All Chapters of The Vengeful Son-In-Law: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
52 chapters
Chapter 41: Fired stepson.
Alex point of view: I was laughing so hard in my mind and i was trying so hard to keep a straight face, as Philip was trying to say he did nothing wrong. My mother took her phone and called the security guards and he tried approaching her and I blocked the path. “Get out of my sight right now if you don't want to get on my bad side!”He yelled at me as he tried to walk past me and I had to physically push him back to create distance between us. “Stay here and when the security come and drag you out of here , you'll be humiliated and dragged out of this company building.”Diana warned him as she ended the call. “Please mom, I am sorry I made a mistake by targeting your son, but I did not embezzle from the company I promise you that.”Philip pleaded to be forgiven. He continued pleading and I just was in between him and my mother ,as I did not want him getting close to her ,the security came to the office and had to physical tell him to leave and that was when he left and began
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Chapter 42: Bad ass mom.
Alex's pov The girlfriend was afraid and visibly started shaking in fear. “I guess you do not understand how I felt that time you accused me of sexually assaulting you and extorted me of money. That money that you took from me I needed it desperately back then, but since you took it I will pay you back for what you did.”I promised her. One of the men handed the whip over to me and I took the whip, raised it up and lashed it at her laps and she let out an ear piercing scream. “Please stop, this was not my fault, it was my boyfriend. I said we should do it, stop hitting me. I am a girl, you should not hit a woman!”She pleaded. “I have every right to hit you because you invited yourself to be hit when you lied against me and extorted money for me with the help of your boyfriend.” I told her. Accusing a man of sexual assault was practically trying to ruin the man's life, I did nothing and she accused me. “Please I am very sorry this was a mistake. I didn't know that to end u
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Chapter 43:Good job.
Alex point of view :After my talk with my mom, I decided to calm down a bit and leave everything to settle.But I was also keeping an eye on my ex friend in case he decided to go to the police with this matter, but after his family were all fired from their police job, they were all worried and didn't know who was attacking them. Maybe my ex friend knew it was me but said nothing and he kept his distance from the police and found another part time job near his apartment and began working there.My ex father in law's company and my mother's company were on different levels, so it was a surprise to me when my mother called a meeting to say that the product that our company launched, my ex in law's has the copy and is selling it too.If I was still married to my ex-wife, I would have been a suspect and the person they would have said might have leaked the information to them ,but I was not married to them so there was a spy in the company. “We don't know how they got the copy of the
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Chapter 44: Dad is angry.
Riley's pov:After Alex sued me for defamation and I compensated him with one million dollars and it was from my savings.I decided to just let him be arrested because I do not want to make such a mistake that I have to compensate him again from my savings, because my father has not said that he will call me back to work and I don't want anything exhausting my savings right now.I was scrolling through my phone ,when I saw that's my father the product he was selling he called it back and said that it was faulty and I was surprised by this, because I knew there was nothing wrong with it and that was when I heard banging on my door and I went to open the door and the first thing that met me ,was a hand that slapped me across my face and I fell to the floor and my phone fell and the screen broke.“You stupid bitch! have you seen what you have done, you are the one who said you wanted to get divorced from him now he is now threatening me and he has made me look bad in front of my friends
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Chapter 45:I did nothing wrong.
Riley's pov(Alex ex wife):Dad glared daggers at me.“Do you think you can rest peacefully in this house after what you have done?”he asked me.“I have told you I did nothing wrong to you!”I yelled at him. I was hungry and I was glaring at him because he is the one that always encourages me to do everything that is going wrong in my life.“Let me tell you from now on in this house you are not allowed to eat any food with us or even touch anything in our kitchen and none of the maids will answer to your call,that's your punishment.” He told me.I don't understand why this man was punishing me for something I did not do. Alex was the one who threatened him. Why did he come back and now come to take out his anger and frustration on me.“What you are doing this wrong, you know that I did nothing to you ,I am just at home doing nothing and waiting for you to call me back to work, if you don't want me to work for your company you tell me I will look for a job elsewhere!” I half yelled at
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Chapter 46: They got married.
Rileys pov(Alex's ex wife):I went out to fix my phone and after fixing my phone I headed back home. I was making some calls to some of my friends asking them if there was any vacancy in their father's company or any vacancy at all and they told me they will get back to me. I was scrolling to my social media page when I got a message from someone and when I opened the message it is the girlfriend of my affair partner and she sent me pictures of the wedding of her with my ex affair partner ,I don't know if she was trying to rub salt into my wound but something ticked me off by what she did and I was angry.She got to marry my ex affair partner and I am stuck here with a stinging face because of a slap fr9m my father and no husband.“You thought you could snatch him away from me but at the end of the day I am the one who has the ring fuck you bitch.” That was the message that the ex-girlfriend sent me and it got my blood boiling as I was angrily looking at the message and the pictur
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Chapter 47: 2 million dollars compensation.
Riley pov:What is wrong with this judge?“What is the meaning of that? How do you mean that I should pay him two million dollars the last time I came here, you told me to pay one million dollars now I told you his wife also insulted me, so why are you telling me to pay him money?” I asked in disbelief. What is going on here? Why is this judge always ruling against me?I am the woman and I was the one who got humiliated and I said nothing and she decided to rub salt in my open wound so why am I the one who is asked to compensate my ex-affair partner.“If you speak back at me again I will hold you in contempt of this court.”The judge glared at me.“But..”“That's enough you will sleep in jail if you continue." My lawyer advised me and I gasped in shock. I don't know if it is just me overthinking but I think that this judge has something against me ,because why would he always rule against me and rule in favor of the man?This is just too much. I was wondering if Alex had a hand in th
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Chapter 48:Private pictures.
Alex pov:Life was very good for me and having such an amazing and supportive mother was just the best that anyone could wish for.I have gotten a lot of supporters after I settled the matter of Harry corporation. I was in my office signing some documents when my phone rang and I saw it was my mother and I happily answered the call.“Good afternoon Mom, what can I do for you?”I asked happily. “Can you come to my office immediately? There is something I need to talk to you about.”She said.Her voice sounded a bit stiff and I could tell that she was upset so I ended the call quickly. I rushed to meet her in her office and when I went there I could tell she was upset and not happy.“What happened Mom ,you sounded a bit worried on the phone?” I asked in concern. “The CEO of Harry Corporation sent something to me and he told me that if I threaten him again when he releases the products, he will release my private pictures online,”She said.“What are you talking about?”I asked. She did
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Chapter 49: Past bodyguard.
Alex pov:I just did not want anything that would hurt my mother so if you want to continue selling the products he should.“So you have finally learnt your lesson and know you are not supposed to mess with me.”He chuckled.“Well I learnt that you used to work for my father. I just wonder why.”I told him. “You wonder why?”He asked me in confusion. “Why did you let your daughter treat me that way and why did your family treat me that way if you were such good friends with my father and had a close relationship with him,”I said.I cannot still understand why he would treat me so badly when he was an employee of my father and it made me wonder if my father treated him badly as well.It was as if he was taking out the anger and frustration he should take out on my father on me who was innocent.“How I behave is none of your business ,you should mind your business.”He warned me.“I'm just asking because I know nothing about my father,”I told him. I just wanted to know why he would treat
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Chapter 50:Deleted pictures.
Riley pov(Alex's ex wife):I was in my room reading a book because that was the only thing I could do right now to calm myself down from all that what's happening and I didn't not want to think too much about it.There was banging on the door and I heard a maid's voice.“Miss Riley please come downstairs, your father is looking for you.”She said. Just as if it was on cue as she said those words my father began yelling.I don't know what he was yelling about but it must not be good since I could hear his voice from upstairs when he was downstairs I got up from the bed and headed out of my room to meet him. It was a bad idea to keep him waiting when he was this angry.My mother ,my younger sister ,me and my father were downstairs and my father began the interrogation.“Who deleted those pictures on my phone on my study computer?”He asked as he was pacing up and down.“What pictures are you talking about?” my mother asked because we did not know what he's talking about.“Someone delet
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