All Chapters of The Vengeful Son-In-Law: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
52 chapters
Chapter 31: Mother.
Alex's point of view:Ceo Diana smiled.“I think I want to find out the truth as well, let's go to my office, I think it's best we discuss this matter there.” She told me and she turned to the executives in the conference room.“This meeting will be postponed ,I will notify you when I am free, and you can get back to work.” She told them and they said yes ma'am in unison. “Follow me.” She told me, as she began to walk towards the door and I followed after her, so did Henry.I thought she said we were going to the office but she walked straight to the elevator and got in , so did Henry and i.When we were in the elevator she took out her phone and made a call.“Get the car ready, I am in the elevator, I want to leave the company building and head to the hospital.” She told the person she was calling and the call ended.Hospital?I arched my eyebrow, but didn't say anything else.Henry who was standing beside me was looking at me suspiciously ,as if I had done something wrong. I just
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Chapter 32: My father.
Alex's pov:I was in my room, relaxing on the bed, when I heard a knock on my door.“Come in.” I said , Diana,my mother, opened the door and walked in.She had a tray of tea in her hand ,she walked towards me and set the tray down on the nightstand beside me.“I made tea, do you like tea?” She inquired curiously.“Well even if I don't like it, I should at least take a sip since you made it for me.” I took the tea cup and took a sip.“Can I sit?” She asked as she gestured to my bed.“Yes.” I replied and she took her tea cup and sat with me on the bed.“So what type of position do you want in the company?” Diana asked.“I don't mind anything ,as long as I get to work and get my own money.” I replied because honestly I am not entitled.“You know that even though you don't work in my company, I will give you money. That's why I came here ,I brought your bank card to you.” Diana informed me.“Bank card?” I asked in surprise.“Yes, it contains money that you can use for your expenses.” She t
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Chapter 33: Best Mom.
Alex point of view:I don't know much about my father, but I could tell that he wasn't a good man from the way Diana was. My mother was finding it hard to tell me what happened between them.I just wonder what he did.Diana began to tell me about how he met my father, then they got married and then the next thing she knows, he is cheating and has another family.I was dumbfounded by her words that I had to ask questions for clarification. "I have half siblings?" I asked Diana in surprise because I never considered that thought for once."Yes you have other siblings ,but I don't know where they are now." She replied in a nonchalant tone,I could tell she doesn't care about anything related to my father.I was surprised at the sudden revelation.Not only did I have a mother ,but half siblings as well."So , why did the both of you get divorce and how did you lose contact with me?" I asked."I found out your father was cheating and I wanted a divorce, but I made a mistake of telling him
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Chapter 34:Diana doesn't take nonsense.
Alex's pov:My mother, Ceo your Diana called the board of directors to a meeting and they attended and in the conference she announced that I was her son.I was sitting next to her and she was glancing at me from time to time to smile and reassure me all was well and I appreciated it.“In the future he will be the next CEO of the company so I hope that everybody will work well with him.” She announced. There were exchanged looks of confusion and her stepson who was beside her was glaring daggers at me and whenever Ceo Diana my mother would look his way he would force a smile.Philip, my mother's stepson, is trying so hard to prove that he's not angered by what she said, but in fact he was so angry that he was trying his best to pretend , so as to continue being in her good book.“Ceo Diana I hope that what I will say will not offend you ,but he just came to the company and he started working a few weeks, ago you should not just announced that he will be the next CEO where we haven't
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Chapter 35: Dolled up.
Riley povIt came to me as a surprise that when I check the news few days ago and I saw Alex name and they said that he was the heir to Diana Enterprise ,I did not believe it as first so I had to listen to the press conference of the real CEO Diana and she announced that Alex was her son and I was surprised at what happened.I called him every day and he rejected my call and ignored me.I guess he was still angry with me.I did have much to do ,since my father suspended me because I shredded the documents that he told me to give to my rival Michael.My father went as far as removing me as his assistant ceo and made Michael his assistant ceo.He said I was not fit for the position. I am so pissed and I feel insulted. I am currently at home and can't go to work.Since I had a lot of time in my hand,i decided to start tracking Alex whereabout and see where he will go to soon and I saw that there was an event that he will be at and that day I managed to get an invitation to the event I
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Chapter 36: Crazy ex wife.
Alex pov:I watched her leave and I felt like strangling this woman but I just clenched my fists.I shouldn't do anything silly now that I am in the public eye. I need to be mindful of my actions.Riley really spoiled my mood in the event so after she had left ,I had to leave early because I did not want to snap at anybody.I thought that was the end of it and I won't be seeing it again but after a week I received a letter from a lawyer stating that Riley wants to meet up with me and talk, because she is pregnant with my child and I was surprised when I opened the letter and saw its content.Since I could not ignore this ,because I did not want any news flying around that was not true ,I called my lawyer and we met up at the place that the lawyer suggested.I don't know if Riley was trying to be ridiculous, but I noticed that her stomach had a little bump on it, this wasn't how i saw her at the event she has a flat tummy, it made me wonder if she put something on it or if she overeat
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Chapter 37: I sued her.
Alex's pov:Riley must not have expected me to call the police, maybe she wanted to speak to me privately, but I won't do that.“Why would you get the police involved in this,this is a personal matter between both of us, do you know what I'll come back later and we'll talk about this. It seems like you are not in a good mood.”She said.My mother had hired bodyguards for me so I told them to make sure that she doesn't leave this company building premises until the police arrived, so they grabbed her and held onto her and the security guard called the police and the police came and arrested her and I went down to the police station to file a complaint against her and the next day I called my lawyer and she was sued to court for the defamation and asked to do a dna test for the child.We both went to court and whiles he was asked to do a DNA test that was when the court discovered that she was not pregnant and she was trying to scam me.The judge did not take kindly to this news.“Mis
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Chapter 38: Rumors
.Alex povJust as my mother said as I was trying to recover the project files it was impossible, so when I was heading back home I heard murmuring behind me.“Did you hear that he was supposed to work on a project and he left it and went party and now he's saying that the project was deleted from his work computer as if someone can do that without him knowing.”one employee said and she was right behind me so I could hear her clearly.“Such a useless man and they say that he's going to be our next CEO. I might as well start looking for a job before that happens.”The other said.I cannot take the insult so I turned around and looked at the two ladies that were insulting me.“You know that people always insult people that are better than them, what are your names?”I asked with an arched eyebrow.“Why are you asking about our names?”one asked on guard.“Because both of you are fired for insulting the higher official ,did you not hear what they told me?”I asked the bodyguard beside me.“
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Chapter 39:An outing with Pinky.
Alex's pov:Pinky and I arranged to meet again since I missed her and she did too.I was sitted at the table waiting for Pinky to arrive and after 20 minutes I saw her run into the restaurant. The only reason that I knew it was her was because of her long hair and the nose mask she was using to cover her identity.I raised up my hand so that she could see me and when she saw me she walked towards me.“Sorry I was held up by traffic that was why I didn't make it. I hope you didn't wait for long?” She asked as her eyes furrowed. If it was another woman that told me this,I would have asked her why she did not start coming on time ,but since it was her I know that she must have tried everything possible and she could not make this on time ,Pinky never keeps me waiting whenever we play games ,so I know she won't do this.“It's fine, please sit down.”I told her.Some people in the restaurant were turning and looking at us ,since she looked weird wearing a beautiful dress ,beautiful hair an
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Chapter 40:Mom's Stepson.
Alex's pov. Since my mother's step son wanted to play dirty then I would tell him that I was not someone who he should mess with. After successfully completing the project I was working on I began looking for clues on what he was doing and looking for a way to get rid of him, because I did not want him here anymore and then I found something there was a project that he was working on and money was removed from the company account and it was not accounted for.I am not sure if he was the one that took the money, but it was his team that was working on the project so I decided that I was going to use this and I took the file and gave it to my mother.“Why was I not aware that 6 months ago 1 billion dollars was taken away from the company account and was not accounted for?”Diana, my mother asked.“Well it was your stepson that did it ,so they might have overlooked it because it was him or there must have been some miscalculations but I did some checks on this money and it was not accou
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