All Chapters of Useless Son-In-Law Is A Divine Doctor: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
117 chapters
52: Gerald Has His Men After Me
Seraphina was sobbing. "I pleaded with you to come stand in with me as my husband, but you refused. Now I have become that talk of the show!""A mother of one of those poisoned children was here, she accused me of lying and now they're going to sue me to court!" Seraphina cried painfully. "People are gossiping that you dumped me, contrary to when I bragged that you were my husband and-"Adam disconnected the call when he got tired of her rambling. His phone blew up with calls again. "What's her problem?" He hissed, placing the phone on DND immediately. "Is everything fine, sir?" His friend had to ask. "You can take a break from the auditing until you're in the right dram of mind."With that, Adam headed to the cabinet to pull out a bottle of alcohol. Today was slightly rough, he just needed something to clear his head. Adam picked up his phone to see a notification of a Staff Seminar holding tomorrow. Ernestine decided they holding a new training for all the staffs to open their
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53: Hurting The True Heir!
"We're going to ask you this question one last time, Mr Carson. Did you or did you not go into Miss Elsa's office when you excused yourself earlier?" Mr Ernestine asked. Adam gritted his teeth angrily. It was a trap. He should have known all along. "Yes. I did visit her office, but-""That's all we need to hear." Roberto interrupted him from behind. "Please call the head security to conduct a search on him!""You must be out of your mind, Roberto!" Adam hissed angrily. "I visited her office, doesn't mean I stole the I-Pad in her bag. What do you take me for?" "If you're as innocent as you say you are, let them search you to prove beyond reasonable doubt!" Garrett spoke up, sending glares of dagger at him. Adam gritted. "On one condition, after all this you apologize publicly for slandering me!"The security men arrived to search through his clothes. "Come on, why would I hide an I-Pad in my clothes?" Adam didn't understand what string Roberto was trying to pull. "What about his br
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54: Secret Camera!
In the cell, Adam paced angrily, not knowing what to do. He had tried calling Cleo several times but she just wasn't picking her calls. He should have known! He should have guessed it was all a trap! "Mr Ryder, someone is here to grant you out on bail." An officer announced as he unlocked the cell and led Adam to the waiting room. "What happens, son? I was in my office when I heard you have been arrested!" Richard was clearly panicking. "Where's your phone?" was the first question Adam asked. Richard paled, quickly searching through his pockets. "That's right, it has been missing for a while now.""It was all a set up." Adam took his seat, explaining all want happened. "And now my reputation has been completely marred in front of the while company!" He slammed angrily on the table. "I don't care, but someone must pay for this!""Calm down, so. Let's get you out of here first, then we decide our next line of action." Richard proceeded to sign the bail form, leading him to his car
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“Don’t tell me you’re delaying his punishment?” Roberto nudged Jake who was quietly massaging his cheeks.“Get him up!” Jake commanded, his gaze hardened.The guards pulled Adam up on his feet, as they looked him up and down. “Isn’t this the good for nothing that won the scholarship last year?” Gerald gasped.“Of course! How else could a haggard looking guy afford to attend West-Borough International College?” Daisy scoffed derisively at him.“I don’t want that good for nothing near me, take him out and beat the crap out of him!” Jake ordered.“Let me go!” Adam screamed, trying to struggle against the guards’ iron grips.Daisy pulled April out of the way and slapped Adam again. “What do you think you’re doing?” That moment, she conveyed all the hatred she had for him into his eyes.Adam knew Daisy saw him as a stumbling block for April as he was always the one preventing her from going fully astray. Once, Daisy offered him a substantial amount of money to leave her alone, but he’d refu
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56: Meeting Philip!
Adam walked into the restaurant, removing his shades when he got to the same reservation he got last time. “There you are, not me thinking I’m about to get stood up again.”Philip was a tall, huge man with a round face and long well-kept beards. His eyes twinkled as they landed on Adam.“Hey, buddy!” He pulled Adam into an embrace. “Its so nice to see you again after all these years!”“How can you not remember me, a major component of your childhood years? I was your father’s best friend and your god father!”Adam tried his best, but he couldn’t seem to recall anything about the man, so he just exchanged a quiet handshake and pulled out a seat.“Nice to see you’re all grown up now.” Philip laughed, waving a waiter over. “What would you like to have? I remember you always loved burgers back then.”Adam frowned. “Well, I can only recall hating burgers.”“Oh, that’s not true?” Philip laughed. “Your father and I were one of the main people that introduced you to burgers!”Adam kept quiet
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57: Pathetic!
Outside the restaurant, Adam caught gazes with Gerald and Cleo again, right before he got into the car with Philip. "Do you care explaining what is going on right now? I'm totally lost!"Adam stared at the man without a word. He wasn't still fully sure if he could trust him, and there's no way he could place his fathers life at risk like that. "My father is still alive." Adam shocked himself by revealing the truth."And Gerald has tried to hurt him twice on a row. The last time, he delivered a water-read letter warning me to atay away from my fathers company!""Whoa..." Philip listened as Adam summarized the terrors he'd been experiencing for him. "I thought Felix was dead, oh my god. Why didn't Richard tell me?""That's exactly my question!" Adam snapped. "You guys are my father's friends, why aren't you working together to find the culprit, why are you hiding things from each other?"Philips face turned grim at the mention of that. "There are a lot of things you don't know boy."T
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58: Negative Increase!
Adam got into his office, a large smirk on his lips. He'd loved the look on Roberto's face when Perry was roasting him with words! Finally, that rascal has met his match. "Now, I'm really glad I didn't let her go so easily. At least we get someone to check my cousin once in a while!"He relaxed on his seat to begin his work. Garrett and Sean had been shocked to hear Perry speaking so cruelly. Guess she didn't have the hide her true self just to please anyone again. Adam was working on a few new project presentations to be discussed at the next board meeting. When his accountant walked in with a brown envelope. "Hello, Adam."They stood to exchange handshakes. "What's the latest update?" Adam asked, usherinv him to a seat. "It's a lot, Mr Carson." the man handed Adam the finishes reports of the auditing they'd spent sleepless nights on. "To be candid, I'm not too surprised. I know how far my cousin can go just to get what he wants!""But this is bad for a vice president, don't yo
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59: The Nurse Betrayal!
In the hospital, Adam paced the halls his nerves going stack with worry. "Get ready to spend the rest of your life in jail if as much as any harm comes to that man!" He slammed at Max who was seated at the waiting area, having a blank expression. His friends had jilted him when Adam kept threatening all of them, and left him to his fate. Suddenly a blonde woman rushed into grab Adams shirt. "Please what happened to my husband? Why did he faint and go unconscious?" How wife kept screaming. Adam faced Max angrily, not wanting to reveal the truth to the woman yet, she might tear him part and prove how crazy she was. "Please calm down, ma'am. The Doctors are trying their best revive him already!"Mitchell paced the hall, sobbing aloud and crying. "I heard from some company staffs that he was pushed by a colleague! I'll tear that person part for daring to touch my husband!?"Her words sent a shiver of fear down Max spine and a smile of happiness up Adam's face. He didn't even need to
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60: A Fake King Lotus!
Jackson relaxed back on his seat, taking in the view of everyone present here. Sabrina and Skylar had also been invites from the department of Sales to watch the panel. He was at the meeting of the board of directors and everyone was already seated, waiting for the main actor of today's movie to come in. "Do you to explain why you're late on the last day of your panel hearing?" Ernestine slammed at him immediately he walked in. Sean's eyes was swollen red and he swayed as he walked in. "You're all going to sack me anyways, what's the use?""This man is drunk!" Somebody shouted at the table. "How dare you come in here to disrespect us like this? What do you take us for?""Start the meeting already, I don't have time." Sean rebuffed them. "Man, what's wrong with you?" Roberto and Garrett rushed to help him from tumbling to the floor. "Let go of me you betrayer, after all what we've been through together, you have decided to jilt me, it's fine!" Sean pushed Roberto's hands away and
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61: Our Future Depends on You!
Adam put on his headphones, adjusting the vol of his speakers. "Can you hear me now?" He asked the man on the other side of the video call. "Yea. Loud and clear." Philip replied with a smile. "It's so good to see you again, pal. How have you been?""All well and good." Adam replied. "And your girlfriend?" Philip chuckled. "I don't have a girlfriend, sir. I'm divorced and-" Adam was interrupted by his low laughter. "I was referring to Cleo. Hope she hasn't gotten herself killed yet?" His face turned grim. "That's the issue, Philip. She's so stubborn that no matter what I say, she never listens!" Adam sighed angrily. "She keep risking her life I keep warning her and she keep brushing me off.""Some people are just wired to love danger and adrenaline rush." Philip shrugged. "It reminds me of her father back in the day, the man was the most stubborn person I've ever met in this life, he literally wouldn't spend a day without getting himself in danger!"Adam listened as the man earne
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