All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
168 chapters
Chapter Sixty
Jessica POV Jessica lost herself in a novel as the setting sun painted the world in golden hues. “Finally, some peace.”Her phone buzzed. It was Logan. Logan’s message reads: “Remember me, Jessica?”Jessica sighed! “Not again…”Maybe she was wrong. No peace for the wicked. She hasn’t been good all along. Just as she was about to drop her phone, her screen flashed. It was Logan again. “Jessica, you know I hold the cards, I will get you exposed. You know I take pleasure in things like this” Logan’s message flashed on her screen. Logan’s message chilled Jessica to the bone. It held no remorse but threatened to unveil her secrets, particularly the intimate moments with Rodrick. Despite the fear, Jessica refused to yield to Logan’s threats. “I won’t give in,” Jessica affirmed, her voice resolute.“But he knows too much,” her inner voice said on her behalf. “I can’t let fear control me,” Jessica replied, determination firm in her tone.“Facing it head-on is the only way,” she reaffir
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Chapter Sixty- One
The city pulsed with life as Ryan, propelled by a surge of adrenaline, darted through the neon-lit streets. Shadows, silent pursuers, keep pace with his heartbeat. Each twist and turn heightened the tension, mirroring the labyrinth of uncertainty that had become his life.The mystical watch on Ryan's wrist flickered with an ethereal glow, seemingly attuned to the danger that lurks in the darkness. The once familiar streets transformed into a maze, each alley a potential trap. Ryan's breaths came in ragged gasps, the echoes of his footsteps blending with the distant sounds of the city.Finally, a dimly lit alley presented a brief relief.Ryan ducked into the shadows, his back pressed against a cold brick wall. He caught his breath, the hushed sounds of footsteps passing by like distant whispers.As he waited, thoughts whirled in his mind like a tempest. The watch, a silent companion, pulsed with calming energy. It's as if the ancient artifact understands the gravity of the situation
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Chapter Sixty- Two
Emily? Emily was that name that sounded familiar to him. It seemed as though he was going to remember her, but there was an obstruction. He was probably only remembering things he’d been told of. No one has told him about Emily yet. However, he knew that there was a story to Emily. He was curious to know, to ask Turner about the connection between him and Emily but somehow, he’d rather prefer to know what his past life was like with his father and what his future held instead of knowing someone that might not hold any significance. He chose to further the discussion they were having before the mention of “Emily.” As the weight of the revelations settled in the room, Ryan fixated on Turner, a plethora of questions burning in his eyes.Ryan leaned forward. "Turner, how do we unveil the secrets hidden within this watch? What's the key?”Turner, with a thoughtful gaze, crossed the room to a mahogany cabinet. He retrieved a small, ancient-looking box, its surface etched with thorny pa
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Chapter Sixty- Three
The observatory, once a sanctuary of forgotten truths, had held the promises of both enlightenment and peril. Ryan had braced himself for the unknown as a shadowy figure emerged from the depths of the chambers.A sinister tone echoed, "Welcome, Ryan. The journey has only just begun."The figure had stepped into the light, revealing a face that had sent shivers down Ryan's spine."It couldn't be," Ryan had muttered, his voice barely audible.Turner, his expression cautious yet composed, had spoken in a measured tone, "Who were you, and what did you seek in this place?"The figure's lips had curled into a chilling smile. "I was but a seeker of the truths hidden within these walls."Ryan, fighting the tremor in his voice, had demanded, "Tell me what you knew about my father, about the watch!"The figure had remained enigmatic, offering only a tantalizing hint. "Your father was like a key, a key to unlocking the mysteries. And now, the responsibility fell upon you, young man Ryan."As te
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Chapter Sixty- Four
In the dimly lit study, Mr. Smith paced with purpose, his mind a whirlwind of clandestine strategies aimed at neutralizing the looming threat of Ryan, a figure whose intentions remained an enigma. Summoning Raven, his most trusted confidant, Mr. Smith sought counsel in devising a plan to navigate the perilous web woven by Ryan's influence.As Raven materialized, cloaked in shadows, Mr. Smith acknowledged his presence with a nod, indicating the gravity of the impending discussion."Raven," Mr. Smith's voice resonated with urgency, "our adversary, Ryan, continues to obstruct our pursuit of the family's truths. His motives have remained elusive, and his presence poses a grave threat."Raven's stoic demeanor conveyed understanding, and his silent presence was a testament to years of unwavering loyalty."I require your expertise," Mr. Smith continued, his tone unwavering. "A calculated scheme must be orchestrated to undermine Ryan's influence."Raven's hooded gaze remained fixed on Mr. Sm
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Chapter Sixty- Five
Turner and Evans, esteemed associates, found themselves embroiled in a web of skepticism surrounding Raven's cryptic background. Their loyal dedication to a cause beyond Smith led them to harbor growing doubts about Raven's mysterious persona and secret gimmicks."Evans, do you sense something amiss with Raven? Something about him.” Turner questioned, concern etched into the lines of his furrowed brow as they conversed within the secluded hallways of the estate.Evans, known for his strategic insight, mirrored Turner's unease. "Yes, indeed, Turner. Raven's origins remain unknown, and his recent actions have raised suspicion. I'm not going to lie. I suspect him around Ryan.”Their shared apprehension grew as they witnessed Raven's calculated interactions, each move was like a calculated step veiled in ambiguity."He's fostering an intimate relationship with Ryan," Turner said nodding his head, his analytical mind scrutinizing the said puzzle from Raven. "But his past remains dark. I
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Chapter Sixty- Six
Turner and Evans found themselves entrenched in a chilling silence following the disappearance of their spy. The estate, once a hub of strategic planning, now echoed with uncertainty, shrouded in a dreadful veil of Raven's cunning.Fearing the worst, Turner sought counsel with Evans in the dimly lit confines of their safe room. "Our situation has taken a dire turn. The spy's disappearing act is Raven's message— it's an unsettling warning of what he is capable of."Evans nodded grimly. "Raven's awareness of our surveillance indicates a deeper level of sense. He's a formidable adversary."Their meticulous investigation had backfired, inadvertently alerting Raven to their pursuit and leading to the spy's disappearance without a trace. Each attempt to locate the spy hit dead ends, leaving them ensnared in the enigmatic web Raven had spun."We must move with caution," Turner suggested, his voice laced with caution. "Raven's foresight has given him the upper hand. We cannot risk further e
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Chapter Sixty- Seven
In the dimly lit parlor, the conversation between Raven, Ryan, and the hidden spy lingered, shrouded in an air of enigma and concealed intentions. As the exchange continued, Raven's measured composure began to wane subtly, sensing a shift in the cryptic conversation."The stories within these walls often harbor truths beyond our grasp," Ryan remarked, attempting to steer the discussion away from the veiled tension that permeated the room.Raven, however, was visibly unsettled, his calculating gaze fixed on the shadowy recess where the spy lurked. "Some stories should remain buried, lest they unravel the delicate tapestry of our lives."The spy, sensing Raven's unease, stepped forward from the shadows, revealing their faces to the dim light—a move that sparked a ripple of panic in Raven's eyes. The spy's countenance bore traces of experience and determination, a face obscured for too long."Your insistence on concealment has reached its culmination, Raven," the spy said calmly, their v
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Chapter Sixty- Eight
Where have you been?" Turner's voice trembled with concern and urgency as he confronted the spy, who had recently reappeared after an unexplained absence. "I've been trying to reach you for days. What happened?"The Spy, his demeanor composed yet wearied, met Turner's gaze with a hint of reluctance before speaking. "It's a long story, Turner. But there's something you need to know. Raven…"Before the spy could continue, Turner's expression shifted, a sense of realization dawning upon him. "Raven... he's associating with Smith, isn't he?"The spy's eyes widened imperceptibly, surprised by Turner's deduction. "yes…""I've been monitoring their movements," Turner interjected, a sense of urgency rising within him. "Raven's been meeting with Smith, plotting something against Ryan."The Spy's facade cracked, revealing a glimpse of astonishment before composing himself. "You know more than I expected, Turner. But yes, Raven and Smith have allied. Their target is indeed Ryan."After a long ar
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Chapter Sixty- Nine
Turner's phone buzzed ominously, indicating an incoming call from an unidentified number. Hesitantly, he answered, recognizing the distinct voice on the other end."Why, Turner, why are you persisting in this futile endeavor?" Mr. Smith's tone held a subtle threat. "You're treading a dangerous path by aiding Ryan. You're ruining everything."Turner's pulse quickened. "I'm doing what's right," he replied firmly, his voice steady despite the rising tension. "Your alliance with Raven won't go unexposed."There was a brief pause before Mr. Smith retorted, "You're meddling in affairs that do not concern you. Think about the consequences, Turner. You're standing against powerful forces."The call ended abruptly, leaving Turner with a lingering sense of apprehension. He paced his apartment, wrestling with the weight of Mr. Smith's warning. The alliance between Raven and Smith presented a formidable adversary—one that overshadowed his determination to reveal the truth.Days passed, and Turne
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