarah's eyes lit up as she saw the bouquet. Her smile grew, and she extended her lips, inviting him to give her a gentle peck. Turner leaned in, their lips met briefly, and he could feel her warmth and strength returning."Thank you, the husband of my youth and of my old," she whispered. "These roses are lovely, just like you."He chuckled, "No, Sarah, you're the
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Chapter Forty- Five
His mind raced with mixed emotions. On one hand, he was happy to be spending quality time with Sarah after her release from the hospital. On the other, Smith's messages always carried an air of danger and intrigue. Turner had been trying to distance himself from his past, but it seemed that the past had other plans for him.He returned to the room with the juice for Sarah, a forced smile on his face as he tried to push aside the worry and uncertainty that Smith's message had brought. His wife's health was his top priority, and he couldn't afford any distractions from the peaceful moments they were currently sharing.As he handed her the glass, he couldn't help but notice the warmth in her eyes and the gentle smile that curved her lips."Thank you, darling," Sarah whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "You always know how to take care of me."“That’s how to know true lovers right?” Well, that wasn’t a question meant to be answered. Turner sat down beside her, the worry he had
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Chapter Forty- Six
Someone had just hit Turner. Who hit him? What hit him? Why did the person hit him? Now he’s unconscious. He went blank, the next he saw was finding himself regaining consciousness in the dimly lit warehouse, a cold shiver ran down his spine, amplified by the icy water that had been poured onto him. He struggled to move but found out he had been tied down. "Why am I here?" Turner groaned, wincing from the throbbing pain at the back of his head, his hand instinctively reaching for the source of the discomfort.Mr. Smith loomed over him, an enigmatic presence. "I need you, Turner," he said in a tone that held a hint of menace."Why? What's your game? Did you really need to tie me to ask me this?" Turner demanded, his voice laced with frustration.With an air of mystery, Mr. Smith retorted, "I don't have time for questions. I need your help."Turner, trapped in this unfolding drama, reluctantly nodded in agreement. He had his own motives, but for now, he'd play along with Smith's sche
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Chapter Forty- Seven
Ryan's eyes fluttered open, their usual vibrancy clouded by distress. He attempted to speak but found it difficult, his words emerging as mere whispers. "I... I don't know what happened," he managed to croak, his vulnerability laid bare.Mr. Evans reached for his phone, his fingers trembling as he dialed the doctor's number. He prayed for the medical professional to arrive swiftly, their expertise the only beacon of hope in that dire moment."Stay with me, Ryan," Mr. Evans urged, his worry deepening with every second that passed. His voice served as an anchor, providing the young man with a glimmer of solace.As the doctor's arrival drew near, Ryan clung to consciousness, seeking answers in the labyrinth of his fragmented memories. He remembered a fleeting encounter, a mother and child, and the piercing gaze of a man who had watched them. The weight of that memory and its enigmatic significance had been suffocating.The doctor finally arrived, a beacon of medical knowledge and reassur
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Chapter Forty- Eight
In the hours following the therapy session, Ryan's mind was filled with anticipation and unease. He couldn't help but ponder the cryptic message from his dream and its significance. It was as if his subconscious was guiding him to a long-lost past, and the prospect of unraveling his history was both thrilling and intimidating.As evening descended, Ryan found himself in his room, seeking solitude and a moment of respite. The weight of expectations and the haunting dreams were taking their toll, but he knew that this was a journey he had to undertake.With the room illuminated by the soft glow of a bedside lamp, Ryan settled onto his bed, his thoughts drifting into the past. He closed his eyes and allowed the memories, as fragmented as they were, to wash over him.The initial memory unfurled before Ryan like a gentle whisper from the depths of time. He found himself as a child, the golden sunlight bathing a garden where he stood alongside his mother. Laughter danced through the air
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Chapter Forty- Nine
The next morning, Smith arrived unannounced at Ryan and Mr. Evans' home, clutching a file that concealed a profound revelation. The contents of the file seemed to challenge everything that Ryan believed to be true. It was a declaration that left him in disbelief, as Mr. Evans had insisted that Mr. Jack Martins was his father. One of them had to be lying.Ryan meticulously read the contents of the document out loud:[Letterhead of the Legal Firm or Organization][Date]To Whom It May Concern,RE: LEGAL AFFIRMATION OF PATERNITYWe, the undersigned parties, hereby affirm the following legal statement regarding the paternity of the individual known as [Ryan's Full Name]:1. [Ryan's Full Name], born on [Ryan's Date of Birth], is not the biological son of Mr. [Jack Martins' Full Name], who is commonly referred to as the biological father of [Ryan's Full Name].2. This affirmation has been made with the full knowledge and consent of all parties involved and is legally binding.3. Any legal r
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