Wolf’s Bane

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Wolf’s Bane

By: Myrrh D. Keizer Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 257 views: 840

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Eron Camden just wanted to be free of his past... He was hellbent to escape it all: Being the oddity of the pack, dealing with a demanding Alpha father, living in the shadow of his overachiever brother and working for a corrupt, sex-starved boss who wanted to keep him in his private army/ Finally finding a way to fake his own death and erase his former assassin/mobster identity, he moved into the most remote mountain village he can find and lived the life of a hunter/logger/handyman while staying off the grid. While doing so, he found himself being accepted by the village people, loved by the local children and even trusted by the community elders. And upon meeting the widow Diwana, he knew he never wanted to leave that village again. But, unfortunately for him, his past is fast catching up to him. Worse, he is totally unaware of it. Would they still accept him if they knew who he really was? Will he still dare stay and endanger everyone he now loves?

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257 chapters
“Surrender now, Right Hand! We’ll make it short and sweet if you do that!” “Holy crap, Ogre, you really going to do this now? Yap yap yap instead of just shooting at me? Are we in a fucking B action movie or what?” “We mean it, A-Bomb, stop joking around! Better that you just give up the fight and spare yourself the torture once we gun you down!” “Surrender now, Right Hand! We’ll make it short and sweet if you do that!” “Holy crap, Ogre, you really going to do this now? Yap yap yap instead of just shooting at me? Are we in a fucking B action movie or what?” “We mean it, A-Bomb, stop joking around! Better that you just give up the fight and spare yourself the torture once we gun you down!” “Bro! That’s a classic bad-guy move, OK? Once you start monologuing, it’s over! You’re gonna lose for sure!” “Damn it, A! It’s fight or flight! What do you really want to do? But whatever you choose, be prepared for the consequences!” “Whatever I choose, I’m never going back! NEVER, you hear m
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Where would you say is the best place to hide when you’re starting a new life? Some people say it’s in plain sight, right in front of the people who might look for you. Some others dream of a peaceful, quiet hideaway, that’s located a good distance from everything familiar. Like a remote lumberjack camp up in the mountains, so far, far away. “I can hardly believe that you were just a security guard back in your city, or how they let go of a guy that looks so menacing as you. Are you sure you were just that?” a smiling man with brown hair and blue eyes said. He was walking and talking with another man, with a similar description as his, having the same height of six feet, broader shoulders though, and a slightly more muscular body. Also, the second one happened to have brown-reddish hair, hazel eyes closer to green than brown, and a more obvious tan. It had been less than an hour since the job interview, and the employer decided to make sure his newly hired employee would be ok with
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More than a decade ago… “Sorah, what are you doing out of the house at this time? You know we shouldn’t be outside at this hour!” A teenager Jack hissed/yelled to his sister, who was just a year older than him. “What? Nothing’s gonna happen! Besides, I’m technically not even outside the house, I’m just sitting on the roof, Jack, what could go wrong?” “I don’t know, but you know they tell us those stories for a reason, Sorah…” “The legends? Just fairy tales to keep us kids inside the house at night. Do you really believe that it is possible that something like a werewolf exists? I’m no longer a child and I can’t really believe those tales, brother, sorry.” “Just because you’re eighteen now, doesn’t mean that you just can do whatever, sis… Please, come back in or I’ll tell Mom and Dad.” “Ugh, fine, fine… you’re a traitor, Jack, you know that? And you talk like an old grandma.” “No, I’m your brother and I’m supposed to watch over you.” The young lady tried to go back inside the ho
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The barn showed signs of being abandoned, while the farmhouse that was about fifty feet away looked uninhabited as well. Technically both were, since the family who owned this farm had obviously gone abroad, died out, or was killed off by an angry mob. Considering how off-grid the place was, even the last option was possible. So, when two expensive cars arrived to park near the barn, thirty minutes apart from each other, and then two men in suits and long coats went out of the said vehicles to meet under the shade of a nearby tree, it’s obvious that this was a meeting that’s out of the ordinary. “It took a while to scrape off enough tissue and blood just to get a proper sample, Hero. Other than the initial evidence that I ran off with before, I really can’t promise you more of that any time soon, I’m sorry,” Myron the Insider said as he passed over two vials to the other man. Hiromoto raised the two glass tubes to look at them carefully before replying, “We appreciate what you’ve a
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Hours later back in the city, inside a classy but modern conference room, a number of distinguished men were seated at a luxurious long glass table with matching chairs… “So, gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that I have found more samples taken from the site. However, our contact can no longer give us any additional ones in the future since there are no more.” “Well, unfortunately, the ones that we received before are already quite tainted by the chemicals and heat of the explosions, Left Hand. It was quite impossible to be sure if the source of the samples is indeed Aaron Keiser.” “I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to complete here, Doctor. It’s very simple: I want absolute proof that the body - or body parts - of the burnt corpse found in the destroyed vehicle of Aaron Keiser is indeed him.” “Don’t you mean was, Governor?” “I don’t like repeating myself, Doctor Hauptman, but I believe that Aaron Keiser IS still out there, alive and kicking. I also believe he set up
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“Me and my big mouth,” mumbled Eron beneath his breath. “And damn it, her rice cakes and cassava sweets are absolutely delicious!” No thanks to him insisting that they go and talk with the woman he saw from afar, his boss had relieved him from his work and had insisted that they accompany her back to the sawmill. So, after having several small pastries which he bought from the beautiful, buxom woman, he found himself carrying her other eco-bag since she insisted on carrying her basket. And to his alarm, he was now trying to control his lust as he strolled beside her, so very close to just ravishing her as she talked to his new boss. He suddenly was wishing he never came near her… How thankful he was that Jack was the one talking to her and not him. “I really think that it would be good for all of us, Diwana… I know I’ve mentioned it many times, but, if you had a diner here in the camp, you’d make a lot more money, and also, you’d avoid having to take long walks back and forth every
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“Don’t worry, bro, if she doesn’t accept your request, you can stay with me,” Jack said, still hugging Eron, who turned and looked at the smiling, innocent boss of the site. “Bro, I don’t know what to think about what you're offering me,” Eron said, smiling/smirking, but above everything, putting a big effort not to burst into laughter. Jack looked at the newbie’s naughty expression and took two steps back. “What the hell, bro!?” he laughed. “Seriously? I mean that we have a campsite, way safer than the middle of the forest, and you can stay there for free as long as you’re working here. Damn bro, your mind… it’s filthy, haha!” Eron's thoughts: “Sure… My mind… filthy? After the way you’ve been looking at me, I hope it’s really just my mind, bro.” “Well, doesn’t sound bad at all. I’ll take it. Hope it’s less dangerous than the forest, though,” he said, now letting out a hearty laugh. “Who knows, there might be more people there that would be giving me invitations to ‘stay with them
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His mind wandered back into the past, almost against his will... He was called by his brother after his hand-to-hand sparring session because of an important meeting with his father. Eron cringed inside, knowing that this would most likely be about the same damn topic that he had heard from his old man even way back since he turned eighteen. And yes, unfortunately for him, it was indeed that dreaded topic. Yet again… Good thing that it was just between him and his father, this time. “Son, are you absolutely sure that you don’t hear him in your head?” He tried to keep his voice toneless just so his irritation wouldn’t show, “No, father.” “Not even a whisper? Or even feel him?” “Dad, I’m telling you, I don’t have a voice in my head that answers me back. I keep talking to practically nothing! I’ve tried everything, but I really can’t hear anything - or anyone - inside me. Besides, does it really matter to you? I can still do whatever you ask me to. I can easily win in a fight, a b
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“Oh, my Goddess!” he whispered to himself as he viewed the naked woman’s back as she waded waist-high in the clear waters of the pool. “She’s absolutely gorgeous…” The view of the small waterfall, the large ferns, bushes, and trees surrounding the pool was the perfect frame for this curvaceous, tanned, naturally beautiful female who had her midnight black hair up in a bun. He was struck speechless and was frozen in place at the stunning beauty of the whole scene, but his eyes would not leave that one glorious focal point of his attention. And the way she smelled! It wasn’t just roses and strawberries now. There was something else and though he found it hard to identify it was overwhelming all his senses as if he was dunked into the perfume that she was exuding, threatening to drown him… Eron just wanted to stay there, breathing, drinking, eating her scent without caring if he ever inhaled air again. But he didn’t know why… It just seemed to be the most natural thing in the world f
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The darkness in the room made it hard to make out what was happening within. However, once your eyes adjust to the shadows in the room, you realize that it’s actually a larger-than-average bedroom. And if you would just listen intently, there were two people on the large king-sized bed. It was a man and a woman, and they were both naked… And... well, they were doing more than just sleeping. “My love, p-please… go faster… harder… I’m close…” begged a low and lusty female voice as she breathed hard in between her words. The muscular man above her kept moving in and out of her, his manhood tightly gripped by the woman’s wet and luscious walls. He increased his pace and moved deeper into her; his strength being fueled by his fiery passions. This caused the woman to writhe and tremble even more, and he felt his libido rising at the sight of her pained pleasure. Hero knew she was close, based on her impassioned moans, the wetness of her slick pussy, and how her lips were now tightening
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