All Chapters of Useless Son-In-Law Is A Divine Doctor: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
117 chapters
42: He Murdered Dr Walker!
Adam watched as Cleo quickly retrieved a bowl of water, her trembling hands placing the letter into the water. "It can't be more than a threat, why are you so-?""It's way more than that, Master. Only powerful men use this as a medium to pass messages across. And for him to go to this extent just to deliver the letter, it has to mean the content is very alarming!"Cleo's explanation didn't seem to make sense but Adam kept quiet. "There!" In the water, the letter had changed color from a white to a stark red with letters in black print becoming visible. 'Adam, you disregarded my warning the first time I gave it, but this time don't expect me to go easy on you. Stay away from Walters Corporations if you want the safety of your loved ones! Disregarding this letter is at your own detriment, don't blame me for being ruthless at the end of the day!'"How about you come and face me like a man?" Adam yelled at the letter. "Stop inc a coward and come out face to face!""You didn't tell me
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43: Lord Jared vs Lori!
"First, you'll be the one doing most of the work from now on. You do the delivery, mailing, messaging, customizing, branding and even emailing prospective clients!" Adam placed the offer in front of Skylar. "Are you willing to keep working under these terms?"She frowned, sending a hateful glare at Sabrina. "Then what would that bi-. Sorry, Miss Sabrina be doing?""She would be assisting me while I take over the Sales department and make it functional again.""What?" Sean and Roberto echoed from where they were seated. "I'm not going to ask you again, Miss Skylar." Adam relaxed back on his seat. He could easily let her go, but he needed to retain some staff with experience so the burden of training new entries won't be too taxing on Sabrina. "Alright. I'm willing to accept the terms.""Don't forget my instructions. Never use a vulgar, curse or swear word during official hours! One use and you're gone permanently." Adam said and waved both women off. "What do you think you're doing?
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44: My Master Hasn't Asked You To Speak!
"Please have mercy on me! I'm innocent!" Lori screamed as Lord Jared pressed her head into the cold water again. "You're still so adamant, huh?" Jared pushed her off and returned to his seat. "Mum, why don't you just tell the truth? Perhaps Lord Jared would be gracious enough to forgive you!" Carmen shouted in fear. "Keep quiet!" Fred slapped her face. "What are you trying to say?""Son, you believe I'm innocent right?" Lori turned her swollen face to them. "I didn't try to murder anyone.""Yes, Mum. I totally believe that you are innocent, and it was all Adam Carson's plan to implicate you!""That's not true, Fred. Stop giving your mother false hope, she is guilty and we all saw it on the CCTV footage!" Carmen spoke up, but they all shut her down immediately. "What do you know about CCTV footage, Carmen? Who even asked for your input here?" Ernest yelled. "My mother is innocent, that's all I know. This man must have collaborated with that bastard to hurt my mother! That video is
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45: Roberto's Woman!
"Are you ready to tell me the truth now?" Adam sat opposite Richard, his face grim and determined. "I'm all ears, Mr Richard. I'm willing to give you a benefit of the doubt that you did it for a reason. You took the company's money for a reason!"Richard only looked away, shame and guilt in his eyes. "I'm really sorry, son-, no, Adam. I have no right to call you son at this point.""I trusted you!" Adam banged the table angrily. "I supported you and told you all my secrets, is this how you repay me? By trying to ruin all what my father labored hard for?""I'm so sorry, Adam. Please forgive me." Richard said again, unable to look up. Adam crouched over the table to grab his hands. "I'm disappointed in you, Richard. From today onwards you're dead to me, don't ever try to contact me again!" With that, he turned around and spun out of the room. "The man has confessed to his crimes, sir. What do we do next?" The head inspector, Charles approached him with a smile. "What else? Charge hi
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46: No Longer A Staff At Walters Corporations!
"What the hell are you doing with my fiance, Adam? Are you trying to snatch her from me?" Roberto barged into his office angrily. "There!" Adam threw the card and package she brought to the table. "She is inviting me to her friend's birthday party, as guess what?" Adam smirked. "Seems your fiance is the one chasing me!""Seraphina would never do that!" Roberto shook his head. "Even if we're not on good terms, she wouldn't betray my love so easily!" He retrieved his phone to final her number. But the call kept being directed to voicemail. "Do you want advice, Rob?" Adam scoffed. "That woman is only with you because of what you can offer, once she discovers another man that can offer her more, she'll dump you like hot potatoes!""That's bullshit, you're only pained because I was able to snatch your wife and give her all the things you weren't!""Console yourself all you want, just want that slut never to play wife to me again, as far as I'm concerned she's dead to me!"With that, Ada
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47: Hung Up On One Woman!
"Whatever I choose to do my life is none of your business, Garrett." Perry laughed gently, her dimples showing off her cute smile. "I don't understand why you're getting so triggered? I thought it's all in the past and you're the matured one.""Me? Triggered?" Garrett stuttered, suddenly unable think up another scathing remark. Adam scrutinized his expression, the sudden tinge of red in his cheeks and slight nervousness in his expression. Perry held his gaze with a smile, and Garrett wasn't able to resist. "It's my choice where I do business, okay. The fact that we are enemies doesn't mean I shouldn't pursue my career in places that have high chances of success!""Leave this place already, no one wants you around here!" Roberto shouted. "Roberto, still as disrespectful and insolent as ever!" Perry shook her head and left. "Bitch, what did you just call me?" Roberto burst into a frenzy of cursing when her words finally sank in. By then, she was already long gone! "Where are the s
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48: Hung Up On One Woman 2
"This isn't about Roberto, Miss." Adam said. "I am not sure what beef you guys had, but what you said earlier struck me. You're willing to pursue your career in places with the highest chances of success!"She was silent. "Your company has potential, you only need more exposure with big companies like Walters Corporations. Do you want to throw off such golden opportunity because of a man that has refused to see past the past?""You're right." Perry sighed after a moment of silence. "It's refreshing to see that there's still some logical humans in that company.""Dinner is fine. Where do you suggest?""Oh, that's amazing." Adam smiled, giving her a quick restaurant he could still get a reservation by this time of the day. "Is 5pm okay by you? That's an hour from now.""Good, I'm still around." Perry replied. Adam got off the call with a large smile. His convincing skills were already developing. At dinner..."Nice to see you, Miss Jackson." Adam pulled out a chair for her. "Here are
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49: Keep It A Secret!
"Dad? You moved your fingers just now, can you hear me?" Adam tightened his fingers over his father's hand to not miss another movement. "Dad, please twitch your hand again if you can hear me!"He held tightly, waiting and waiting but no more of response came. Adam sat back down a bit disappointed. His father had moved at the mention of his past friend, Philip. "I will be meeting Philip tomorrow. He is offering to help me with the company records. That way, we can really ascertain whether Roberto manipulated the police or not."Adam kept talking. "I just hope everything goes well and Richard's name is cleared. Richard is refusing to come out clean about what happened to the board of directors.""If they don't understand he did it to save you back then, they'll keep punishing him and he'll be suffering unjustly.""I'm not sure if Philip might be able to convince him to be less stubborn.""What do you think, dad? He's now at the Financial Unit of the FBI, isn't that great?" "Philip a
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50: Who's Your Husband?
Adam ignored Sean's question, he was speaking with men with accurate reasoning. "I understand there is a cogent reason why Mr Richard won't divulge the truth, but let's be considerate.""That's enough." Thomas got up and began the voting process. "We came up with 2 options. We either lay him off or demote him to a normal staff at the department of Marketing.""Ohhh, either option is fine by me!" Max beamed aloud. "Please lets cast our votes now!" Thomas said as the secretary passed the box around. Adam held his breath as the votes were counted. When Thomas turned to announce the results, he almost wanted to place a call to his grandfather. Even though Richard was strongly against it when he suggested it earlier. He was sure if Senior Walters steps in, they might reconsider! "Votes for Richard to be laid off amounted to 5. Votes that Richard be demoted amounted to-""Cut to the chase already, old man!" Roberto snapped impatiently. "6." Thomas completed. "So we've decided that he w
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51: I Lost My Promotion Cause of You!
"How can Walters Corporations help you today, Miss?" Adam faced Daisy squarely after Roberto managed to get Seraphina out before the security arrived. "How do you think you can help me?" Daisy winked. "I want you to help me." She traced her collarbone seductively. "Miss Davidson." Adam drawled coldly. "You're talking in parables, can you go straight to the point?""You want it direct?" She laughed, getting up and making her way slowly to sit on the desk. "I know your relationship with that woman has hit rock bottom, I'm only here to help you." she touched his hand gently. "Help me? How?" Adam played dumb. Daisy bent to whisper. "In ways you can't even imagine. I've fantasized about all the things I would love to do to you!"Adam grabbed her hands to stop her. "Miss Davidson, you're from a wealthy family and you possibly can have any man you want, why me?""Oh, you wanna know why?" She giggled. "You're handsome, with a sexy body! You're rich, intelligent, creative and most of all, a
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