All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
168 chapters
Chapter Fifty
Turner's arrival at the house was met with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. Mr. Evans, looking worried and burdened, filled him in on the situation. "Ryan hasn't come out of his room since Mr. Smith's visit," he confessed.Turner listened carefully, his face reflecting deep concern. "We can't let this continue. We need to tell him the truth before things escalate," Turner advised, his voice firm and resolute.Mr. Evans hesitated, his fear evident in his eyes. "I don't want anything to happen to Ryan, Turner. I owe Mr. Jack Martins that."Turner placed a reassuring hand on Mr. Evans' shoulder. "We'll tell him the truth, and then I'll work on getting justice, but I'll do it quietly, underground. We won't let Mr. Smith find out."Mr. Evans appeared skeptical. "How is that even possible?"Turner offered a reassuring smile. "I have a plan, Mr. Evans. I have an idea that can help us." With a sense of determination, they began to discuss the details of their strategy to uncover the truth w
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Chapter Fifty- One
AT REGAL HAVENIt was a sultry evening, and the neon lights outside the club flickered in a mesmerizing rhythm, luring patrons inside. The attractive beats of music thumped through the air, vibrating in harmony with the excitement that filled the Regal Haven Hotel, a haven for those seeking a taste of luxury. Jessica, who holds the position of director of sales and marketing, had chosen this night to unwind and drink away the stress of her busy life.The club's ambiance was posh and seductive. Dimly lit with just enough light to showcase the sophistication in its decor. Plush couches lined the walls, providing a cozy retreat for those who preferred to observe the scene. The bar was a gleaming testament to mixology, where bartenders flaunted their skills, concocting libations that danced with colors and flavors. Patrons swayed on the dance floor, moving to the rhythm of music that seemed to caress the soul.Jessica had come to Regal Haven's club section to ensure everything was goin
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Chapter Fifty- Two
The hotel's VIP Hall was in the midst of a rich transformation. Every meticulous detail of the upcoming wedding for the young billionaire, Roderick, was being monitored under the watchful eye of Jessica, the astute Director of Sales and Marketing. This grand celebration demanded nothing short of perfection, and she was committed to ensuring every facet was expertly handled.As the Director of Sales and Marketing, Jessica's role was to curate an unforgettable atmosphere for the momentous occasion. With the sound system being an integral component of the experience, she found herself immersed in conversations with the team responsible for audio arrangements. It was imperative that every note, every word, and every sound filled the VIP Hall with resonance, adding to the enchantment of the wedding. The hall's acoustic characteristics were discussed at length, emphasizing the need for sound to be crisp and balanced. "We need each guest to hear the vows clearly, no room for any distort
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Chapter Fifty- Three
Jessica hurriedly turned back, fear gripped her as it was obvious from her body language. Rashy burst into laughter as she teasingly teased Jessica. “The sinner runs while no one chases her.” She laughed more. Jessica rolled her eyes at such an expensive joke to her. She had thought Roderick’s intending wife had heard her. She wasn’t ready to die. “Ryan could never,” Jessica said. “Ewww!” Emily cringed and wrinkled her nose as if the mere mention of Ryan’s name was repulsive. It seemed like she might actually gag.Rashy chimed in, scoffing, “That puppet. He’s like a marionette, dancing to someone else’s strings, with nothing original to say.”As they took their seats in the VIP Hall, Jessica looked at Ryan one more time and muttered, “he might as well be dead now.”Jessica, Rashy, and Emily all looked incredibly captivating, capturing the attention of everyone around them. It wasn't long before they were the center of attention, and their radiant beauty was undeniable.“He’s bett
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Chapter Fifty- Four
“I KNOW WHAT YOU DID, IT IS ME. I SAW YOU: RODERICK. YOU ARE IN DANGEROUS HARDS.”“Fuck!” She spat. The text message sent a shockwave through Jessica's already perplexed mind. She stared at the message, a feeling of unease growing within her. Someone seemed to know about her involvement with Roderick, and they were now threatening to expose her. Jessica couldn't fathom who might have been spying on her or why they wanted to bring her down.The weight of the situation felt unbearable, and she muttered to herself, "I'm finished." She got really anxious, and she couldn't simply ignore it. She had to find out who was behind this message and their motives.Determined to uncover the identity of the sender, Jessica attempted to track the message but hit a dead end. The sender had covered their tracks well, leaving her unable to trace their origin. The frustration mounted as she wondered how she could discover who this motherfucker was!After a moment of contemplation, a thought crossed he
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Chapter Fifty- Five
Ryan desperately begged for his life. He could see the ugly faces of the men who had cornered him, their expressions unrelenting. Fear gripped him, and he continued to plead, promising anything and everything to avoid his impending doom."Please, don't kill me," Ryan implored, his voice trembling. He looked from one angry face to another, searching for a hint of mercy, but they remained firm."I'll do anything you want, just spare me," he pleaded again, tears welling up in his eyes. But the men showed no sign of relenting.As they continued to close in on him, their intentions clear, a blinding light suddenly flooded the room. Ryan shielded his eyes with his hands, and the world around him was consumed by an overwhelming brightness. He couldn't see anything, and the disorienting sensation left him in a state of shock.When the light began to subside and his vision gradually returned, Ryan found himself staring into the familiar face of Mr. Evans. The older man was smiling, and his pr
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Chapter Fifty- Six
He blinked repeatedly as he stared at picture displaying on the cell phone on his hand. It was him, a picture of when he was a delivery guy.A smile tucked on his lips, “Hahaha, cute me.” he muttered with a smile plastered across his face.“I was once a delivery man. Noted.” He said to himself. As he scrolled through the photos on the phone, he couldn't help but smile as he stumbled upon images from his time as a delivery person. Memories of those days began to resurface, and with each picture, he felt a growing sense of connection to his past.“What of the man Mr. Evans mentioned to me? If we were related, and he has that kind of influence, when then was I a delivery man?” His finger tapping on his close lips as he thought to himself. In one image, he saw himself wearing the uniform of a delivery company, standing proudly in front of a delivery van. The sunlight bathed the scene, casting a warm glow on his face. It was a moment of nostalgia, and he remembered the satisfaction of
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Chapter Fifty- Seven
Jessica paced back and forth in her room. She had reached a point of desperation. The mysterious text she received threatening to expose her actions had thrown her life into turmoil. Worst of it all was that the sender sent two more messages. “Tch! Who is this fucker?!” She needed help, and the only person she believed could assist her was Logan and he hadn’t said anything after their meeting.She decided to send Logan a message, her fingers tapping anxiously on her phone's screen. "Hey! Logan, I haven't gotten any response from you. Have you been able to find anything?" Jessica's plea was laced with worry. She anxiously awaited a reply, her mind racing with anxiety.Time ticked by, and her phone finally rang. It was Logan on the line. His voice held a note of urgency as he spoke, "Jessica, I've seen something important. You need to come over to my place immediately."She rolled her eyes. Jessica's heart pounded with a mix of relief and apprehension. The situation had escalated, and
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Chapter Fifty- Eight
"I won't let you control me," Jessica declared, her voice trembling with a newfound determination. She clenched her fist, her eyes fixed on Logan. "I'll find a way to expose you, and I'll make sure you pay for what you've done."Logan chuckled, a cold and calculated sound. "You can try, Jess, but remember, I hold the strings. Your secrets are my currency."“I wont give in to you easily, Logan, just watch out, you have bitten more than what you can chew”With that, Jessica left Logan's apartment, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. As she walked into the night, she knew the path ahead would be treacherous. The shadows of deceit had deepened, and the only way to emerge into the light was to navigate the labyrinth of lies and confront the person she once thought she could trust.The night had just begun, and Jessica was determined to unveil the truth, no matter the cost.The days that followed were a relentless pursuit of the truth. Jessica immersed herself in a world of digital forensi
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Chapter Fifty- Nine
"What is it about this Mr. Smith? How can I uncover his secrets? I want to dig so deep into him that I get to know every single move.”Ryan walked down the street, his mind spinning with thoughts about Mr. Smith and the company.“Excuse me!” Ryan nearly bumped into an old lady.“Sorry, ma’am,” he muttered, snapping out of his thoughts.“Be careful, young man,” the old lady chuckled.Strolling past an antique store, Ryan noticed an old man eyeing him.“What’s up with this guy again?” Ryan mumbled, feeling a bit nervous.“Why do people just stare at me like I’m a ghost? Can I just get to walk freely like a normal being?” He mumbled. “I’m fed up with these.” He rubbed his face with his hand. “Young man with the mystical watch, your life is in great danger,” the old man spoke up.Ryan froze. “Who… who are you?”“Life in danger?” Those words rang in Ryan’s head. His life had always been in danger since he met Turner. Or maybe Jessica. Jessica had been a bad luck to him all along. “No h
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