All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
176 chapters
Ellen swallowed with difficulty. He felt like his throat was choking. His heart was beating so fast, his body felt so hot, burning.He stared intently at Agatha who was smiling slyly at him. It could be seen from the look on her face that she was so satisfied and happy to see him aroused like this."How does it feel, Ellen? You can touch me if you want," Agatha said with a smirk at the corner of her lips.Ellen gritted his teeth angrily, still trying to restrain himself from the overwhelming turmoil he was feeling right now.He clenched his fists as he cursed."Shit! You cheap woman!""Come here, Ellen..."When Agatha tried to grab Ellen's hand, he immediately dodged."You disgust me," he said with a disgusted look at Agatha.While trying to restrain himself, he rushed to the basement and ordered the guards to tie Agatha's hands back together and made sure to put a plaster over her mouth.Ellen walked back into the house with staggering steps. He tried to restrain the turmoil of lust
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Sophie saw that Ellen was awake when she came out of the bathroom. She saw him moaning with pain in his head as he held it with his right hand."Ellen, are you okay?" Sophie asked with a worried expression.When Sophie caught his whimpering in pain, Ellen immediately changed his expression to a calm one."Yes, I'm fine," Ellen replied.Sophie raised one eyebrow. She walked closer to the bed."Are you sure? You don't look fine," she said."Just a little dizzy. No big deal."Ellen then tried to change the subject."Are you going to work soon? Then I'll shower and go too," he said as he got out of bed.Seeing Ellen's strange behavior, Sophie grabbed his hand and made him stop walking."Ellen," she called in a low voice.Ellen turned to her with a furrowed brow."What's wrong?""Are you really okay? You don't look like your usual self. You were ... acting strange last night, Ellen," she said, admitting.Sophie had been feeling restless since last night. Even when she woke up earlier, her
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With her power, Ellen hypnotized Agatha."Forget everything you've ever heard or seen about me or Sophie," Ellen said.Agatha's gaze went blank. Like it had just been reset."And slowly, you will fall into a deep sleep," he added, then.He smiled grinningly as Agatha's body suddenly went limp and her eyes slowly closed.Ellen smiled with satisfaction as he watched Agatha fall unconscious.He had deliberately erased Agatha's memories so that she would no longer interfere with his life with Sophie. And she would not put Sophie's life at risk, let alone reveal his true identity to everyone."Now, no one will disturb my life with Sophie," Ellen whispered with a sly smile.Ellen then immediately called out to his guards."Guards!" he called out.The guard entered and saluted Ellen."Yes, sir," he said politely.With both hands on his waist, Ellen ordered the guard to take Agatha back to her home."Take her back to her home. Don't let anyone suspect anything, let alone be seen by Sophie. Ma
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Today is the weekend, and Ellen plans to take Sophie on a holiday. And also to apologize for upsetting her yesterday.Ellen was getting ready in his room and Sophie was in the kitchen preparing their breakfast, however, a waiter came and told her that a guest had arrived.Sophie frowned."Who?""She said she was your grandmother. She's waiting in the living room," she informed her."My grandma?" asked Sophie, talking to herself."Yes, Miss. Sophie."Sophie then looked at her with a friendly smile."Well, please prepare the drinks and bring them to the living room. And after that, continue preparing breakfast for us later," Sophie ordered."I understand."She then hurried to the living room. There, she saw her grandmother sitting alone. She felt so confused as to why her grandmother had suddenly come to her house in the morning like this. Especially without telling her that she was coming to their house.Feeling uneasy, Sophie walked straight up to her grandmother and smiled kindly."G
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After a short conversation with Sophie's grandmother, Ellen takes Sophie's grandmother and Sophie to a place.Along the way, Sophie kept asking where they were going and why they weren't going on a holiday together. Instead, she went somewhere with her grandmother.Earlier, Sophie had also asked what was going on, and Ellen had explained that he wanted to show her workplace. The place where he earned all the money he'd earned over the years."You just calm down. This won't take long. After I show your grandmother my workplace, we'll be going home soon," Ellen told her. He looked at Sophie with a meaningful smile.Sophie could only stare nervously at Ellen. She nodded without protesting.Sophie's grandmother, who was sitting at the back, was bored because she had to watch the intimacy between Sophie and Ellen. Even though she felt that Ellen wasn't an ordinary person, there was still a lingering dislike for Ellen."Is it still long?!" Sophie's grandmother asked in a high tone.Ellen gl
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After Sophie's grandmother's outburst, she hurriedly exited the building. Ellen snaps his fingers, and three guards suddenly appear from behind."Escort Sophie's grandmother safely outside," Ellen commanded.The men nodded and Ellen shifted his gaze to Sophie's. Ellen can read Sophies confusion and restlessness in her eyes. "No need to worry about her Sophie. She will get home safely.""I'm not worried about that Ellen. I'm worried about you... About us.""Our marriage is at stake here, what if they found a way for us to divorce? What will happen to us?"Sophie looks around trying to grasp the situation. She can't believe her husband is running a gambling house. "You don’t have to be worried about me, Sophie. I will protect you and our marriage. You just have to trust me.""I know. I trust you, Ellen. I was just surprised... And a bit disappointed."“I know that this marriage isn’t bound by love, and we promised to trust each other. But being kept in the shadows makes me disappoint
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Ellen's frustration boiled over, and he slammed his hand on the table, the sound echoing in the room."Could you repeat that?" Ellen's voice held firm."Our territory is under attack right now. Although the situation has been handled, we need you back at the camp, Commander," the messenger reiterated, his tone urgent."You're telling me to leave my sick wife behind?" Ellen's voice trembled."I apologize for the bluntness, Commander, but we require your leadership at the territory," the messenger replied, remorse evident in his tone."I thought the situation was under control there. Why the sudden need for my presence?" Ellen pressed, his brows furrowing with worry."The situation has escalated. The enemy, along with neighboring lands, are colluding against us," the messenger explained gravely."This is beyond what your guard captain can handle alone. We need your decisive action," he implored."Please, make a decision promptly."A knock on the door sliced through the tension in the ro
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CHAPTER 38 The Poisoning Plot
Exactly two days has passed since Ellen ordered for drastic measures for the antidote for his wife. As soon the great Doctor from Ellen’s territory reach the mansion, Sophie’s condition stabilizes but she’s not waking up.Ellen held Sophie’s slightly cold hand and watch her breathing went up and down.“Your wife’s condition stabilizes for now. The one I injected her is not a permanent solution.”“Why isn’t she waking up? It’s been two days.”“I’m sorry to say this but her body couldn’t handle the drug that she ingested and fall into a severe coma,”“Until there’s no antidote, she will not wake up.” The doctor revealed.Ellen releases his wife hand and gently caress Sophie’s face.“I think this is her body response to the drug. If she’s in coma the poison in her body wouldn’t spread fast,”Ellen gritted his teeth as he closed his eyes, the weight of the situation bearing down on him like a heavy burden."She's fighting life and death right now. I've done everything I can, but until now
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Chapter 39 The Bargain for Antidote
“Come to my office immediately.” The messenger guard and Ellen rush towards his office.“Commander you have a letter from the enemy. It arrived at the territory but the captain send it here.”Ellen read the letter.‘I have the antidote you were looking for, Commander Ellen Willmott. If you want your wife to be saved, you have to surrender yourself to us.’“Commander, this is clearly a trap.” Emilia said.“What if its not? I wont let this chance slip away knowing I can save my wife and child lives.”“But commander--” Ellen disregard his Loyal guard captain and continue to do decisive decisions.Ellen suddenly open the map on the table.“Tell me, where are our enemies located specifically.”“How’s the battle going,” Ellen continued.Emilia hesitated for a second but put a mark on the map.“Well. As of now, it is well. Out walls are holding out.”Ellen scan the position where the enemies located let Emilia talk.“The enemy’s force isn’t as large as ours, but having them strike us in ever
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As soon as reinforcement arrive, Ellen advances towards the foreign enemy leader and fight till half of their troops are annihilated.In the heat of the battle, Ellen and the foreign enemy leader faced each other, their swords clashing in a symphony of steel. “You bastard! You didn’t plan to surrender at all!” Ellen sarcastically scoff at the enemy and push him back further. Every swing of his sword is heavy making the enemy fall back and almost cornered."Invading my territory is an act reserved for the foolish,”“And engaging in such ridiculous antics only exposes one's true nature as a complete and utter fool." Ellen continued as he swings he sword.“Don’t underestimate me, Ellen!” The enemy gritted his teeth in anger and deliver his final attack.With a swift and decisive motion, Ellen sidestepped the enemy's onslaught, delivering a powerful kick to the leader's knees. A piercing scream echoed through the battlefield as the enemy crumpled to the ground in agony.“Ahhhh!!” The en
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