All Chapters of The Vengeful Son-In-Law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
52 chapters
Chapter 11: It has started.
I told CEO Daniel to give me the names of the bodyguards and Secretaries who work closely with him and he gave me their names.Ceo Daniel has already set the bait with a fake document the spy would think it's important. After the plan I told him, he set up cameras in his office and left the bait on his office table for the spy to steal.As expected, the secretary, who was a single secretary, fell for it. He told me that she took her phone and took pictures of the documents and then left his office quickly.This was two days ago.He has already seen who it was that was stealing his company information, but I told him not to fire her yet, because we don't know how many spies there are in his office and if he fires her , the others will become conscious of their actions and it will be harder to find them.I told him not to act hostile towards her, since she must start suspecting something as well.He agreed that the best thing to do was to just act the same way he was doing all these wh
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Chapter 12: CEO Brandon.
I sat on my desk in front of my laptop typing. Finally what I wanted has happened. However a momentary victory isn't something that I wanted ,so I decided to add more fire to the already burning flames. I made different accounts and began posting comments saying that I quit working with Harry's corporation (my ex in law's company), because they were thieves and they always steal ideas from the rival company and make it their own. After making a comment like this in more than ten places discussing the issue with different names , people took the bait, the fired employees of Harry's corporation began commenting about the poor working environment and how people need to be paid more in their company and they also confirmed what I said. People began calling out to my ex in-law's company and were dragging them online for being thieves who steal from others. It made me smile ,as I took a sip from the coffee cup beside my laptop and continued typing more comments and replying to comments
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Chapter 13: Good job.
I quickly got dressed as CEO Brandon said we should meet in his company building.I rushed to meet him at his company building and I was taken to his office when I arrived."CEO Brandon, thank you for inviting me." I thanked him because he is a life saver.I thought he would reach out to Riley first to hear her silly excuses, thank goodness he didn't."Alex, right?" He asked."Yes, sure." I replied."Why did Riley do this when she knows working with Mr Simon will ruin our partnership?" He asked me and I shrugged."I don't know what goes to her head ,so I can't tell." I told him.She is too cunning and always wants to make a gain."All I can tell you is that she is very greedy and wants everything for herself,so stomping all over you won't bother her." I replied and he narrowed his eyes."There was an offer you made me before." He reminded me and I nodded in confirmation and smiled."Oh CEO Daniel, you know he is not in good relation with my ex in law's company, if you are looking for
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Chapter 14: Her lover
Ceo Brandon and ceo Daniel went inside to complete the signing of their future partnership , as I was walking inside and playing the video I just took.After they had signed the partnership contract, Ceo Brandon thanked me again when he was leaving the company building."Mr Alex I want to thank you for bringing what was happening to my attention, if not for you I would have still been in a bad partnership." He smiled at me."I just want the best for Daniel corporation and I will do anything to see that it happens." I replied and Ceo Brandon nodded in understanding."I know that in the future we will get along, I will be taking my leave." He said as he left.Ceo Daniel called me into his office to thank me again personally, he was really happy."Alex, you really did an amazing job bringing Mr Brandon in here ,what can I do for you?" He inquired happily and I smiled and he eyed me suspiciously."Can I keep your bank card?" I asked him and the corner of his like twitched."Didn't I tell
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Chapter 15: Exposed
I knew that if I wanted to take her down, all these pictures were not enough.They weren't doing anything that would implicate them, so I need something more solid.I was following Riley, my ex wife back from work in different rented cars so as not to get her suspicious, for two weeks and it finally paid off.Those two morons acted like cute love birds in front of me.Yuck!Riley and her lover kissed as they stood in front of the hotel and I quickly took a picture of them and drove away.I had all I needed now, so the next thing was to start my plan.I returned home that night with rage burning in my heart.I knew that Riley, my ex wife, was cheating on me, but to cheat with a person like him was just making me look like a fool for not knowing and even wanting to believe that Riley , my ex wife, would never cheat.I didn't even wait and went to my laptop and sat down on the chair and turned it on.I had many social media accounts in different names, so I decided to use one of my fake
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Chapter 16:Cunning woman.
Right now, I don't even care if CEO Daniel fires me for what I have to say, because I have done my own part, he can continue attacking my ex in law's and I will leave his company and go somewhere else and continue my work."What do you mean by that? Who are you talking to?" Mrs Daniel asked me in anger ,as I could see her eyes burning with rage for me."I didn't even mention your name and you are getting angry, maybe because you know you are wrong." I told her, as I stepped out of the way for her to walk out, but she still stood there glaring at me.She turned to Ceo Daniel."Did you hear what he told me?" She asked him as she saw she couldn't do anything to me."He isn't wrong." He replied and she gasped as she widened her eyes."Daniel, how could you speak to me that way ?I am your wife, you have to protect me and not support someone talking bad about me." She told him."So, if I protect you, you can't do the same for me?" CEO Daniel asked her and I could see the hurt written all ov
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Chapter 17: Pinky
I was sitting and waiting in a cafe with a cup of coffee in front of me.I was nervous and a bit excited.I sighed for the tenth time and checked the time on my phone again."Did Pinky have something else to do?" I wondered out loud.Pinky is already twenty minutes late and I was getting worried that Pinky won't show up.But Pinky would never leave me hanging, I know that so I was a bit relaxed ,but also worried.The door opened and a man walked and I looked at him.I did tell Pinky what I was wearing and where I sat,so when the man walked in to order coffee I knew it wasn't Pinky, I clicked my tongue in annoyance.I took my phone and logged into my account."If you don't come here, I won't talk to you for a week." I typed a message and sent it to Pinky."I am here, look up." I received a reply and the door opened. The first thing I saw was the phone in tender she typing a message and then I noticed a young girl with long curly hair that reached her chest ,she was wearing a hoodie co
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Chapter 18: She got my back.
I don't think they like bidding against Riley.She was in the front and didn't even turn to acknowledge who was bidding.She thinks she can outbid me."$500,000." Riley bid."$600,000." I placed my own bid and Pinky looked at me."You want the artwork?" She inquired and I nodded."Yes I want it." I replied.I know Riley,before she makes a bid, she must have been wanting this for a while and made her research about it, so if she likes it that much, I have to make sure to take it and show her I am not dead as she thought.I heard her talking about this auction four months ago, so I know she has been waiting to buy this artwork for at least six months, I can't let her have it."$700,000." She bid and I scoffed.She never gives up."$800,000." I bid and I think Riley finally had enough as she stood up and turned to see who was bidding against her and when she saw me she furrowed her brows in confusion.I raised my hand and waved to her.She must have not believed I was the one placing the
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Chapter 19: New job.
The man walked into the office with a suitcase in his hand and CEO Daniel smiled and stood up to greet him. "Thank you for coming here, please sit down." He told him and the man acknowledged the greeting and they shook heads and sat down again. "Is it the person you hired?" The man asked, getting straight to the point and looking at me and CEO Daniel nodded. "Yes , this is the man, he's really competent in his work, he will do a great job for you, I am sure of it." Ceo Daniel complimented me, but the man still kept a straight face while staring at me. "We would be the judge of that." He said and looked away from me. I don't know why he's acting a bit rude ,I haven't even said anything to him. He didn't even introduce himself to me, I just shrugged it off. "When can you begin work?" He asked me. "If you want me to start immediately, then I will do it." I told him and he nodded in understanding. He opened the suitcase he was with and brought out a file and dropped it on the tabl
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Chapter 20: Lost my position.
Riley's Pov(Alex's ex wife):Anger was the one thing I felt burning in my heart ,because of what Alex has done.I wanted to ignore it ,but I couldn't. How dare he bring a woman to an auction and buy what I want?Alex is poor so I wonder, who the heck is that woman that stole the spotlight from me?Even if that woman covered most of her face, I could still tell she was gorgeous from her hair to her dress and her curves. Everyone that attended that private auction was talking about Alex and his date.How did Alex even get such an attractive lady to stay near him?That is a mystery to me.That man is such a thorn in my flesh that he won't let me be.I am still wondering how he got to know a rich family?Why is he even working for CEO Daniel, our rival company?Alex is so full of hate, I knew it from the start so I am not surprised at all.I pushed the thought out of my mind as my car came to a stop and the driver told me we were here.I will think about Alex's matter later but for now, I
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