All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
176 chapters
Ellen takes the opportunity to jump down inside the basement before the enemies get to their senses. Ellen takes all the men down with his weapon and clears the room. Vox jumped inside the basement and turned on his flashlight. Vox looks around to locate the light switch and turn it on. The lights turned on and Ellen scanned the whole area but there’s no sign of Sophie anywhere. The basement is empty, no doors or windows.“Fuck, there’s nothing here.” Vox cursed. Vox turns to see Ellen, but he stops himself from approaching him.Ellen is staring at the wall in front of him with dead eyes, his fingers ready to trigger the gun in his hands. The way Ellen looks right now might be mistaken for being composed but only people who know him can tell that Ellen is at his limit now. His patience is wearing thin and when his commander loses all control, he won’t spare any life that’s on his way. He will eliminate everyone on sight. Vox swallowed hard before he radioed every unit, "Any leads or
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“Let’s get into the details later and let the doctor check up on you first,” Sophie nodded, and Ellen called the doctor. Everyone rushed inside the room when they heard Sophie is finally awake. Ellen frowned when Emilia and Vox were catching their own breath when they reached Sophie’s room. “What the hell are you two doing?” Ellen gave them a cold stare and Vox stepped back. What Sophie didn’t know is that when she’s been sleeping, everyone is walking on thin ice because Ellen is on edge. He’s worried about Sophie’s safety and blaming himself. His moods are unpredictable, Vox and Emilia couldn’t settle down because Ellen’s been shouting and wrecking the whole mansion because of his mood swings.The doctor approaches Sophie and scans her and her baby. The doctor smiled at Sophie, “As I've said before, you don’t have to worry because she’s completely fine as well as the baby.” He said to Ellen."After you made her drink the tear of the goddess, her regeneration abilities are above hu
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The ministers and Ellen’s advisor joined the meeting via hologram and settled into the empty seats in Ellen’s office.“Begin,” Ellen commanded.Emilia rose and placed the papers in front of Ellen and Vox. “Since we couldn’t identify them and unfortunately we couldn’t capture their leader, we traced back to where these people came from,” Emilia started.She activated the hologram and displayed the location where Sophie was abducted. “We traced the ownership of the van, but it was reported stolen two months before the incident,” she reported. “The van was located on the east side. The people who stole the vehicle are people who sell stolen goods in underground markets.”Ellen analysed all Emilia’s report, “Did you manage to trace the buyer of the van?" he inquired, his tone grave.“Yes, Commander. Unfortunately, it was purchased by a third party, and their identity remains unknown. However, we were able to track the van's location from two months ago," Emilia responded.The display swit
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Chapter 74When Ellen and Vox arrived at the camp near the Mortavia Kingdom’s borders, Lyric and two men guarding her approached Ellen and Vox in front of the Command post.“Commander,” Lyric said, bowing along with her guards. "Where's Emilia?" Vox shook his head in response to Lyric's question.“I assigned her to guard Sophie back at Kester. Report to me about the situation here.” Ellen ordered. Lyric led Ellen into the commander’s tent where it serves as the central hub for planning, coordination, and decision making. The two guards remained outside as Ellen, Vox, and Lyric gathered around the table at the center of the tent. Ellen observed the map spread out before them, noticing the markings indicating troop positions.Lyric began her report, detailing the current status of their forces and the surrounding terrain. "Commander, our troops are positioned strategically along the borders," she explained, pointing to various markers on the map. "We've identified potential chokepoints
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Chapter 75After burning the whole Kingdom of Martavia, Ellen ordered to go back to the camp. Ellen was the last one to enter the camp, everyone was clapping and cheering at Ellen with Vox, Lyric, and Natalia on his side. Ellen purses his lips and proceeds to his tent. Ellen has a serious look on his face that made Lyric and Vox exchange glances at each other. They thought that their commander had found something when he entered the castle of Martavia.“What is it, Commander?” Lyric quickly asked. She was curious as to why their commander was like this and not celebrating their win. Ellen paused before responding “I found something unsettling in the castle. As I burned the chambers of the Goddess of death descendant, when I entered, I saw a sleeping woman.” Ellen stated. Ellen clasped his hand as he looked directly at the people in front of him.“The descendant isn’t a human but made of wax.” Ellen said. All of them look shocked at the grave news Ellen just dropped.“What do you thi
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“The f*ck did you say, you lying son of a b*tch!” Vox shouted. He slammed Goofy once again on the wall earning an exaggerated gasp and coughing from Goofy.“Let him down! Commander, order your men to stay calm!” the prime minister ordered. Ellen didn’t say anything and Aliyah and him are still staring intently at each other.“Goddess help me!” Goofy cried.Aliyah broke the intense stare and motioned Vox to let him down. “Let him down please,” Aliyah said sincerely. Vox didn’t budge and waited for his commander’s command.Ellen nodded at Vox and released Goofy aggressively. “Son of a b*tch,” Vox whispered. Ellen looks at Goofy with a blank stare and he cringes when he sees Ellen’s stare.“Commander, isn’t this blatantly disrespectful? I respect you, Commander Ellen but this isn’t your territory. We have rules to abide by on how we deal with troubles.” The prime minister's sermon. Vox clicked her tongue.“I’m sorry about the commotion, prime minister but we didn’t start the fight. Your
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Sophie and Emilia are casually talking at the living room when Emilia’s phone rang. The called ID is unknown but she picks it up anyway and excuse herself. “Who’s this?” “This is Rose. I cant seem to reach Ellen and couldn’t report him about Alexiou Family movements. Is he around? Can I talk to him?” Rose said. Emilia frowned, why did Ellen assign rose to take care of the Alexiou Family she thought. “The commander isn’t right here at the Kester City. He’s in a business trip, you can tell me everything and I’ll make sure to report it to the commander right away.” Rose sigh, “Chairman Alexiou had recently went into a private meeting with the son of H&K corporation. I don’t have the specifics what they talked about but I’m sure it has got to do with Sophie and Ellen.” “I’ll look into it, for now follow them and report to me what you’ve been gathered.” Emilia hangs up the phone and when she turned around she saw Sophie behind her. “Ms. Sophie,” she paused and walk towards her, “What’
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Sophie’s in the walkroom closet sorting her clothes that she couldn’t fit in anymore when she heard her phone ring. She pops out her head from the door frame and sees her phone vibrating.She excitedly grabs her phone thinking that it might be Ellen but to her dismay it’s her mother. She stares at it for a moment, hoping she would stop calling her, but it didn’t. With a frown she answered the call, “What is it, mother?”“Sophie!” she exclaimed, her mother sounds happy and excited. “How are you dear?”“I’m good, mom. What is it this time? Didn’t I told you all that I wouldn’t entertain more of your--”“I called not because of your divorce agreement, dear. I called you because I missed you, darling.” Her mom sounded so lonely and sad, something inside Sophie stirred up making her heart clench as she listened to her mom’s longing.She admits that she misses her mom too, but the way they behave lately is making her turn her back away from her family. She loved her family but if they keep
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Sophie and Emilia arrived at her old house and the maids escorted them at the dining area. However, some of the maids’ block Emilia’s path. “What do you think you’re doing?” Emilia protested, glaring at the maids that’s blocking her. “Let me pass or you will regret blocking me with your hand.” The maids suddenly hesitate. This is the first time that Sophie’s home she doesn’t want to stir up more trouble when her mother invited her here and willingly set aside their issues to dine with her because she misses Sophie. Sophie went back to Emilia’s side, “Step aside, I’ll handle this.” She said to the maids. The two of them nodded at Sophie. “Emilia, could you wait for me here? It’s just a dinner with my family, what could go wrong?” She said sweetly. “I went here to meet with my family, and I don’t want any unnecessary fights.” She continued. Emilia understands and back up, “Just be careful Ms. Sophie. I’ll be here, be sure to come out or call me when somethings not right.” Sophie no
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“Ellen—Ahh!” Sophie winced in pain when Hawkins tightened his grip on Sophie’s shoulders.Ellen gets alarmed and pushes Hawkins away from Sophie. Ellen scans his wife immediately and sees bruises on her shoulders. Ellen curses in his head and turns around to face Hawkins. Hawkins is standing up from the fall when Ellen grabs his collar and punches him in the face.“Ellen!” Sophie worried about the repercussions. She immediately gets in between the two, but Ellen doesn't stop punching him while holding him up.“Ellen, please let him go! You’ll kill him!” Sophie grabbed Ellen’s wrist and made him let go of Hawkins collar.Ellen lets go and steps back. Hawkins is breathing heavily on the floor. His lips got cut, and his cheeks are swollen red. The door swung open revealing Ellen’s in-laws. Everyone gasps as they look at Hawkins and Ellen back in the fort.“Oh my god Mr. Hawkins!” Sophie’s mother exclaimed and helped him get up.Sophie’s grandmother points at Ellen, fuming in anger. “What
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