All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
176 chapters
The Alexiou family held a party celebration before Lily and Daniel's wedding. They invited relatives and close friends to participate in the party. They also asked Sophie and Ellen to come. Intentionally, they wanted to embarrass her.Sophie refused, but Ellen said yes out of respect for them as her family."Don't worry. I'm fine."Ellen, who saw the troubled look on Sophie's face, immediately wrapped her arms around her waist."I just don't want to see you humiliated by them again, Ellen," she admitted."Let them say whatever they want to say."Then Ellen spoke again in a soft tone."Let's just enjoy the party.""Okay."Sophie smiled back.They deliberately stayed away from the crowd of their families and stood side by side while enjoying the food and drinks provided. Until Daniel and Lily arrived, taunting them for not having a party celebration like they did."How was our party tonight? It was lavish and amazing, wasn't it?"Daniel spoke with a smug expression while boasting that h
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Their wedding day had finally arrived. Instead of being happy, Sophie felt very anxious and restless. Since the incident, she rarely saw Ellen. He was very busy, either doing something or preparing for the lavish wedding he had promised her family.She was in her room, waiting anxiously while her family was downstairs. They must be waiting for Ellen's undoing. She didn't want him to be humiliated again and she didn't want to break her promise to marry him.Suddenly, there was a knock on her bedroom door, and a maid came to say that there was a delivery for her. She rushed downstairs to see what she had received.Sophie was surprised to see a bone-white wedding dress that looked so beautiful and luxurious. With diamonds on the chest, it looked so expensive."Is this for me?"Sophie asked the man who delivered the dress to her with a confused expression on her face. She thought it might be Lily's dress that Daniel had prepared for her."Yes, it is. This is the dress for you, miss.""For
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The look of annoyance on Lily's face grew. She stared in exasperation at Daniel. She searched for the truth of the same shocked expression she was currently experiencing."What is this? How did this happen, Daniel?"Although Lily was angry and emotional, she tried to hold it in for Daniel's sake."I don't know. There's no way a poor person like him could afford to rent the best building in Kester City. But..."Daniel swallowed his saliva with difficulty. The expression on his face hardened. He looked straight at the entrance of the luxurious banquet hall."Impossible...."He muttered again, then looked at Lily who looked even more confused."There must be something wrong here.""Yes, and what is it?! He can't have suddenly become rich in a few days. How are you going to handle this matter? My family will bow down to him if they find out Ellen was able to prepare such a lavish wedding. You even lost your chance to rent this place, Daniel!"Lily shouted emotionally. The bold makeup on h
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Daniel's voice trembled as he spoke. His face paled. "What do you mean uncle?" "They just told me that they've fired me! I don't know who that bastard is, but he's very powerful and unforgiving!" Uncle Daniel's voice sounded so angry, chaotic, and frustrated. With widened eyes, Daniel stared at Ellen who was also staring at him with a smirk at the corner of her lips. "Asshole! This can't be. It's impossible for a loser like him... Damn it!" Daniel shouted so loudly that it startled Lily. His jaw hardened, his eyes filled with a flash of anger. Angrily, Daniel walked over to Ellen. His steps were firm and hurried. He quickly punched Ellen in the face, making everyone there scream in surprise. Sophie widened her eyes as she saw Ellen fall to the floor. "Daniel, what are you doing?!" She shouted and immediately pushed him away who was about to hit Ellen again. "Are you out of your mind? Why are you suddenly hitting Ellen, huh?" Ellen stood back up with Sophie's help. He wiped
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After the wedding, Ellen took Sophie to the small apartment he lived in."Ellen," Sophie called.She walked up to him while Ellen was busy taking off his tie."Hm? What's wrong?"Seeing the troubled look on her face, Ellen quickly wiped her cheeks and asked again."What's wrong, Sophie? Don't you like it here in my small apartment? Isn't it enough for us to live in?"Sophie shook her head quickly."No, Ellen. I don't think it's small or unlivable. I like it. And it's more than enough.""But what made you put on this troubled face?"Ellen touched Sophie's cheek and kissed her forehead."Tell me everything you're thinking, Sophie. Whether it's bad or good, I want to hear it. And I'll make sure to sort things out.""I was just thinking about what happened at our wedding, Ellen."Ellen frowned in confusion."About what?"Sophie looked straight at Ellen."About David suddenly getting very angry and hitting you at our wedding. I don't know what made him act like that. Was there a problem be
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As per Sophie's wish, Ellen took her to a beach not far from the city. They went during the weekend because Sophie didn't want to take any more time off since she had just gotten a job.Ellen drove the car. They were already halfway to the beach. Sophie was surprised that in the morning, Ellen had suddenly gotten ready in a luxury car that she had never seen before.When she asked whose car it was, Ellen replied that it was a friend's car. And HE borrowed it during their honeymoon."Is it still long?" Sophie asked. She was starting to feel sleepy from the long journey.Ellen glanced at Sophie with a sympathetic look."Almost there. After we get to the villa, we can take a rest before going out."Villa?" Sophie frowned."Yes, the villa. I've rented the villa that we'll be staying in during our honeymoon."Sophie immediately put on a surprised expression when she heard that."You rented a villa?!"She couldn't believe that Ellen had secretly rented a villa for their honeymoon."What's w
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Ellen and Sophie spent time together during their honeymoon. However, Ellen respects Sophie's decision that she is not ready to give herself completely to him. Even so, Ellen is ready to wait any time until Sophie is ready.They decide to return to their small apartment after returning from the beach.When they arrived, Sophie received a phone call from her parents."Hello, moms," Sophie greeted."Sophie, my sweetheart. Are you back from your honeymoon?"Sophie's mom's voice came from the other end of the line.Sophie asked with a confused expression."We just got back to the apartment, Mom. What's wrong?""Apartment? Whose apartment?""Ellen's apartment, of course. We're officially married, so it's only natural that I live together with my husband, Mom.""Where's your husband?"Sophie turned her head towards the bathroom to check if Ellen had finished bathing."Ellen is still bathing, Mom. What's wrong, what do you want to talk to Ellen about?""This tonight, I'll come to your apartm
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Ellen took Sophie from her small apartment to the new house they were going to live in. She is surprised to see the house so big and luxurious. She questioned how Ellen could afford the house. Sophie stared in disbelief at Ellen. Her eyeballs widened when she noticed how big the house was. "Ellen, are you sure this is our house?" Ellen stood behind Sophie, holding her by the shoulders. He smiled proudly. "Yes, of course, it's our house. From now on, we will live here. In this house." Sophie immediately turned around with a surprised expression. "Impossible. How can you afford such a big and luxurious house? It's probably worth billions, Ellen!" Ellen looked very calm as he responded to Sophie's words. "I won the contest and got this house," he said, lying. Sophie furrowed her brow. Still wearing a look of disbelief. "A contest?!" "It was a contest I entered a while ago. And I won first place. The prize was a mansion," Ellen told her. He had a serious expression on his face
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Ellen woke up in the morning. He moaned as he tried to move his body to face Sophie who was still fast asleep with his arm as a cushion.What happened last night was truly amazing. Ellen smiled happily as he looked at the peace on Sophie's face."We are now officially husband and wife," he whispered, softly. He kissed Sophie's forehead.Sophie squirmed as she felt something wet touch her forehead, then her lips. She gasped in surprise when she saw that Ellen had just kissed her."Ellen," she whispered with a blush on her face.Ellen smiled and grinned."Good morning, baby," Ellen greeted."Morning, Ellen," Sophie replied.Ellen could see the blush on Sophie's face. It looked so sweet at the same time. He kissed her lips again before speaking."How are you?"Sophie blinked."My co-condition?" she stammered in response to Ellen's sudden question."Yes, are you okay? I wanted to make sure that you weren't hurt. Last night I was too-"Before he could finish his sentence, Sophie's finger p
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Agatha woke up with pain in her head. Everything seemed to be spinning around and she felt extremely dizzy. She winced as she lifted her head and realized she was in the basement. It looked like a secret room.Agatha's face paled as she realized that she was sitting with her hands and feet tied. She could not move or escape at all."Damn it! Help me," she shouted, loudly, but no one stepped in to help her.Agatha stared in all directions looking for a way out or trying to break free."Help! Anyone, help me!" she cried again.But, still, no one came.A few minutes later, after Agatha was tired of shouting, she suddenly heard the door being opened so loudly. A big man, she remembered him as the man who drugged her, came in with something in his hand."Let me go, you bastard! How dare you keep me like this!" Agatha shouted. "This must be Ellen's doing, right? He told you to keep me here, didn't he?"Agatha's neck muscles hardened. Her eyes glared at him."Quiet!" he snapped. "Here's some
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