Chapter Sixty- Eight

Where have you been?" Turner's voice trembled with concern and urgency as he confronted the spy, who had recently reappeared after an unexplained absence. "I've been trying to reach you for days. What happened?"

The Spy, his demeanor composed yet wearied, met Turner's gaze with a hint of reluctance before speaking. "It's a long story, Turner. But there's something you need to know. Raven…"

Before the spy could continue, Turner's expression shifted, a sense of realization dawning upon him. "Raven... he's associating with Smith, isn't he?"

The spy's eyes widened imperceptibly, surprised by Turner's deduction. "yes…"

"I've been monitoring their movements," Turner interjected, a sense of urgency rising within him. "Raven's been meeting with Smith, plotting something against Ryan."

The Spy's facade cracked, revealing a glimpse of astonishment before composing himself. "You know more than I expected, Turner. But yes, Raven and Smith have allied. Their target is indeed Ryan."

After a long ar
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