All Chapters of THE SURTR: SON IN LAW: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
176 chapters
"F*ck! Ambush!" Vox shouted as Hawkins men came out one by one in all different sides.Ellen and his team are following his car but only to find out they have been lured out to Hawkins trap.Ellen heard a bomb fired away and ordered his men to get out of the car. The car exploded and Ellen cursed himself.Ellen's plan was ruined even before it started, he was lured into the trap and got surrounded. What a rookie mistake, he cursed. So Ellen had no choice but to fight back.“F*ck! Dont scatter around get into offensive position!” Ellen ordered.Ellen couldnt believe Hawkins got a wind of their operation to kill him. Ellen was so furious because how the hell did he knew about their plan.Ellen tried to call Lyric who's on standy by at a nearby location but he couldn't reach her. Something blocking their message."Time's up Commander," Hawkins whispered to himself as he aimed at Ellen's location using the bomb weapon to blow him alive."What the f*ck!" Ellen cursed.Ellen saw the bomb be
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"Are you sure on your offer?" Ellen tried to clarify.He was a man with dignity and didnt want Aliyah to force herself in the marriage that she doesn't want to.Aliyah looked at him and smirked. "Why? Do you want to marry me instead?"Ellen sighed and just wanted to clarify things out, but Aliyah was making things even worst."No, its not that! I just didnt want you to be uncomfortable marrying the man you dont love. I dont want to see any woman to force herself in marriages that she doesn't want in the first place. Making sure that you really wanted this marriage is the only thing that would make me felt relieved, " Ellen clarified."Why would you care so much if I were to marry your brother? Are you jealous because it wasnt you?" Aliyah asked and laughed.She couldn't help but smiled a bit, she conclude that Ellen might be jealous on his brother.Ellen sighed and just face palm himself for making it more worse. "It doesn't mean anything, okay!?""Alright, as you say Mr. Defensive!"
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Ellen and the others arrived where Lyric was waiting. When Lyric saw Ellen and their men all wounded and bloodied, she panics.“Commander!” she yelled and rushed to Ellen’s side. “Commander, the communication has been cut off. I couldn’t contact any of you.”“What’s even more intriguing is that I could contact our allies but not you.” Vox said. Ellen continued to walk towards the tent. Aliyah, Vox and Lyric followed Ellen inside.They saw Ellen trying to figure out the problem on the computer and radio they have inside. “It seems that they intercepted our communication. They cut off our communication so we couldn’t coordinate with you.”“Hawkin’s smart. They managed to get wind of our plans and remove our communication and lured us to their trap. As expected of Goda’s son. However,Ellen paused and turned back, looking at the three in front of him.“He didn’t succeed and got overpowered by me. With Aliyah's assistance, we were able to reverse the situation. Without her, more of our men
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Right now, Ellen is busy taking care of the aftermath of Hawkins death. Emilia, Vox, and Lyric are doing their best trying to clean up the mess they made. He’s swamped with paper works that he left when he goes on the mission to annihilate Hawkins. He didn’t even sleep a wink and his head is hurting from all the papers he needed to sign by the end of this day.He couldn’t call any of his trusted people like Emilia who’s busy blocking all the rumours and handling the media. Vox on the other hand is secretly erasing all the evidence that leads back to Ellen, while Lyric is handling the acquisition of Hawkins company.Ellen lifts the paper of owning the company H&K corporation. Lyric made sure that the rumour about Hawkins is not about his death nor how he died but how his company is embezzling money and evading tax. Right now, the H&K stockholders are pulling out their investments one by one and the company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Ellen is planning to buy the company, he propos
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Sophie woke up without Ellen again by her side. Lately Ellen is spending more time outside the country and in the office rather than their home. Sophie understands that he needed to do this in order to maintain the company and show the people who look down on him that he is capable and deserving of his position as the president and as Sophie’s husband.However, Sophie couldn’t help but feel lonely. She gets up and ready for the day. When she got downstairs, the mansion felt empty. The maid who greets her, stops. “Where is Emilia?”The look in the face of the maid remained stoic with a business-like smile and said, “Mss. Emilia said she was busy with something, if you like something you can just ask us and the head maid madam.”Sophie nodded and the maid excuses herself. When Sophie was left alone in the living room, she felt even more lonely. Sophie shakes her head, “This is just hormones.” She said to herself and rubbed her belly.“Sen, what do you want for lunch?” she said lovingly
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When Sophie arrived at the living room, she saw their maids lineup and their head maid and butler at the side.“The two maids who block me on the way inside.” She started. “Come forward,” Sophie looks at them with a blank face.All the maids look at each other, hesitating to come forward. “I said come. Forward.” She said calmly but the maids can see that Sophie is just holding back while gritting her teeth.“Head maid,” Sophie called, and the head maid understood immediately and grabbed the two maids. The two maids come forward with a proud look on their face.Without any word Sophie slapped the two maids in front of their colleagues. “How dare you,” she started.“You have the guts to look proud in front of me. How dare you block my path and prevent me from going inside?!” she lashes out.The two maids angrily look at Sophie, “We were just following orders Ms. Sophie. Just ask the head maid,” one of them said.Sophie gritted her teeth and slapped her again. “The chairman ordered us to
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Ellen woke up in an unfamiliar room. He looked beside him and saw no one, “Where the hell am I?” Ellen asked himself. Ellen sat up and massaged his temples.“What an awful morning,” Ellen said while silently cursing himself. He looks at the clock on his bedside table and notices it’s still early in the morning.Ellen sighs, “What the hell happened last night? How did I get here?” Ellen asked as he ran his hands on his face to wake him up.His entire body felt peculiar, a sticky sensation clinging to him. Ellen attempted to recollect the events of the previous night, but all he could recall was drinking at a bar and becoming unusually intoxicated. He couldn't believe how swiftly he'd gotten drunk, especially since he had cut back on alcohol consumption upon learning of Sophie's pregnancy.“I should get up,” Ellen said. He immediately stands up. His eyes narrowed down to his lower half and realized he was naked. “What the f*ck?”His heart pounding in his chest, Ellen couldn't help but a
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Sophie woke up when she heard her mother groan. She looked at her and saw her mother’s eyes finally open after sleeping for twenty-four hours.“Mom,” she carefully called out to her. Sophie’s mother looks at her with a confused look on her face. Sophie smiled at her and gently sat beside her. “You’re finally awake. How are you feeling?”“Sophie?” her mother cried out in a weak voice. Tears started to form in her eyes, and so did Sophie’s. They burst into tears when they tried to console each other.“Mom, I’m glad you’re okay!” Sophie said. The doctor entered right on time to check up on Sophie’s mother and is shocked because finally, the madam is awake.“Pardon me, Ms. Sophie, but I need to check up on her to see if she’s really okay?” the doctor said. Sophie nodded and let the doctor do what he needed to do.“Is she alright?” Sophie asked.She had been so worried about her mother ever since the accident. Seeing her awake was a huge relief, but she couldn't shake off the fear of what
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Ellen aimlessly drives out of town. He wanted to cool off his head before returning home, he didn't want to make a mistake he might regret later. Ellen knows that this isn’t the best action to do but he couldn’t bring himself to turn back just yet.Not like this at least, he thought. Ellen’s phone rang and he connected the call to his car before answering. “What is Vox?” he asked.“Where are you right now?” Vox said. Ellen can sense the seriousness of Vox's tone.“What is it?”Vox sighs before he answers, “There’s some idiot who attacks our village in the southern part of our territory.”“Let Sedan handle it,” Ellen replied. “It’s time for him to learn how he handles things.”“That’s what I thought too but after learning who’s behind it I don’t think Sedan can handle it on his own.”Ellen frowned, who might be strong enough to challenge his strength and power after the war broke out from Martavia. “Who is it?” Ellen asked.“It’s the God of Love, Amoris,” he declared. Ellen smirks, wha
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Ellen crashed into one of the buildings, collapsing under the rubble. All three of them, Lyric, Vox, and Sedan look at their commander with a worried look.Ellen stood up like it was nothing, removing the debris that fell over him and brushing off the dust from his shoulders. Ellen looks at the heart stone golem that’s waiting for him. Ellen didn’t get any scratches or broken bones from the golem's attack. He managed to block his head with his hands before the golem launched its attack.“Commander!” the three called out in unison. Ellen saw the golem running towards him. He picks up a stone brick from the rubles and scans where the golem's weakness is.Fire wouldn’t cut it, that’s why Amoris created a lot of them because it could stand a fire. Ellen smirk, “If my fire won’t work, perhaps a stone like itself will.” Ellen said while tossing the stone he picked up, up and down.Ellen wondered what that red stone was on its chest, and in an instant, he knew what he needed to do to kill th
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