All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
176 chapters
Sophie’s grandmother slap Ellen on the face. Ellen remained unfazed while her grandmother is fuming in anger. Ellen’s calm composure only seemed to fuel her anger further.Yet, instead of retaliating or showing any sign of distress, Ellen stood tall, his gaze steady and unwavering. He waited, allowing Sophie's grandmother to vent her frustration.“You—You bastard!” She yelled. The room filled with silence afterwards and the tension as Sophie’s grandmother glared at Ellen, her breathes ragged.“Are you done?” Ellen asked, unshaken about Sophie’s grandmother’s fury. “If you’re done causing ruckus inside my office you can go.”“You mannerless bastard! What do you even want from my granddaughter! Huh?!” Her words dripped with venom, each syllable laced with contempt.“You ruin Sophie’s reputation by marrying a bastard like you. She could’ve been wed to one of the wealthiest man in the world!”“I have a perfect plan for her—For her future! But you ruin it!”“You ruin everything!”She was o
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Sophie is relaxing at the backyard reading a book about pregnancy when her phone rang, her brows furrowed when she saw the caller ID, its Lily. She stares at her phone for a moment wondering why her sister would call her. Lily never did call nor text Sophie these past few months but now she’s reaching out to her. What seems to be the problem, she thought. If its about the divorce again, Sophie will immediately end the call, the end. Sophie picks up the phone and the first thing that she heard is her stress voice. “Sophie, could you come down here at your front gate and let me in.” Lily asks. She places the book on the side table and stands up. Why would Lily go here? The last time they came here, Ellen was absolutely angry about them forcing Ellen to sign the papers for divorce. “Why are you here?” Sophie asks in a calm tone. She heads towards the front of the mansion when she saw Emilia talking to a guard. “You’re asking me that? Of course, I’m here to visit my sister!” Lily said
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Ellen is working overtime, although there’s not much in his schedule for today, he’s busy with his plans about Marlene and the Alexiou family. He turns to see how much time has passed since he last glance to his wall clock. Ellen saw its already eight thirty. He leaned back trying to relieve his exhaustion. “I want to go home,” he uttered in the air. Ellen really wanted to go home, but the guilts eating him away and couldn’t even call Sophie. Ellen’s regretted agreeing to sleep with Marlene, he considers it cheating even though he knows damn too well that he’s being blackmailed. Ellen just so tired and frustrated and at some point, he didn’t care anymore and tried to finish off everyone that goes in his way. However, if he did that, Sophie wouldn’t be happy. He is doing this to make her happy and show to everyone that he can make his wife happy in the first place, so that plan is swiftly discarded. Ellen sighs, “Why won’t they leave us alone.” he said while clenching his jaw. “Sho
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The chairman peered down at Rose, her eyes ablaze with a mixture of fury and disdain. Despite Rose's unwavering gaze, the chairman's expression remained cold and unforgiving. She had already made up her mind about Rose, and nothing she could say would change that.With a contemptuous curl of her lip, the chairman leaned forward, her voice dripping with disdain. "How dare a lowlife like you order me around. Let me remind you," the chairman paused for a sec.“You want my favour. I gave you the money to run your pathetic little business. What makes you think you can order me around?”“I didn’t give you that damn money to tell me this crap, fail, and come crawling back to me saying you can’t do it anymore?!” the chairman snapped, her tone sharp and unforgiving.“Mind you, you’re the one who proposed this plan, to seduce Ellen and separate the two in exchange I will give you money to fund your business.” She said in a low tone while pointing at Rose, gritting her teeth."So now you're sayi
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Days had passed since Vox had undertaken Ellen's orders to follow Rose and Marlene’s move. Vox couldn’t sleep nor eat properly because the two women are busy these days. Grocery shopping, meetings and eating out. Vox couldn’t complain because he can’t defy his commanders’ orders, even though he’s tired and all, he just couldn’t let his commander down. Vox is loyal to the bone, if Ellen ordered him to offer his life, he would do it without a second thought. However, Vox is sick trying to look out for these women for days. Although Ellen has a lot of guys he can order around, it is Vox that he is trusted the most. So, Ellen entrusted this mission to him, however looking up for these crazy women is not Vox’s forte. “Crazy women,” he muttered under his breath as he drove downtown. “Where is she going now,” “I came down here to see Emilia, but I’m stuck here watching these women go crazy about our Commander.” Vox sighs while focusing on where Rose is headed. Rose is currently being wa
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Ellen stands up and runs his hand across his face in exasperation. Ellen can’t believe he was tricked again by the same woman. Ellen walks up to his table and angrily grab his name plate in front of the table and throw it on the wall.Vox flinch at Ellen’s swift motion. Vox is ready to accept any punishment from Ellen. Vox couldn’t help but feel guilty, he blames himself for not seeing things thoroughly and let that vicious woman tricked his commander."Damn it!" Ellen cursed, his frustration boiling over because of the two women who kept playing games with him."I'm sorry, Commander. This is on me--"Ellen slammed his fist onto the table, sweeping everything off in a burst of anger. “Why this keeps happening?”“You know what? I don’t care anymore,” Vox flinch at Ellen sudden outburst and he can feel the office heating up once again.‘Sh*t’ Vox curses.“Commander calm down! I will handle this!” Vox immediately said while stopping Ellen from getting out of the door.Vox knew if he let
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After meeting with Chairman Alexiou, Rose rushed to her car and drove away. Rose was frustrated and devastated at the same time. She steps right on the gas and passes by the cars that’s in front of her without a care. She wished that the speed of her car would wash away all the guilt and pent-up anger from herself.“Fucking pathetic!” She said to herself, venting her frustration on the steering wheel, pushing, and punching it so hard. Rose remembered again what she and the chairman had discussed at the restaurant.“Continue with the plan. Seduce Ellen, make him fall for you, and then break his heart. Tear apart his marriage with Sophie. That's the only way to repay your debt." the chairman had said with a wicked smile.Rose felt like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water on her. Her face looked pale, and her blood ran cold when the chairman said that to her. “What if I failed again this time?” she mustered up to say. The wicked smile on the chairman's face vanished instantly, an
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Ellen glares at Rose and tightens the grip on her hands. Rose screamed in pain when Ellen crushed her bone.“AHHHH!!” Rose screamed in excruciating pain. Ellen stands up with letting go of her wrist and twists her arm to her back. Ellen aggressively grips her hair and makes her look up.“You don’t learn, do you?” Ellen said and shove Rose to the ground. Rose looks up only to meet Ellen’s blazing star. The room felt so heavy and hot all of a sudden and she seemingly can’t breathe properly.It must be Ellen’s power aura that’s working, she thought. Rose's throat went dry and couldn’t even utter a word because of Ellen’s intent to kill demeanour. Rose tried to get away from Ellen, still facing him. She thought that if she even turned her back to him or looked away for a second, she could be swallowed whole by Ellen’s power and kill her in an instant.Unaware, she kept retreating, inadvertently placing her injured wrist on the ground to support her as she moved away from Ellen.“F*CCKK!!”
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Sophie is walking through the kitchen and craving a yoghourt drink. Emilia is right beside her opening the fridge. “Did Ellen get home last night?” she asks Emilia. Sophie leans on the counter table while waiting for her drink.Emilia opens the yoghourt drink and passes it to Sophie, “Yes. He just went back to the company right after he got home and took a shower.” Sophie nodded, gulping down the strawberry flavoured drink. As she puts down the drink on the counter, she notices her belly. She rubbed it gently.“Do you think I should lose weight? I’ve been eating non stop for the past couple weeks.” Emilia chuckled and cut some apples while chatting with her.“You don’t need to do that. Ms. Sophie. You look great.” Emilia said while passing her a plate of sliced apples.“But…I feel like I gained weight. Do you really think I look great?” Sophie is starting to get worried. Emilia knows how emotional and anxious first-time mothers are. She read in the book that first time mothers often
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Ellen is holding a meeting with the board members of the company when Vox stormed in with a panic in his eyes.“Mr. President!” Vox rushed towards Ellen and whispered, “Sophie is missing,” Ellen immediately stands up from his chair and the whole board members look at him with a confused look.Ellen looks at his board members with a stunned look, “Meeting is adjourned. We will reschedule this once again.” Ellen declared while clenching his jaw. Ellen couldn't contain his anxiety and stormed out of the meeting room, immediately dialling Sophie's phone number. However, each attempt resulted in a failed connection. “Pick up!” Frustration surged through Ellen, his curses whispered under his breath echoing in the hallway. He tried multiple times, his agitation growing with each unsuccessful attempt. Finally, unable to contain his anger any longer, Ellen hurled his phone to the ground, the device shattering with the force of his frustration. "God damn it!" he exclaimed, his mind swirlin
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