All Chapters of The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law: Chapter 121
- Chapter 130
184 chapters
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEI’d never realized how aware I’d always been of time as awhole. Years and months and weeks. Days. Hours. Minutes. I still knew what year and month it was, and I was pretty sure that a full week hadn’t gone by, but that was about all I knew. I was unsure, not only of the day but the date as well.I’d been taken on Friday, November fifteenth. I knew that for certain since I’d been on my way to the airport. I liked to think I would’ve known it anyway, but I wasn’t anticipating similar future circumstances with which I could make a comparison, so there wasn’t a point in dwelling on that particular thought.What I definitely didn’t know was how long they’d had me. Everything that’d happened to me would have been understandably disorienting on its own. Taken altogether, it was overwhelming.Kidnapped. Blindfolded. Bruised from the rough drive. Sporadic food and water. Thrown around. Yelled at in a dialect I didn’t know. Kept in a place without windows.That last one was re
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINI counted last night a success. Nothing to brag about, but it’dbeen what I’d needed. A simple fuck to make sure I could actually do it and get us both off, which I had. Even better, I hadn’t needed to find a way to tell Yvonne that I didn’t want her sleeping over. A few minutes after we’d finished, she’d used the bathroom to clean up, then had gotten dressed and left with a simple thanks for the good time and thanks for your service.I’d slept pretty well afterward too. It’d only taken me a half hour to fall asleep, and I’d only woken up once with a nightmare I couldn’t really remember. When I’d gotten back to sleep after that, I hadn’t woken up until a few minutes ago, and it was already six-thirty in the morning.Now, I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, my hands folded behind my head, and trying to figure out what I wanted to do today. It was Sunday, so I was leaning toward research and enjoying the q
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINI KNEW A LOT OF PEOPLE WOULD CALL MY FAMILY SNOBS FOR HAVINGour own plane – multiple planes, actually, when counting the entire family as a whole. Much of the reason we practically owned our own fleet had less to do with us not wanting to fly commercial and more to do with practicality since we had business all over the world.For example, a flight that took a little over two hours in the air meant around twice that amount of time spent. I understood why there was so much security, and I agreed that it was necessary, but in situations like this, waiting in line for who knew how long would’ve driven me crazy. With a private plane, that wasn’t an issue. I was able to be in Los Angeles and on my way to Cain’s apartment two-and-a-half hours after I checked out of my hotel.When he opened the door, his face was so grim that, for a moment, I thought the girl we were supposed to rescue had been killed. Instead, he steppe
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEDr. O’Keefe’s first name was Hammond, which was apparentlyhis mother’s middle name. He’d never been married, and his entire life had been dedicated to his work at Signature Care Emergency Center. Dana had come to Houston from Dallas and was a single mom to a now-adult daughter named Shannon. She hadn’t said where her daughter’s father was, but something about the way Hammond had softened when she’d said she was a single mom made me think that whatever had happened had been traumatic enough that it still hurt.They’d been here the longest, a little over a week before I was taken, though none of us could really say for certain. They confirmed that our captors never kept enough of a schedule for us to figure things out. Whether that was intentional for that specific reason or simply how they ran the place, we didn’t know.All of us had done ransom videos, but none of us had heard anything about the status of our ransoms, wh
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINI definitely wanted to meet Freedom Mercier.I’d once seen Cain reduce a smartass private to tears with two sharp words and a glare.Freedom had kept him on the phone for forty-three minutes, arguing about why she wasn’t going to fly back to L.A. without her sister. He’d gone back to what I assumed was his bedroom to make the call, so I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but every once in a while he’d get loud enough for me to know he was still talking to her.Any woman who could go toe to toe with Cain was someone I wanted to meet…only under the right circumstances, though, because I had a feeling Freedom could be fucking scary if she was pissed.And if she was anything like her sister, I could see why Cain had immediately agreed to help her. I had a feeling the Mercier women were the kind who stuck with a man.Even from far away.Like halfway around the world away.I’d watched Ali
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEI didn’t know when I’d fallen asleep, only that I must have atsome point because the cell door banging open was what startled me awake. The light from outside the room streamed in, blinding me so that all I could see were two dark silhouettes. One stayed in the doorway, I assumed to keep us from making a run for it, but the other came inside with long, purposeful strides that took him to where Gia cowered in only a few short seconds.He grabbed her matted curls and yanked her to her feet. She let out a pained cry, and he just laughed. I hadn’t heard any of the guards laugh like that and realized that I hadn’t seen this man before. He started shouting at her in what I recognized as Persian. I couldn’t make out most of what he was saying, but I caught enough of the curses to know that he wasn’t happy with her. Judging by the way he was gesturing, I thought he might be angry that her headscarf had disappeared.A
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEI DIDN’T KNOW WHEN I’D FALLEN ASLEEP, ONLY THAT I MUST HAVE ATsome point because the cell door banging open was what startled me awake. The light from outside the room streamed in, blinding me so that all I could see were two dark silhouettes. One stayed in the doorway, I assumed to keep us from making a run for it, but the other came inside with long, purposeful strides that took him to where Gia cowered in only a few short seconds.He grabbed her matted curls and yanked her to her feet. She let out a pained cry, and he just laughed. I hadn’t heard any of the guards laugh like that and realized that I hadn’t seen this man before. He started shouting at her in what I recognized as Persian. I couldn’t make out most of what he was saying, but I caught enough of the curses to know that he wasn’t happy with her. Judging by the way he was gesturing, I thought he might be angry that her headscarf had disappeared.Another
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINBRODY WOULD’VE BEEN BETTER AT THIS THAN ME, I THOUGHT AS Ilooked around at the rest of the team. Cain had come up with a backstory to get us in and out of Iran without suspicion – or at least with as little suspicion as possible – and my parents’ plane had been the inspiration.The five of us were playing wealthy tourists, with me in the ‘leader of the pack’ role just in case someone decided to do a check on the plane. Since it was registered to my father, I could look like the typical rich asshole who was living off his parents’ dime.Not that Brody was an asshole. He wasn’t. That part of the role was definitely more me than him. And I’d always been more of the partier too, but I’d never been the life of the party. I’d been more ‘the guy who sat in the corner, did drugs and drank, while glaring at everyone else.’ Even when I’d hooked up at a party, I’d still been angry.I’d been angry at the world.Bro
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINTHE BUILDING WAS LOCATED ON THE EDGES OF THE CITY, FAR ENOUGHout of the way that there wasn’t a lot of foot tra c, but still close enough to not be completely isolated. Two stories high, it was barely visible above the surrounding trees, both the ones inside the fence and the ones outside. What it lacked in height, it made up for in width, spreading over at least an acre. The fact that there weren’t any windows I could see on the ground floor made me think that it’d been specifically built for things like this.Considering the little bit Cain had been able to find on the group that owned it, it wasn’t really a surprise that they’d have a base like this. Every year for the past four years, a handful of people who came to Iran, either as workers or tourists, vanished for a few days before suddenly showing up again.Sometimes, they were hurt, but not always. Some simply left the country, not telling anyone about what’d happe
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEI WISHED I KNEW WHAT TIME IT WAS. OR WHAT DAY IT WAS.In my ransom video, I’d said that the ransom was due at noon on Thursday. The problem was, I didn’t know what day or time it was, so I didn’t know where we stood in regard to the deadline.I had no doubt that my parents would pay, but it would be nice to be able to prepare myself. Prepare the others too. As soon as I was free to talk to my parents, we’d begin the process of getting the others’ ransoms paid. I didn’t want to leave without reassuring them of that fact. They deserved to know that they were going to be rescued soon, especially since they’d all been here longer than I had.Fighting their despair wasn’t easy. Even though I didn’t know how much time had passed since I’d made the video or since I’d faced off against those guards, I’d been able to watch the progression of negativity in each of the others. I understood how hard it was for them, not knowin