All Chapters of Useless Son-In-Law Is A Divine Doctor: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
117 chapters
21: Is He Willing to Reveal Himself?
Richard relaxed back on his chair, smiling at the final draft of the contract before him. He'd just sent it to the Board Members official group chat and everyone had commended him for a great job. Except for a few people of course. Unfortunately, there was a number of them- Sean, Garrett, Max, Derek and Roberto himself. That’s 5 out of the 15 board members.Richard proceeded with the process anyway.He invited the Head of Executives at Pristine Corps and some company lawyers to come inspect the contract and check if everything was okay.The meeting went smoothly and the CEO, Miss Jackson seemed pleased with everything.“We’ll have the official contract signing tomorrow, gentlemen. Thanks for everything.” She stood up to shake hands with each of them.“What about the deal we insisted on?” Miss Jackson asked Richard after the lawyers left. “We agreed that in exchange for the partnership, you would be getting all your raw materials from us. But it's stated here that you will only get 7
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22: Dear Cousin, Roberto!
"You!" Roberto’s question hit a raw nerve in Richard, but he was unable to speak.There was no way he could reveal Adam’s position as President just because of a minor argument.“We’re not here for that, Mr Walters. Kindly have your seat and let’s begin the meeting!" Ernestine butted in quickly. Adam didn’t miss the looks of derision coming from Sean, Garrett and Max.Handing the mic over to Richard, the meeting began.“Good day, everyone. Like I wrote in the email, I called this meeting for a very crucial situation.” Richard began. “This is a matter that threatens the overall reputation of our company and must be dealt with the utmost urgency.”“Can we get it already?” Max interrupted rudely.Richard ignored him. “I’ll have the secretary distribute the set of documents right away.”“Now, this is a financial audit of Walters Corporations finances starting from 2 years ago. This audit was carried out by Mr Carson and a certified accountant." Richard explained. "Like it is reported, a
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23: You Came Daring Me To a Fight!
Adam stared grimly at Roberto, his friends and the well-built guards they brought to surround him.“Who among you is willing to go first?” He asked, cracking his knuckles.“If I were you I wouldn’t be so confident, wait till they rip your bones apart!” Max sneered at him.“Why do you always talk when you weren’t summoned, Max?” Adam snickered. “Do you enjoy getting bloody noses?”“What are you still waiting for? Break his bones and make him beg for his life!” Roberto shouted at the guards.They pounced at Adam at virtually the same time.Adam suddenly disappeared with a flash, appearing behind one of them.The guard was startled and he lost his balance. Adam kicked each of them on the knees and they all fell, tumbling to the floor“Are these the weaklings you brought to fight against me? I literally didn’t have to lift a finger!” Adam taunted all of them.Roberto was so angry. “You unlucky fools, what’re you still doing on the floor? You're getting no payment unless you beat this idio
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24: Never Be Compared To a Bullet!
The conference hall was silent for what felt like an eternity. "Mr Vice President. What do you have to say about all the allegations leveled against you?" Ernestine and the other board members asked, their faces scrunched up in contempt. Sean, Max and Garrett stood behind Roberto, looking all smug. They had been caught red-handed and there was virtually no escape! "Senior Walters handed you this position not because you're his blood relative, because this is a business not a generational inheritance! He gave you this position because he trusted that you will secure it and improve the company's overall performance, but what have you done?""Brought in cheaters, conniving with them to steal and embezzled our funds! Is this what your father taught you? To ruin all what he and Senior Walters have worked so hard to maintain?"Roberto could only grit his teeth in anger. He hated whenever anyone mentions his father in any conversation. "It's least to say we're disappointed with you. This
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25: Three Assassination Attempts!
Adam froze for a split second before chuckling at the guards in front of him. "What do you think you're doing? Pointing a pistol at me in broad daylight where everyone can see us?""It seems Madam Lori wants to end up just like her cousin, behind bars!""If you think I can't pull this trigger cause of some goddamned public eye, then you're grossly mistaken!" their leader yelled at Adam. Adam gritted his teeth in anger. "Then, go ahead and do it!'"Fuck, you're very arrogant, and I'm going to teach you some manners today!"The leader signalled the others, and they closed up on Adam, grabbing him steady to point the gun at his head from back, front and sideways. "Any last words?" the man smirked. "Let's see." Adam raised his hands, as though in surrender.He suddenly dashed out of their midst, escaping into the mall. Adam was so fast that no one saw when he was moving.He dragged in a large breath when he got into the mall. This was due to the supernatural abilities from his ancestr
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26: General Inspector Of Police is Your Uncle?
Roberto sat on a swivel chair opposite his maternal uncle, a playful expression on his face. "I've told you countless times to stop coming over here anytime you like, Rob. I am a busy man." Uncle Albert scolded him, though there was a small smile on his face. "I love being here, and I know you're always happy to see your favorite nephew." Roberto smiled, getting up to inspect the awards in the cabinet. "Most out-standing Inspector General of Colorado Police Force." He read out the label. "When were you awarded this?""Sometimes last week," Albert replied. "Why didn't you tell me, Uncle. How could I have missed your award ceremony!""Well it happened during the inauguration of the new Governor. You were too bothered about some creep coming to take over your company so I didn't want to get your attention off." Albert consoled him. "Well, guess why I'm here again?" Roberto returned back to the table. "Because of that creep, right?" Albert sat up. "You still haven't told me the full
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27: A Menace Called Adam Carson!
Adam frowned at the trembling girl. "What do you mean by that?""Nothing, except the fact that my Boss is cruel. I will surely get bullied and lose my job!" Sabrina panicked. "This is the only job I am using to pay the bills, sir. Please.""I'm sorry, Miss Owen. But you're coming with me, and I assure that you will not lose your job."The fear on Sabrina's face only worsened. "You don't understand, Mr Sean, he-""Come with me!" Adam didn't have the time to be convincing her not to worry.With all he had gathered today, Sean should be the one getting kicked out! Sabrina reluctantly led him to Sean's office, giving him one last pleading look. Adam didn't look at her, he just pushed the door open and stepped in. Sean and Max were seated on the couch, watching a football match and laughing aloud. "And what's this supposed to mean? Have you lost your manners that you dare to barge into my office without knocking?" Sean's smile fell upon seeing Adam. "You idiot!" He lashed out at Sabrin
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28: Name Your Price!
Adam gave Richard one last nod before stepping into the office. Roberto, Sean, Max and Garrett were already seated on a round table. "Here I was thinking you might decide not to show up." Roberto chuckled sarcastically as they settled down. "This is an important meeting held between the company's executives, but I'll first love to invite you all to my fiancee's birthday party to be held this weekend." Roberto passed the IV cards to everyone of them. Adam gritted when he saw the name. It was his ex-wife, Seraphina Hemsworth's birthday party. 2 weeks ago, he'd been working hard cultivating herbs in order to raise money to get an appropriate gift for her. Now, she was engaged to be married to someone else already. "Can we cut to the chase already!" Adam snapped, squeezing the card angrily. A sinister smirk crossed Roberto's lips. "Calm the hell down.""First, we have to turn in our bi-weekly reports and brainstorm ways which we can increase the company's performance." Roberto sai
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29: Perfect Avenue For His Revenge!
"What?" Adam placed the first aid kit down. "What do you mean having this man here could place us in grave danger?"Eunice bit her trembling lips, then rushed to close the door. "I heard the Dark Earthlings are looking for their Master's father."Adam frowned. The Dark Earthlings were a small religious cult operating here in Colorado, they had extreme moral codes and conduct that once broken will result in fatal consequences. He had heard if their Master, Lord Jared a few times. "I have a feeling this old man is Lord Jared's father!" Eunice announced with a trace of fear. "What?""I went out the other day and heard some men discussing that Lord Jared was looking for his father. He seemed to have gone out for a stroll but didn't return. I enquired further and discovered that the old man had epilepsy and loves taking herbs!"Adam's expression remained unchanged. "But we're only trying to help the man, we didn't stab him, did we?" Jude was confused. "We actually have no substantial e
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30: Old Women's Tantrums!
Adam drove into the Hemsworths mansion right on time. Today was Seraphina's birthday party, and the atmosphere testified to that. He managed to get a parking space amongst several luxury sport cars before getting down from his car. The halls were decorated all the way from the gates, with red carpets used to usher important guests into the hall. Adam flashed his IV at the security guard, making his way into the mansion.With the look the guard gave him, he was sure this IV was the lowest class. This was the first time he was getting into this place after the divorce. The hall bustled with a lot of people from all calibers of life, most of them high class and high achieving individuals. An exquisite food buffet was arranged to the right, alongside expensive bottles of wine and drinks. People mingled, laughed and chatted under the bright lights and eye-catching decorations. He had to give it to Roberto, he really put in a lot of effort to impress Seraphina. Adam was trying to
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