All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
176 chapters
“This are the divorce papers. I want you to sign this and--” A knock caught everyone’s attention and a guard reveal itself. “Boss, someone claiming to be Ms. Sophie’s sister is here.” “What is Lily doing here?” Sophie’s grandmother asks and Sophie’s mother just shrugs. “I don’t know either.” “Also, Ms. Sophie is awake boss. Currently Ms. Sophie and Emilia is outside dealing with the visitor.” The guard added that made Ellen brows furrowed. Ellen don’t like this situation one bit. Ellen quickly gets up from his seat and rush outside. “Get those two ladies out of my study and escort them in front of the mansion.” The guard obeyed Ellen’s command and Ellen rush outside. Ellen stormed out of the house and found his wife arguing with Sophie. “So, this is the mansion that you and your husband is living in.” Lily said sarcastically while clapping slowly. “Sophie,” Ellen called out. Sophie and Lily look at Ellen’s direction. “Oh good! Your husband is here.” Ellen scan his wife’s well
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“Sophie wake up!” Ellen said while cupping her wife cheeks. “Call the great doctor, NOW!” Ellen said furiously. He got up and carry her wife in his arms and about to run inside the mansion, but Sophie’s mom pulled Ellen back. “Where are you taking her?! She should be in a hospital!” She shouted. Ellen pulled his arm away from her grip and gritted his teeth. “Don’t test my patience and get out of my way!” Ellen couldn’t take it and shouted at Sophie’s mother. Her mother was taken aback by Ellen’s sudden outburst, Sophie’s mother steps back as he cowers in fear because of Ellen’s intense aura. Sophie’s mother can’t believe the sudden change in mood and aura in Sophie’s husband, it’s like he’s a different person. Ellen turns away, “I want all of them out of here. No one is allowed to enter this mansion without my permission. Understand?!” Ellen declared in annoyance. “Ellen,” The great doctor called out. Ellen’s turned to the great doctor before looking at his wife’s condition. Ellen
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“I don’t have time for your games, Rose. I am not here to play with you.” Elen said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.“Aww don’t be to harsh on me, Ellie--”“Don’t call me that. If you don’t take this seriously, I’m leaving.” Ellen interjected. Rose bites her lips while staring at Ellen’s annoyed face.Rose is suddenly felt arouse while staring Ellen’s face. Rose giggled and adjusted herself on her seat. “I know you don’t want me to push my feelings onto you, at least try to be considerate to your business partner.”Ellen clicked his tongue, annoyed at the situation. “I’m leaving.” Ellen rose to his seat and walk away, but Rose grabs his hands and stop him.“You don’t have to be so cold to me, Ellen. I know you want this deal,” Rose said while staring intently to Ellen’s eyes.Ellen don’t want anything to do with her, she’s crazy and obsessive of him. Ellen blame himself for not having thoroughly investigate who he’ll be dealing with today, that was his mistake and coming here wi
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“Commander, what happened--” “Find her and bring her to me this instant.” Ellen said with a blank face. The whole room suddenly felt hot and Vox could tell that it’s his Commander’s aura.The air’s hot and intense, if normal people would walk in here, they will suddenly faint because of lack of oxygen. “Commander I’m sorry but I lose her.”The intensity of his aura increase making Vox kneel down, all fours on the floor. Vox couldn’t catch his breath, as he tried to inhale oxygen, he only feel hot air going through his body, making him choke. “Commander I’m sorry!” Vox finally blurted out. Vox continue to breathe heavily trying to get some air and choking in his own breath.“I’m sorry commander. Forgive me because of my incompetence!” Ellen glanced at Vox who’s lying on the ground aching and breathing heavily, “Find her, no matter what.” Ellen said while gritting his teeth. “Forgive me, Commander.” Vox said, still kneeling down. “I will decide on your punishment later and find whe
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Ellen stare at Rose’s phone of him burying his face on Rose’s neck while hugging her. With a wide grin Rose waits for Ellen’s defeat but to her surprise Ellen grabs the phone and smash it on the floor. “MY PHONE!” Rose scream at the sight of her phone smash into pieces. “You broke my phone!” Ellen grabs her neck and lift her up while choking her. “That’s what you get by threatening me. But that’s not enough.”“I’m warning you for the last time, do not messed with me.” Ellen said while gritting his teeth. If only Ellen didn’t consider at least their past maybe he would’ve ordered everyone to hunt her down and kill her quietly.He wants to do that, but he didn’t want to make a scandal here in Sophie’s company, not here at least. “Ahhhhh!! It burns!” Rose screamed in pain while holding Ellen’s hands. Ellen is releasing his powers on his hands that’s choking Rose’s neck. “If this gets out from here and my wife got a whiff of this, consider yourself dead.” Ellen said and releases Rose
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“Are you hearing yourself? Were done here get out!” Ellen screamed at her. Marlene flinch to Ellen sudden loud voice. Never their entire marriage Ellen raises his voice at her.“Really you want to ruin your marriage?!” Marlene scream back, Ellen gritted his teeth.“You dare threaten me with this cheap antic!” “I know you can’t afford to lose this marriage Ellen, so just sleep with me and were done.” Marlene said with a hint of success. Ellen clenches his fist tightly his nails digging in to his palm.“You just have to sleep with to shut me up, Ellen. After this, you wont even hear a single thing about your cheating and sleeping with me.”Ellen remain vigilant and silent, “I wont even ask for child support nor make you acknowledge the kid!” Her eyes wavering, she’s feeling like Ellen wouldn’t agree with her terms.Ellen wouldn’t actually feel trap and threaten if it weren’t for his wife. His wife and child is the most important to him right now. The world and everything become second
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It’s been two days since the incident with Rose and Marlene, Ellen gets home tired more than usual. It’s 9 o’clock and it’s past dinner time, as Ellen drags himself to their bedroom, he couldn’t help but sigh. Ellen barely gets quality time with Sophie the past few days because he’s busy ordering his men around and trying to find a solution to the mess he found himself in. Sophie, noticing Ellen's exhaustion, was sitting on the bed, reading a book."You're late," Sophie said, looking up from her book, concern evident in her eyes.Ellen forced a smile, "Sorry, love. Work has been hectic."Sophie closed her book, placing it on the bedside table. She patted the empty space beside her, signalling for Ellen to join her. He obliged, sitting next to her with a heavy sigh."Is everything alright?" Sophie asked, her worry deepening.Ellen hesitated, debating how much to share. He decided to keep it vague for now. "Just business problems. I'm working on resolving them."Sophie nodded, understa
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“I won’t go through that torture again, Ellen. I learned my lessons already,” she said. Ellen escorted her out, Ellen vowed to himself that this will be the last time he will entertain this woman.Ellen is trying to come up with a plan to not let Rose and Sophie meet again when Rose pulls out a brown envelope and hands it to Ellen. Ellen eyed the envelope with irritation before glancing up at Rose.“What is this?” Ellen asked, his annoyance evident.“You should see it for yourself.” Rose replied calmly. Reluctantly, Ellen snatched the envelope and saw what’s inside it.His anger surged as he scanned the contents. “What’s the meaning of this? Do you really want me to kill you?!” Ellen's voice dripped with fury.Rose stepped back immediately when she felt Ellen’s aura surrounding him. Rose already had enough of torture from Vox, all the wounds on her back still hasn’t healed yet. Rose couldn’t take another slash and beating from Ellen and Vox again.“How dare you threaten me again with
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“Sophie and I will attend Rose’s birthday and the foundation of her company.” Ellen said while Vox is still at his back following him and waiting for his orders.“Follow me at the study,” Ellen ordered. As soon as they reached Ellen’s office, they both sat down and planned for the event tonight.“This is the first event that Sophie will attend after recovering. I expect nothing will happen to her this time, Vox.” Ellen said firmly, Vox nodded at Ellen.“Understood Commander,” “However, why would you risk Ms. Sophie and your reputation by attending the Roses' party?” Vox asked. Ellen just sighs and remembers why he couldn’t say no to his wife.“Although we hold Rose by the neck, still this is dangerous for the madam.” Vox added. Ellen and Vox know that the culprit behind Sophie’s drugging incident is still on the loose. However, Ellen just couldn’t say no to his wife.Ellen clears his throat embarrassed to reply that it’s his wife's cuteness that led him to agree to this party.“That’
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Chapter 60 stealing spotlight
Ellen and Sophie arrived at the venue for Rose’s birthday party and the foundation event for her company. Sophie looked stunning in a red dress that accentuated her complexion and jewelry. The dress hugged her figure snugly from the top down to the hips, showcasing her elegant silhouette.On the other hand, Ellen wears a flawlessly fitted black tuxedo, exuding masculinity, power, and strength. The red cufflinks from Sophie adorned his attire, a subtle yet elegant touch. As they strolled through the venue, all eyes turned toward them, capturing the attention of everyone in their vicinity.Ellen couldn’t help but feel irritated to other men that looking at Sophie’s way as they scan her up and down. However, Sophie’s smile gave him a sense of pride seeing her by his side, radiation with confidence and elegance.Ellen kisses her cheeks and whispers to her, “My wife,” he called out to her. Sophie blushes as she gazes up to Ellen.“What is it, my husband?” She teases back. Ellen grabs her w
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