All Chapters of The Vengeful Son-In-Law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
52 chapters
Chapter 21: Shred it.
Riley's Pov ( Alex's ex wife):Everyone here was just stupidly taking pictures and videos of me getting beaten until the security came to separate us and lead me outside the mall where I got into a cab and drove back home.I was so enraged that upon getting home and seeing my father in the living room I decided to complain to him."When you were sleeping around with her fiance, you didn't think she would fight with you?" He asked me after my complaint and I pouted.How can he say that to me?"Dad I want to get the CCTV footage from the mall and get her arrested, I can't let her go for embarrassing me." I told him and he looked at me."If you know what's best for you, I think you should drop this matter and let it go, because starting a case against her will only gain more public criticism and that video of them beating you was uploaded on-line, we are trying to take it down and don't cause more problems for yourself." Dad advised me and I bit my lower lips as I clenched my fists."D
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Chapter 22: Suspended.
Riley pov( Alex's ex-wife):Since my father decided that I was not doing a good job in his company, I decided to head home from lunch after telling my secretary to shred the documents. I know what I did was wrong, that was why I was leaving, because I did not want to be caught ,if he decided to come to my office.I drove my car back home, and my mother was sitting on the couch in the living room, painting her fingernails, and when she saw me and arched an eyebrow. "Riley, why are you back home so early? Did something happen?" She inquired with a worried expression, and I audibly sighed.Her husband is just causing problems for me."You should go and ask your husband that question. I think he has the answer." I gritted out in annoyance because I could not believe my own father was treating me this way."Darling, what happened?" My mom asked in concern as I walked closer to her."Dad is favoring Michael, my rival, instead of him taking my side, he asked me to go and submit all the pro
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Chapter 23: Disguise.
Alex Pov:Ceo Daniel was worried that if I screw this up it might affect him as well, since he was the one who accepted the job offer and I have offended the person sent to give me the job.I reassured him that it was going to be fine.I returned home that evening , after getting freshened up , I sat down in front of my laptop and typed the name of the company. Diana enterprise , I was surprised when I saw that a woman was the one in charge of such a big company and she was managing it so well.I nodded in approval, a woman like this is the type a man needs beside him , she would encourage you to go higher and become greater. I searched about her life and I saw she was divorced with step children and no child of her own. I guess that being successful must have cost her a few relationships. Oh well, after checking on the information I could find about her, I moved onto the next pace of researching about her company.After doing my research about the company I would soon be working
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Chapter 24:What did he see?
Alex’s Point of view:The second target wasn't so easy to find information about him, so I decided to use another means.I looked into his family and went to the location of the bar his daughter normally visits to drink.Just as I expected from her picture she posted ten minutes ago, she was in the bar when I walked in, so I approached her.I made sure to adjust my pen camera properly, so it would be videoing her and made sure that everything was ready. "Hi pretty ,can I buy you a drink?" I asked the lady, she turned to me and her face lit up and she chuckled and smacked her lips together.She had just finished her drink, so I was sure she would accept. "Well ,please do buy me a drink," She replied as she smacked her lips together and I asked her what drink she wanted and ordered it for her and she told me to sit, which I did.We began to talk and I introduced myself to her as James and she was listening attentively to everything I said and I guess that the contact lens and wig m
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Chapter 25: Desperate
Alex's point of view:I narrowed my eyes at the man blocking my way.I didn't do anything suspicious except drink with that lady, so I knew he was playing mind games ,to see if I would say anything to implicate me.“What are you talking about?” I asked him with a glare and he scoffed.“You purposely got her drunk.” He replied and I rolled my eyes. “Don't be silly, if I purposely got her drunk , why didn't I take her away, why would I get her drunk and let her call someone to take her back home, are you sure you are okay?” I asked him.So that man ogling her wasn't the only one who had his eyes on me.I wonder if this is her bodyguard.He must be insane. The girl was already half drunk when I walked in, she always likes hurting drunk and videoing her silly reactions and posting it online for comments. “I know you wanted to do something to her, just because I didn't catch you in the act doesn't mean that you can get away with what you did.” he told me as he took steps closer to me.“L
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Chapter 26: Rented car
Alex's point of view:Getting evidence of the fourth till the eleventh person on the list wasn't that hard, since they didn't make it hard for me to get to know they wanted Ceo Diana's downfall. I was glad everything was going smoothly, but the last person on the list was a tough case.I have tried three times to meet this man, but he was always with his muscular bodyguards who refuse to let anyone get close to him and his direct employees ,their lips were sealed shut, because they refuse to talk about man no matter how many times I approach them, I was always wearing different disguise, even a bread once and still nothing.When I tried to look into his family, I couldn't find anything. His children and wife's social media is all private and I got no information out of it.I decided it was best I do the only thing I could right now since he wasn't going to be the only one stopping me from completing my task and getting my reward. I began to follow his car in different rented cars.
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Chapter 27: Who sent you?
Alex's point of view:I saw the door handle turn, and I ended the call and put the phone back into my pocket.I was sure Ceo Daniel won't call back since he has common sense and would know there is an emergency, and that's why I ended the call.I slowly walked towards the window so I wouldn't make a sound.I just wanted to slowly go to the window and jump out ,but I heard something slam against my door and I didn't need to be told it was someone trying to use his body to break down the old door, because shooting a gun here will draw attention to him.I was so happy the motel was just a small bungalow building, not a storey building. I dashed towards the window, slid it open, and jumped out, and my feet landed on the floor.I wanted to run towards my car, when I heard a gun cock.“Don't move if you don't want a bullet in your head. ” The man said calmly and I slowly turned my head to him and he was pointing a gun at my head.“Who sent you?” He asked me, as my mind was racing and I wa
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Chapter 28: His driver.
Alex's point of view:Since I know getting information about this man would be hard,I decided to put more effort into this.I still had money, so I can use it to get something bigger.I decided to go through someone, who I was sure would give me the information I needed ,as long as I gave him money,a lot of money.I first contacted the man about meeting up and after a week he agreed , I put on my disguise and went to the venue. I was very careful and made preparations to escape in case it was a trap.We met in a private room in a bar.I sat down to talk.“I want to ask you something important about your boss." I told him ,as I handed ten $100 bills to him and his eyes lit up.He smiled, as he took the money immediately and put it inside his pocket.One thousand dollars should be big money to him as he is working as a driver and being paid $2,000 a month , but he has a gambling problem and is in a lot of debt, so any money that he comes across he would get it by any means.“What do yo
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Chapter 29: Ceo Diana wants to see you.
Alex's point of view:I was cooking in the kitchen and my phone on the kitchen counter kept ringing . I took one look at it and clicked my tongue in annoyance. Just because I ended the call on him twice, he wants to go insane and is blowing up my phone with calls."What a moron" I hissed ,as I turned off the stove and took a plate to dish out my food.Even though the man that give me the job to investigate about the executives of Diana enterprise has called me numerous times, I refuse to answer his calls, because I know he just wanted to yell at me and ask me why I ended the call and honestly , I was tired and needed to rest, since he said we would meet in a week time, so be it, all I had to do was tell Pinky that we couldn't meet up in a week time.I took my plate and went to the small dining table I had to eat and when I sat down Ceo Daniel began to call me and I answered the call."Alex ,why are you not answering his call?" CEO Daniel asked me in a panic and I rolled my eyes, ju
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Chapter 30: Mon amour mon fils
Alex's point of view:The cab stopped in front of Diana Enterprise and I got out of the car and exhaled sharply , as I looked at the tall building , which was bigger than Daniel corporation. Today ,I think there are two reasons why I would meet Diana, one I screwed up and she wants to get me arrested or two, I did a good job and she wants to see my face.Just for goodluck , I decided to do something out of the ordinary.I pulled out my necklace from where it was resting around my neck inside my shirt and kissed the necklace, and I prayed it would give me good luck, as I placed it on my chest in full view.I walked into the company building with confidence. This time around I was going to meet with the owner of a company because I think I have gotten recognition from her.I walked to the receptionist desk and they greeted me politely. "My name is Alex, I came to see Ceo Diana. " I informed the female receptionists and she exchanged a look of confusion with her colleague, but didn
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