All Chapters of Useless Son-In-Law Is A Divine Doctor: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
117 chapters
31: Spoilt Brat!
The party began in earnest. The MC arrived on stage filled with energy and vigour for the party. "Today, we're here to celebrate the gem of the prestigious Hemsworth family, the youngest woman to have her PhD in Colorado, she recently got promoted to Head of Production of Walters Beverages, the biggest beverage company in the whole country! She recently got an ambassador deal worth $2 million dollars.""Let's welcome the beautiful, outstanding, smart and very talented Miss Seraphina Hemworth to the stage!"Applause rented the air as Seraphina walked majestically to the stage. She wore a good glittery dress, her face beautifully layered with light make up, her accessories looking luxurious. Adam's heart lurched as he watched her. His beautiful ex-wife. Who he had sacrificed so much for. He watched her settle opposite him on the stage, right beside Roberto as they shared a quick look of love. Adam looked away, his heart stirring in anger. Seraphina was totally shameless and she dese
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32: Despicable Family!
"Madam Lori was the one that murdered the girl!" The scream echoed throughout the hall into the hearts of everyone present. "Where's the fucking DJ!" Lori got up in panic. "How dare you play such slanderous nonsense at my daughter's birthday party?""Get the DJ and put an end to this thing!" She acreamed at some guards. But the recording continued. "If only Madam Lori had allowed me to treat the little girl, Amelia might still be alive. But she threatened to kill me if I dare disobey her orders!""Madam Lori did it to spite her son-in-law, Adam Carson and to keep him subservient to her!"The recorded call between Lori and Dr Walker came on next. Everyone gasped in shock.Lori's familiar voice was unmistakable in the background, as she piled curses on Adam and telling the doctor to leave the girl to die! "It's all lies!" Lori flew into panic when everyone turned accusing glares at her. "Someone is trying to slander me, please don't believe such lies!""How about the recording? It
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34: Blank Letter?
"Please accept my apologizes." Roberto gritted when he finally stepped out. "Someone ruined the original plans we had, please don't take it to heart.""You brought us here to humiliate us! The next time this sort of thing happens, I'll take it as a direct insult from the Walters!" The men refused to listen. "The Walter family should get ready to pay millions in compensation if gossip leaks out that I was a guest at this embarrassing party!" Another man yelled, before leaving with his men. "That's right, cancel the invitees list and announce that it was a private gathering. Ekse you'll only have yourself to blame!" "Despicable!" Another man spat and stormed off. Roberto gritted, hang his head in shame. Each guest registered their displeasure and left until it was people close to the Walters family left. "Is this how you're going to bring reproach to your family?" The gray haired man, Senior Sanders was a close friend of Isaac Walters so he was just like a grandfather to Roberto.
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35: Your History With Miss Jackson?
Adam arrived at the company quite early the next day. His team members were quite ecstatic to show him their weekly reports and he in turn praised them, offering the best five some incentives. When they left, Adam settled to calculate the cumulative increase the HR department had gotten in his 2 weeks of being here.A whooping 3% increase! He hurried to Richard's office, willing to share the good news. Adam hadn't as much as knocked when he heard cursing from within.Roberto was arguing with a woman. "You think you could sign a deal with my company so easily?"Richard was seated at his desk, a huge frown on his face as he started at a document. "I'm asking for the last time, Mr Richard, what was this clause supposed to mean?" She slammed the table. Adam recognized her as the CEO of Pristine Corps, the company Richard had worked so hard for them to partner with. "This clause means we will be getting all our raw materials from you only if your company satisfy our requirements in
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36: Lord Jared's father!
Adam arrived at the Hundred Herb mall with the speed of light. He barged in to meet a dark clothed man seated on a center chair with Eunice and Jude on their knees in front of him. "So you're the boss here?" The man asked with a gruff voice. Adam rushed to help Eunice up, her face was swollen and she seemed to be in a daze. Jude couldn't kneel upright, he had been beaten as well. "How dare you barge in here to harass my staff, do you want to end up in jail?" Adam asked with a cold expression, his knuckles clenching and unclenching. One of the things he hated was when people he cared about got hurt! The man only burst out laughing. "Ha-Ha. Do you think the police can have a hold on me, Lord Jared? I'll crush them all to dust!""I don't care who you are, but you have to pay compensation for hurting my staff. Else you don't expect me to go easy on you!" Adam slammed back at him. "Ha-Ha. Hilarious." Lord Jared slowly pulled back his black hat to reveal a rough, scar studded face.
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37: Now, Who's the Villian?
Adam settled on his seat in preparation for the meeting with the board of directors. Today, the police would be arriving to announce the results of the investigation they had done. All things being equal, this company was close to being rid of all the incapable people Roberto had employed. "What's up, Adam. Are you ready?" Richard suddenly asked from the side. They were both in his office, going through all the documents and getting ready for the meeting together. "More than ready." Adam got up, checking his watch. "We better start going."As they got up, Adam recalled the ordeal with Lord Jared's father yesterday. The man had been shocked that he was Adam Carson, Seraphina Hemsworth's husband and the man that is always punished by his in laws. Adam was perplexed at first, but he later ignored the feeling. He was once filmed, shivering in the cold while his mother-in-law yelled and cursed at him. Then, the video went viral and everyone in Colorado referred to him as the slave
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38: Poisoned Products!
"Keep quiet, Roberto! Your silly input is useless in such a heated atmosphere!" Adam shut him down immediately. "Please calm down." He patted Richard, who was already on the verge of causing a commotion by beating Max up. Even though Richard just confessed to withdrawing money without company's consent, he knew there would be a tangible reason behind it. Adam got up to retrieve the new files the police had brought. "And if I may ask, where did you guys get this files that we weren't able to lay our hands on it during our auditing?""That's because you didn't look well." Garrett spoke up. "You were so focused on finding fault with us and Roberto that you didn't bother to look well!""That's right, creep. You accused us unjustly back then. Now that the truth is out, better start apologizing, else your old man will be spending some time in jail!" Sean slammed back at him. "Apologize for what?" Richard asked angrily. "Don't you dare try to thwart this towards me. I say it and I remain
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39: He Planned It All!
"What's happening?" Seraohine shrieked as the factory was thrown into panic. All the children fell to the floor, clutching their stomach and spitting up blood. "Jamil, what happened?" the teacher panicked, bending to tap one of the students. "My mouth hurts..." the child managed to stutter before he went unconscious. "What did you put in the toothpaste?" The teacher faced Seraphina with an accusing glare. "What? Are you saying-?" Her hearts skipped several beats per minutes. "Weren't they all full of energy when they stepped in to this place? Why did they all fall down after tasting the toothpaste?" The teacher lunged herself at Seraphina. "You have poisoned them with your stupid product, how am I supposed to explain to their parents and the school authorities?""Ms Crawford.." Seraphina tried to calm the agitated woman down. "Ma'am, children need help. We have to call an ambulance!" several stages hurried around trying to resuscitate the children but it only led to them vomiti
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40: Adam Carson, We're Still Married!
"What do you mean the doctor set you up? Is he the one in charge of this place?" One of the mothers, an influential woman, Mrs Brooks flared up. "You better be getting ready to pay compensation for hurting my child. I'm going to sue you to court!""Ma'am. The supervisor is the one responsible for this grave mistake. We will be handing her over for investigation soonest!" Mr George assured them despite the pleading from Seraphina. "I don't care, someone must pay for what happened!" Others echoed. "Rest assured." Mr George apologized again and took his leave with the paramedics. "Madams, please." Seraphina fell on her knees in pleading. "The lawsuit will ruin my career and all I've worked for!""How could you be so careless? If it wasn't for the doctor, we would have lost our children!""Wait, you are related to the doctor, right?" Another woman suddenly asked. . Seraphina glared at him with a huff. "He and I are-""Married?" Mrs Brooks asked. "You're Seraphina Hemsworth. I attended
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41: Get My Father Out of Here!
"If any harm comes to my father, I'll kill you!" Adam was so enraged that he didn't realize when he broke the hard door with his fists. He pulled the door apart completely and dashed inside. "Where the fuck are you? Come and face me!"But the ward was empty. Adam quickly checked his father. The ECG machine was still beeping normally. And his respiratory and heart rate was normal. By the time Adam could check the drip and really ascertain that his father was okay, the police had invaded the place. "There's no one here!" They reported to each other. "Go check the CCTV footage!""Are you sure?" Adam turned around to the bathroom, checking behind the curtains and everywhere but he couldn't find the trace of the person that passed the letter to him. "Where could he have disappeared to?" the head police quickly summoned his men to surround the hospital. Some doctors came to ascertain Felix's situation and announced. "The patient is perfectly fine. Nothing is wrong with him.""We still
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