All Chapters of The Hidden Heir : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
168 chapters
Chapter Seventy
As the night wore on, Turner found himself back at his apartment, weary and consumed by a torrent of emotions. The realization of Raven and Smith's escape gnawed at him—an unforeseen turn that left their agency vulnerable to unforeseen repercussions.The spy arrived shortly after, weariness etched across their faces. "We underestimated their reach," the spy admitted with a hint of frustration. "Smith's influence runs deeper than we anticipated."Turner nodded grimly. "We can't afford to let our guard down. Raven and Smith won't rest until their plans against Ryan and the agency succeed."With renewed determination, Turner and the Spy continued their clandestine efforts, regrouping to fortify the agency's defenses and unearth any further clues that could lead to Raven and Smith's capture.Days turned into weeks, and despite tireless efforts, Raven and Mr. Smith remained elusive. Turner remained vigilant, knowing that the battle against their treacherous adversaries was far from over.
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Chapter Seventy- One
In the aftermath,Ryan and Turner meticulously pieced together evidence that incriminated Mr. Smith, revealing his malevolent machinations to wrest control of the Ragal Haven Hotel. Yet, despite their concerted efforts, Smith's influential network shielded him from immediate capture.Smith's pervasive influence casted a shadow over their pursuit of justice. His connections ran deep, manipulating the corridors of power and obstructing the path to his accountability. Each trail they pursued seemed to evaporate under the weight of his sway, leaving the duo frustrated but undeterred.Turner, seasoned by years of navigating corporate strategies, recognized the need for a more strategic approach. He advised caution, emphasizing the importance of gathering irrefutable evidence that could withstand Smith's manipulative defenses.Meanwhile, Ryan grappled with the tension between his desire for swift justice and the necessity of patience. His resolve hardened as he realized the magnitude of
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Chapter Seventy- Two
Everyone in the room shared a gaze abd their look was expectant for Ryan to bring out what had made him scream. He gently brought it out. It was an old mental ruler. Ease washed through their faces. Evans let out a chuckled. He went further to get the old mental ruler from Ryan. “This was your father’s.” He said as he looked and rubbed the ruler. “Have it. Return it.” He gave the ruler back to Ryan. “We would get there. Not yet.” He added. Something about Ryan wasn’t settled, but he knew he needed to listen to the man who has been helping in his trying time. ***Jessica navigated the bustling hall of Ragal Haven, her mind still reeling from her recent encounter with Logan, the enigmatic stranger from the bar.His presence had left an indelible mark on her, a mix of intrigue and uncertainty that lingered in her thoughts.Lost in her contemplation, she failed to notice the familiar figure approaching until a voice broke through her reverie. "Jessica," Mr. Smith greeted her with a
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Chapter Seventy- Three
Jessica stood frozen in the dimly lit alleyway, her heart pounding like a drum against her ribs. Mr. Smith, a man with an aura of menace and power, loomed over her, his eyes glinting with an unsettling intensity. His voice, a low growl, sent shivers down her spine."I need you to get close to Ryan," he commanded, his words dropping like stones into the silence. “Again.”Jessica's mind raced, her thoughts a jumbled mess of fear and confusion. She despised Ryan, the poor, lifeless boy who she had shattered his heart. But Mr. Smith held her life in his hands, and she had no choice but to obey."Why?" she managed to ask, her voice barely a whisper.Mr. Smith's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "I need the watch on his wrist," he explained, his eyes never leaving hers. "A mystical artifact with powers beyond your wildest imagination."Jessica's stomach twisted into knots. She had heard whispers of the watch and tales of its ability to grant its wearer extraordinary abilities. But she ha
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Chapter Seventy- Four
Ryan woke up with a throbbing headache, his stomach churning like a washing machine. He felt groggy and disoriented, his mind a jumbled mess of fuzzy memories and nagging doubts. As he tried to piece together the events of the previous night, a sense of dread washed over him.He remembered spending the evening with Jessica, his old flame. They had reconnected after being apart, and he had been pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to fall back into their old rhythm. They had laughed, reminisced, and shared stories about their lives.But as the night wore on, he had started to feel strange. His head had throbbed, his vision was blurred, and his coordination had become impaired. He had attributed it to too much alcohol, but now, as he lay in bed, he couldn't shake the feeling that something else had been at play.He reached for his wrist, where his mystical watch usually sat, but it was gone. A wave of panic washed over him. The watch had been passed down through his family for
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Chapter Seventy- Five
Jessica managed to contact one of the guards who was sympathetic to her cause. She told him about Mr. Smith's evil schemes and pleaded with him to help her escape.The guard agreed to help Jessica. He told her that he would leave a door unlocked one night and that she would then be able to escape from the warehouse.Jessica was overjoyed. She knew that her chance for freedom was finally within reach.On the night of the escape, Jessica waited anxiously for the guard to signal her. The time was ticking and every minute felt death sentence. Finally, she heard a crack from the door. She knew that her time had come.Jessica slipped out of her cell and made her way through the warehouse, her heart pounding in her chest. She reached the unlocked door and quickly escaped into the night.She ran as fast as she could, her lungs burning and her legs aching. She didn't dare look back, she was afraid that Mr. Smith's men would be in pursuit.After what felt like an eternity, Jessica stumbled in
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Chapter Seventy- Six
Ryan knocked on Jessica's door, his hand trembling slightly.After she had left his place in anger, she had refused to take his calls nor reach out to him. Ryan began to worry, he loved this lady. And maybe he should forget all that Evans and Turner had told him. Maybe Jessica wasn’t bad after all. After a moment, the door creaked open, revealing Jessica's startled expression."Ryan?" she asked, her voice laced with surprise. "What are you doing here?"He heard the pain and some anger in her voice. Ryan hesitated, searching for the right words, but they seemed to elude him. "I need to talk to you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.“To bring up the ‘next time’ narrative again? Com’on, I don’t dig all those words.” She waved her hands in the air. “Jessica.” He called. Jessica's eyes narrowed, a hint of suspicion in their depths. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.Ryan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult conversation ahead. "Jessic
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Chapter Seventy- Seven
"Stool, Jessica, I need to know the truth," Ryan said, his voice firm. "Why did you take the watch?"What she has said earlier wasn’t convincing enough for Ryan. He still had this doubt laying in his mind, but his heart is saying otherwise. Jessica hesitated, her eyes darting around the room. She knew she couldn't keep up the pretense any longer. Ryan deserved to know the truth, no matter how painful it might be."I was afraid," she confessed, her voice barely a whisper. "Mr. Smith threatened me. He told me he would hurt me if I didn't take the watch."Ryan's eyes widened in shock. Mr. Smith, that man, who else of not him? Smith was behind this betrayal? The thought was almost too much to bear."Why would he do that?" Ryan asked, his voice laced with disbelief. "What did he want with the watch?"Jessica shook her head, "I have no idea. I don't know," she said, her voice trembling. "He just wanted it. And he knew I was vulnerable enough to do whatever he said."“Vulnerable? What d
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Chapter Seventy- Eight
Ryan stood at the edge of the warehouse, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he was walking into a trap, but he had no choice. Turner's life hung in the balance.He stepped into the warehouse, his steps heavy, his thought weaving, wheather or not he’ll still be out of this warehouse a life. His eyes scanning the darkness. Mr. Smith emerged from the shadows, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intensity."Welcome, Ryan," Mr. Smith sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "I've been expecting you."Ryan's gaze fell on Turner, bound and helpless in the center of the room. Fear gripped his heart, but he forced himself to remain calm."What do you want, Mr. Smith?" Ryan asked his voice firm despite the fear that coursed through him. Smith's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Simple," he replied. "I want the watch, the mystical artifact that holds the key to my power. And in exchange, I'll let Turner go unharmed."Ryan's mind raced, trying to weigh the risks and rewards. He knew that su
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Chapter Seventy- Nine
Ryan, Turner, and Jessica stood before the seemingly defeated Mr. Smith, their faces etched with a mix of relief and caution.“At least, we did something,” Turner added. They had faced their greatest adversary and emerged victorious, their friendship and courage their guiding light.But as they lowered their guard, a flicker of movement caught Jessica's eye. It was Mr. Smith's hand, seemingly paralyzed by the device that had disabled his power, that was slowly inching toward a hidden pocket.Jessica's heart pounded in her chest as she realized that Mr. Smith was faking his defeat. He was waiting for them to relax, to let down their guard, before striking again."It's a trap!" Jessica shouted, her voice echoing through the warehouse.Ryan and Turner turned to see Mr. Smith's hand emerging from his pocket, a glint of metal catching the dim light. It was a knife, small but deadly, its blade gleaming with sinister intent.Mr. Smith lunged forward, his eyes filled with a venomous rage
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