All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
176 chapters
The atmosphere in the break room became tense as Ellen and the three other men engaged in a heated confrontation. Swearing and threats filled the air, escalating the situation. Ellen, his patience wearing thin, clenched his fists, ready to throw punches.Before the situation could escalate further, the team leader intervened, his stern gaze piercing through the chaos."What's going on here? Are you all out of your minds, fighting during break?" The team leader's voice was sharp, his eyes ablaze with anger as he directed his attention towards Ellen and the three troublemakers."Team leader, we're sorry," the two stammered in unison, bowing apologetically. Meanwhile, Ellen, still standing aloof, calmly adjusted his rumpled suit."I didn't expect much from you bastards, but fighting on the first day? Do you even want this job?" The team leader's disappointment was evident in his tone.Caught between pride and necessity, Ellen momentarily met the team leader's gaze but eventually closed h
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CHAPTER 42 Won the fight
The fight continued between Ellen and the female chief guard. It was an intense hand fist battle, Ellen couldn’t believe that someone like her could fight against her moreover one on one.The lady smirk at Ellen and people started to gather around. “I know you’ve been hiding your strength this whole time, don’t underestimates me just because I’m a woman.” Ellen cracks his neck and stand on his fighting position.“Then I wont hold back.” Ellen said. The chief guard scoff at Ellen and launch an attack.Her fist is fast and precise, but not enough to let Ellen hit him again. “Come on, fight back!” The lady taunted. Ellen gave what she wants and started to take offense.The lady is suddenly push back by Ellen’s heavy blows and in one swift move Ellen block the chief guards attack and was about to hit her right on the face but Ellen stop himself, just centimeters away from her face.The chief guards looks at Ellen’s fist and to his eyes. “You win.” She admitted.Ellen and the lady bow down
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As the accusations lingered in the air, Ellen felt the weight of the Goofly’s scheming pressing down on him. The room buzzed with tension, each word echoing in the stunned silence that followed.Everyone is staring at Ellen as he gathers his words. One wrong move and all of his plan could crumble before him, and everything will be in vain.“Hey, you bastard! Don’t think you could get away with this!” Goofly sneered.“Chief guard, don’t let him get away with this! We have witnesses that he’s been snooping around!” Goofly added.Ellen glanced at Goofly and his underlings, their faces twisted with accusation and anger. This was clearly a calculated move to undermine him, to turn everyone against him in one fell swoop.Chief Guard Annais raised a hand, silencing the room. Her gaze flickered between Ellen and Goofly, assessing the situation with a discerning eye."Goofly, your claims are serious, but we cannot rush to judgment," she said, her voice commanding attention. "Mr. Devron will ha
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CHAPTER 44: Diplomatic Intricacies
“W-wait! How do we know that you’re truly Commander Ellen Willmott?!” Goofly asked. Ellen squint his eyes at Goofly’s question.Ellen look back at the Director and Chief Annais, waiting for Ellen’s answers."Yeah! That's right! You already lied to us about your identity! How do we know if you're lying or not?" Goofly's underling flinched as Ellen glared at him.Ellen had no interest in entertaining these allegations any further. While he believed it wasn't his obligation to prove his identity to these individuals, the Director and Chief Annais awaited his response.Sighing, Ellen stated, "I don't need to prove anything to you three. You are not worth my time," his words carrying a heavy tone as he looked down at the trembling trio."What you need is not clarification, but my forgiveness," Ellen clarified."But I won't give you that. I don't forgive and forget, Mr. Goofly. I always give back tenfold of what you did to me.""Hah! Quit being full of yourself! You're nothing but a nameles
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CHAPTER 45: Rising Tensions
“You crazy bastard!” Annais quickly went to Goofly and beat the shit out of him. He punch him so hard that Goofly started spitting blood from his mouth.“It’s your idiocracy that led to this! You son of a bitch I will kill you!” Chief Annais yelled."Eeekkk!" Goofly shielded his face as Chief Annais drew her knife from her side, but the security quickly restrained her."Enough! Chief Annais, control your anger! This is not the right time to punish Mr. Goofly!" The director's voice resonated with anger."Solving violence with violence goes against your role as the chief guard of the security team!" The director admonished, and Chief Annais regained her composure.Ellen observed the unfolding scene with detachment. Despite the tension and panic, he felt no inclination to pity them.The Director look at Ellen with a pleading look. “We will do anything for us to avoid any conflict between our nation. Please spare us, Commander Ellen.” “I don’t need your forgiveness, Director. The damaged
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“What’s the situation?” Ellen asked, his gaze fixed on the apprehended individuals. Vox turned away from the others to report to Ellen. "Rumors are spreading about your activities here in Shinzen. Our neighboring enemies see this as an opportunity to attack our territory."Ellen clenched his teeth, his anger simmering beneath the surface. He closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "Tell everyone to wrap things up here as soon as possible. Instruct Emilia to handle the rumors.""I also have news from Kester City, Commander," Vox continued, finally catching Ellen's attention."What happened? Is something wrong with my wife?" Ellen's voice was edged with concern."Ms. Sophie is in critical condition. She woke up briefly but fell asleep again, searching for you." Ellen's fists tightened, and he turned his gaze sharply to the director, who was being escorted out by his people."Everyone, leave. I want the director and Chief Annais with me."Seated in front of Chief Annais and the direct
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On their way home, Ellen and Vox ride with convoy, two cars ahead and two behind. Vox opened the car door, allowing Ellen to step inside, holding the holy relic in his hands. The relic was secured in a briefcase on his lap, and Ellen kept staring at it, deep in thought. Vox joined him in the car, and they set off together."Everything is set, Commander. We're ready to depart," Vox said, glancing at Ellen and the holy relic.Ellen remained silent, his gaze fixed on the relic. Vox sensed unease in Ellen's demeanor."What's wrong, Commander? Is there an issue with the relic?" Vox inquired, his own uncertainty growing.Without a word, Ellen drew Vox's knife from his side and deliberately slit his palm. Vox recoiled in shock. "Commander!" he exclaimed, taken aback by Ellen's unexpected action.Ellen carefully opened the briefcase, revealing the sacred contents within. He scooped a bit of the holy relic onto his palm, watching as the water glowed with an ethereal light. As he applied the re
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At Kester CityAs soon as Ellen gets out from the car, Emilia rushed into him delivering destressing news. “Commander,” Emilia’s face is perplexed, but you can see in her eyes that she’s worried and panicking.“Sophie’s in bad shape. We need to administer the antidote right now.” Ellen didn’t hesitate and run towards the mansion.Ellen stormed into Sophie’s room and witness how the doctors trying to revive his wife, Sophie. Ellen's heart clenched at the sight of the medical team working frantically to stabilize Sophie. The room was filled with the urgency of their movements, beeping monitors, and the hushed commands exchanged among the medical professionals.“Oxygen levels are dropping.” The nurse said while adjusting the oxygen flow.“Increase the oxygen flow, and let's continue compressions. We're not losing her!” Ellen heart sunk as he freezes in places while watching his wife fight for her life.“Commander!”“Commander Ellen! Snap out of it!” Emilia snap back Ellen from his rever
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The next day, Ellen and Sophie are happily chatting with each other at the backyard. Sophie thought that it might be good for her and her baby to get a sunlight and fresh air from time to time. Ellen stare at his wife’s face, thanking the gods that she’s now fully recovered from the incident of drugging.Ellen held out Sophie’s hand and kissed the back of her palm. “I’m grateful for your recovery, Sophie. Thank you for staying so strong and not letting go.” Ellen said while his eyes baring deep emotion as he looks at Sophie. Sophie smiled softly and rub Ellen’s hand.“Why would I leave my husband behind?” Sophie said while giggling softly. Ellen finally felt relieve but he knows, once Sophie started working again, she undoubtedly will hear rumors about Ellen from the past few weeks.Ellen couldn’t help but think that she wanted to lock away Sophie from everyone and shield her from everything that harms her, but no one likes a possessive and obsessive husband, right? So, Ellen, even if
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Ellen stayed out late when he glanced at the window, the sun is up now. He removed his reading glasses and rest his head on the headrest of his chair. Ellen stayed out late to cope up with the paper works that keeps piling up after his return. He wanted to make sure that he finish this by the end of the day and focus only on Sophie’s well-being, but looking at the paper work that’s been reduce to only half. Fatigue crept into his bones as he closes his eyes.“The sun is up boss. I told at the kitchen to prepare some light breakfast for you and Ms. Sophie.” Emilia said while looking down on the papers that she’s handling on the coffee table in front of her.“Sure, but I’ll eat with my wife.” Ellen said while massaging his temples.“Why don’t you take a rest, boss? I’ll handle this in the meantime.” Emilia offered. Taking her suggestion, Ellen conceded. "I'll take a short break. Wake me up in an hour, I need to finish this by the end of the day," he resolved, rising from his seat and
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