All Chapters of The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law: Chapter 111
- Chapter 120
184 chapters
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINIf I didn’t get out of the house, I was going to explode.My family had been great these past four months, giving me space and not pushing me too hard, so it wasn’t that I wanted to get away from any of them. It was because I’d never done well with being cooped up.When I’d been going through my rebellious phase, being grounded and not allowed to go anywhere had been the worst form of punishment. One of the things that Leo had used to get me to join up with him had been the promise of constant movement. I’d had no problem with how hard the physical stuff had been or with the danger I’d faced. Honestly, I’d liked both of those realities.That changed the same day as everything else.In the hospital, being around people hadn’t really been an issue because walking around that vast space, doing my physical therapy, I hadn’t been the only one with visible scars. Hell, I’d been one of the luckier ones.
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEOkay, so the past week had been a little different than I’dthought it’d be, but it hadn’t been bad, exactly. Just different.I’d expected to use all of the nice, neat lesson plans I’d learned how to make, decorate my classroom, have those nice, neat rows of desks, a chalkboard. Freedom and I would get set up in our apartment or hotel room, then check out the school and neighborhood, talk to some people. Or, rather, I would talk, and Freedom would translate once I got past my limited Persian and Arabic.But that wasn’t exactly how things worked out. I hadn’t realized that the expansive Neutral Ground headquarters would be not only where we’d be housing our classes, but it was also where all the volunteers stayed. Not only did it allow for better security – not everyone in Iran approved of what we were doing – but it also gave us women the ability to relax the dress code we followed both in the classroom and whenever we left the building.While female tourists could often get awa
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINI TOWELED OFF MY HAIR AND AVOIDED LOOKING IN THE BATHROOMmirror, still not ready to see my reflection. I’d tried lying to myself before, saying that I didn’t want to see how out of shape I was, but I couldn’t really use that as an excuse anymore. It’d only been a few days since I’d started working out again, but I could already feel the difference, even if I wasn’t sure I could see it. Still, it felt good to be physical again.None of that meant I wanted to compare what I used to look like to what my reflection would show now.And it wasn’t just the scars either.About two weeks after I’d gone to see Israel and Nana Naz, I’d gone to a local tattoo place. It’d taken everything I had to do it, but I’d forced myself to follow through. I’d checked it to make sure it healed correctly, but I hadn’t been able to bring myself to actually look at it since then.The tattoo of Leo’s dog tags, with the chain
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEIt was hard to believe that this was our last week here. Thelast Monday I’d wake up in the room Freedom and I shared. The last Monday I’d go to that little kitchen to get some coffee, so I’d be alert when my students arrived.Freedom would already be in the classroom, straightening things that probably didn’t need to be straightened. She was a complete perfectionist and one of those crazy morning people that got up hours earlier than necessary. I didn’t bother trying to keep up with her. I’d learned a long time ago that it was impossible.As I hovered in that place between sleeping and waking up, I was tempted to try for another ten or twenty minutes of sleep. I hadn’t woken up enough that it’d be di cult to drift off again. Sleep hadn’t ever been di cult for me, especially when I was this tired. The jet lag had been awful the first two days, but once I’d adjusted, I’d expected to feel the same way as I did
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEWhen I’d told Freedom that I’d take care of everything, Ihadn’t really thought that she’d end up having to stay in the hospital all week. She’d had her appendectomy not long after she’d arrived at the hospital, but there had been a couple complications with infection, but they’d been minor. Not enough for any major concern or even bad enough for us to have to postpone our return home. She would, however, have to go straight from the hospital to the airport tomorrow morning, which meant it was my responsibility to pack, turn in the room key, do all those sorts of things.It’d been a strange week for me all the way around.Since I hadn’t had Freedom to translate for me, I’d had to struggle my way through my classes, using what little Persian and Arabic I’d picked up whenever my students hadn’t been able to find the English word they’d wanted. There had been more than a few moments of laughter as communication disintegrated
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINI’d been back home in San Ramon for a few weeks, but it feltnothing like how it had when I moved back after leaving the army, even though less than half a year had passed since that brutal day. For the first time since I’d woken up in that hospital in Germany, I felt…awake. Not quite alive, but awake was enough.The change had been thanks to Evanne. Working with Alec and Brody to find Keli and Evanne, to get my niece back to her father, had kept me from drowning in darkness. The need to save Evanne – even if she hadn’t exactly been in danger – had been stronger than anything else. Since then, I hadn’t let myself fall back into the pit I’d been in.And I’d started thinking about where things might go from here. I may have felt like I was a million years old, but I wasn’t even thirty. No matter how much it hurt, I still had decades to live, and I owed it to the men who hadn’t made it home to do something with my life. Espec
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEI was running late, and if I didn’t make up the time, I wouldnever hear the end of it from Freedom. And it wasn’t even my fault.Freedom had sent me a text thirty minutes ago saying that she’d gotten discharged from the hospital and was on her way to the airport. Then she’d asked if I’d needed her to do anything. Sure that I had everything under control, I’d told her not to worry about it. I’d taken care of it all.Except I’d made the mistake of calling Mom and Dad instead of texting to let them know that Freedom and I would be on our flight soon. They’d known about Freedom being in the hospital, and I’d been surprised that they hadn’t flown over here as soon as I’d gotten off the phone with them that day. They’d also surprised me by not constantly calling me to check on us. Until I’d called them this morning, I’d thought it was because they’d trusted me to take care of things on my own.Now I knew th
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINAlec was frazzled enough that he’d referred to this beingEvanne’s eighth – instead of ninth – birthday at least three times in the past two hours, but I’d never seen him happier. He’d always loved Evanne and had never hidden it from anyone, but even just a year ago, he hadn’t looked as comfortable as he did right now. For example, my uptight brother was smiling at a pair of third graders who almost knocked over the punch bowl.I knew a lot of it was due to the woman with him. Not Keli, though she had helped plan the party and was around, trying to make up for all the shit she’d put him through. No, it was Lumen Browne who’d made the difference. Everyone here could see it.Maybe I should’ve felt sorry for Keli, seeing the man she clearly still wanted in love with someone else, but after all the shit she’d pulled, I didn’t have any sympathy for her at all. I’d always be glad that Alec had met her because Evanne was
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEI was thirsty, and I had to pee.Those two thoughts were the first indication that a significant amount of time had passed. And then my brain asked the next logical question, which was: passed since what?For a few panicked seconds, I couldn’t remember, and then it came back with horrifying clarity.Three men with guns pulling me from the taxi I’d been taking to the airport. Shoving me into the back of a van. A hood over my head. Wrists restrained. An awful, jolting ride that seemed to go on for days.I’d tried talking to them, telling them that I was an American teacher on my way home, but they’d ignored me. At first. Finally, one of them had snapped what I’d assumed meant shut up because he’d slapped the side of my head when I’d said that I didn’t speak much Persian.The van hadn’t had any seats, and with my hands bound in front of me, I’d had nothing to protect me from being flung all over the p
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINI’d flown up with my parents and some of my siblingsyesterday, but I didn’t plan on flying home with them tomorrow. That was why I’d gotten a hotel room instead of taking Alec up on his offer of staying at his house. I planned on spending a couple extra days up here, some because I planned on joining Alec in chaperoning a class trip Evanne’s class was taking next week, but more because I wanted some distance to make a plan.I’d meant what I’d said to Alec about doing some sort of security or investigative work, but I hadn’t come up with anything more than that. I didn’t know if I wanted to try doing it on my own or if I wanted to look for an entry-level job somewhere. I didn’t know where I wanted to live.But those were things I planned to think about tomorrow. Tonight, I had something else in mind, and it was the other reason why I’d decided to stay in a hotel instead of at Alec’s.When I’d asked the de