All Chapters of The Unexpected Ultimacy : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 chapters
Chapter 11
"I never knew you were around; I would have welcomed you to my office personally." The woman was trembling where she stood.Everyone in the office was lost about what was happening, including Michael. He didn't know the woman from anywhere; how did she recognize him then?Moreover, she didn't just recognize him; she was addressing him with the utmost respect.Juliana couldn't raise her head to look Michael in the eyes. Then, she pleaded with a stutter, "Mr. Quinn, I... apologize for being so... careless. Please do not be offended by the mess that happened earlier."Michael wasn't comfortable with the fact that such an elderly woman was bowing to him. Then he played along, "It's fine, Mrs. Thomas."Juliana let out a sigh of relief and returned to her height. "Thank you so much for your kindness, sir. I will be so glad to attend to you in my office.""Okay, then," Michael responded, turning to leave."Where do you think you're going?" Austin jumped in front of him instantly, blocking hi
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Chapter 12
Meanwhile, Austin had been ranting since he was thrown out of the bank. His blood was boiling with anger, and he might explode at any moment.He placed his palm on his face, rubbing the swollen part gently. The more his memory reminded him of the strike of the slap, the more he felt the fresh pain of it."Sorry, honey, I will help you with the massage when we get home." Hannah moved closer to him to comfort him.As soon as the lady was closer to Austin, he sent two striking slaps to her face.Whoosh! Strike!Hannah was bewildered. She stared at her crazy boyfriend with tears welling up in her eyes."Austin, what have I done wrong?" Hannah's voice trembled, and the tears at the corners of her eyes trailed down her cheeks.The crazy boyfriend felt fulfilled and began to mock her when he saw the red print of his palm on her face."Oh, I'm very sorry. When we get home, I will help you with the massage," he mimicked with a scowl."It's better if we both share the same pain," he added, paci
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Chapter 13
Then, he saw the hologram in his mind. Carefully, he read the information on it.[Notice! You’ve reached the end of your free wishes. Earn gems by completing tasks issued by the system. With the gems, you can make more wishes.]Michael's eyes snapped wide in disappointment. He never expected the system to let him down this time.Even though all the information he had just received wasn't so clear to him, at least he was able to understand that he couldn't make any wishes at that time.Agatha, who had been watching Michael's strange body language, began to taunt him, "Does it mean that you've begun to lose your senses?"Michael didn't even pay her any attention. His mind was more engaged in the thought of how he could retrieve the document before leaving.That was the only valuable item he had. He can't let it go."Pack this speck of dirt you call belongings and leave right now! I can make your life miserable if you push me to the wall!" the woman barked harder.Michael silenced Agatha
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Chapter 14
"Slap!""Thwack!!""Whap!!!" Teeth were seen flying in the air.Michael cleared all the thugs with heavy slaps in a second as they charged toward him.They had come to fight him because the one who hired them had been slapped. It was a great match, giving them harder slaps on their faces to fuel their rage. The worst they could do was exactly what Michael wanted.Kim and Austin were utterly stunned seeing all the boys on the floor, groaning. They all had red and swollen faces, worse than Austin's. Furthermore, almost all their teeth were uprooted, making their mouths covered with blood.'Is this a slap or something else?!' Austin's mind raced.At the sight of that, Kim's anger peaked. "Ah!!" He yelled at the top of his voice, aiming a punch at Michael's face.The guy gave him the chance until he grabbed the thug's arm, a millimeter from his face."Learn how to say no to certain assignments," Michael said to him coldly."Crack!!" Michael twisted Kim's arm, leaving it fractured.Kim's e
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Chapter 15
"Where would a poor boy like him get five thousand dollars?""Umm... Don't say that. He steals around; he should have the money.""I doubt that he has fifty dollars.""Then, he can enjoy his vacation here until whenever."The policemen began to mock and laugh at Michael.However, Michael wasn't even listening to whatever they were saying. He was more concerned about how he could get himself out of there.Five thousand dollars was the last thing he should be bothered about. Unfortunately, the least transaction he could process was $100 million.He fished out his phone to make a call. However, the damaged screen of his phone didn't allow him.Michael gritted his teeth in anger. The fact that the evening was already getting darker enraged him the most.'Do I have to spend a night here for a crime that never happened?' he questioned in his mind worriedly.Then, he searched his pocket, hoping he could find some dollar bills to bribe the policemen. He just wanted to get the hell out of the
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Chapter 16
In a VIP ward at Silvana Medical Centre, Cynthia was lying on a sick bed with a fluid and vital signs monitor connected to her body.It turns out that the coughing fit led to an undetectable illness.The beautiful face of the gorgeous woman was already distorted. She had coughed so hard that she couldn't open her mouth to make a sound anymore.Her eyes were red and half-closed. Despite being sedated, she still found it difficult to sleep.Dr. Ric looked at the vital signs monitor, and hopelessness took over his face.He turned to Lucas, whose face looked unexplainable. "Mr. Wellington, I'm so sorry. I have tried my best, but I don't think there's a solution to her illness." His lips were trembling.Lucas shot a glare at Dr. Ric and his colleagues, who had been attending to Cynthia since they arrived."I thought you all claimed to be the best doctors in this city? Is this the best you can do?" The man shook his head in disappointment."What's it about a minor ailment that you couldn't
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Chapter 17
"What gave you the guts to interrupt this matter?""Does the matter at hand look like a joke to you?"The doctors bombarded Michael with millions of questions. Their faces all looked angered.They had never noticed his existence in the ward until he spoke. With the look of things, they could tell he was a beggar trying to impress the billionaire.What was a poor boy like him doing around Lucas in the first place? This question gave them all a striking headache."The health of Miss Wellington is more important than these questions."Michael walked forward to the doctor. "Miss Wellington's illness needs a quick intervention. If we allow time to pass without making good use of it, it might be too late to amend the damage."However, the doctors remained close to the patient. They didn’t see Michael as someone who knew what he was saying."Hey, boy. You have no idea what you're talking about," Dr. Ric waved his hands in the air in disagreement."What does a person like you know about treat
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Chapter 18
Michael's face changed instantly. Cynthia's organs were already overworking, which had led her into this condition.What else would a stimulant injection do to her body if not increase the workload of all her organs?Michael couldn't wrap his head around the doctor's inability. If he has no solution to the problem at hand, why complicate it?Dr. Cletus was angry about how Michael challenged his professionalism. Then he stared at Michael from head to toe and asked again,"Who are you? I'm sure you're not a doctor.""Who I might be doesn't matter. What matters is that I have a better understanding of the patient's illness." Michael's voice was turning cold.Dr. Cletus's eyes turned red, and he glanced at Dr. Ric.Seeing his red eyes, Dr. Ric understood what that meant. Michael had just called Dr. Cletus an unprofessional doctor. That was a great insult to an advanced doctor like him.Then he quickly pleaded with him, "Dr. Cletus, please don't take this to heart. Once the patient's illne
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Chapter 19
"Quiet!!" Lucas snapped at them.All the doctors went silent except Dr. Ric, who still had an objection."This is the 21st century, Mr. Wellington. No treatment approach allows taking advantage of the patient. This is sexual assault!""If you mention a word once more, Ric, I will make you regret your existence." Lucas was enraged.Dr. Ric folded and maintained silence."I'm so sorry for the interruption, Mr. Quinn. Please continue with the process," Lucas urged, and then he continued.Cynthia's eyes were half-closed, and she could see Michael. If she had had the strength, she would have stopped the pauper from touching her body.The doctors were still in a daze from Lucas's agreement to Michael's perverse act. If healthiness wasn't very important, they saw no reason the billionaire should give a chance for such.Michael had a close look at the lady's chest, and he could see how her heart was pounding so fast.The dude closed his eyes tightly, then he gathered some energy in his left p
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Chapter 20
The next morning, Michael's phone began to ring. He took a look at it, and it was Vivian calling. He was able to see the caller because he had a new phone now.Last night, when Lucas saw how damaged his previous phone was, he gave him a new and expensive one."Hello, Miss Noah," Michael pressed the phone to his ear as he accepted the call."There's a problem, sir. There are some thugs at the entrance of Skyline. I don't know what their mission is," Vivian explained in panic."Thugs?" Michael was taken aback."Hide yourselves in a very safe place. I will be there in a minute," Michael assured her, and the call ended.Immediately after the call ended, the thugs barged into the restaurant, causing quick disorder. The customers nearby were scared to death and quickly hid under the tables.All the workers fled for their safety except Vivian, who was caught inside. She stood a bit distant from the thugs.Her breath paused when she saw how heavily armed the thugs were. They had crowbars, bas
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